Written by Mary Jeanne Cincotta
Script intended for Tucker Carlson
Provided free of charge from a wretched sinner temporarily Filled with the Holy Spirit, by the Grace of God. This is 1st person autobiographical account of events that took place for the first time beginning towards the end of 2008 until March 2009 and currently May 24, 2023 to present day.
It has recently been conjectured that a symptom or sign of bipolar disorder, namely mania, or being manic is NOT in fact related to a psychiatric disorder or “mental illness” but is a phenomenon that was spoken of with great reverence by its description in this rather old, but well-known source. Most of you have heard of it, but perhaps comparatively, many of you have not read it. It’s called the Bible. Or what Jehovah’s Witness call The Holy Scriptures.
Around the end of May of this year, one woman who identifies as one wretched sinner, as opposed to a regular sinner like you and me, includes “wretched” to infer that she is a sinner that is also poor, Googled the definition of bipolar disorder. If you had done this a mere 2 weeks ago your top search results may include the diagnosis for this mental illness includes a manic behavior categorized as:
Rapid frenzied speaking
Risk-taking behaviors
Lack of concentration
And at the time that this script was originally created,
A “false” belief of superiority.
The Historical Underpinnings first published as a concept diagnosed as psychiatric disorder by Jean-Pierre Falret as a disease in 1851 is evidenced as one of Google’s top search results referencing The National Institutes of Heath, that is courtesy of the US government’s NIH organization (that funded the coronavirus). The NIH characterized this mental disorder as one with a continuous cycle of both mania and depression. In fact, at that time and age, it was called manic depression.
But because, according to Verywell Mind, the term manic-depressive and manic had become highly stigmatized, that a 1980 publication of the third revision of the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders changed the label to bipolar to help minimize the negative attitudes toward the disease.
You may think, well, if she is mentally ill then the logical solution is to get this woman to take her meds and rejoin society as a “normal” person. A psychiatric disease would logically be solved with a pharmaceutical, or scientific solution to correct a chemical imbalance. But due to this woman’s first hand account, this phenomenon is entirely behavioral and to conclude that a behavior can be corrected with a quick fix pill, or prescription, or three prescriptions, or in some cases for others, bag of prescriptions ignores the premise that this is a condition that drives a person to act a certain way.
Whereas an antibiotic is a logical remedy for an infection, being bipolar is NOT an illness or disease, but a behavior. If society were to conclude that one of the goals of the pharmaceutical industry is to modify a person’s behavior using chemicals, well it sounds a lot like a science experiment where the government is peddling drugs for mind control.
It sounds a bit nefarious, don’t you think?
It’s like telling a hoarder that they need to the drugs to cloud their thinking so that they don’t leave the house everyday in search of something to buy to squirrel away in their home to fulfill some fleeting sense of happiness. Would a drug change their behavior? Their compulsive need to find something to buy? I don’t think so. Maybe it might just slow them down a bit so that the rate at which they leave their cluttered home to buy more and more stuff is slowed.
The issue is, if society is controlled by this belief that the problems of the world can find their solution by following the science, then the human condition, the meaning of life on this Earth and the idea that living a rewarding and healthy life is just a matter of money really. That if you have money then you can buy happiness, because the solution is as easy as your ability to afford and consume a drug.
But that reasoning is devoid of the truth of what it means to have been created by a higher power whose most integral gift to humanity was Free Will. Once humans realize that their ability to achieve great things on Earth depends on their altruistic ability to choose to do what is good, they will be able to fulfill their main purpose in living a rewarding and fulfilling life.
In 2009, this wretched sinner wanted to live a humble and fulfilling life by choosing to work from home in order to raise her children herself. Because she premised that money wasn’t everything. Going to college isn’t always the answer. And that you still needed love in some shape or form in your life to survive.
She conjectured that the answers to life can be found in the Bible. That life isn’t always fair, that money isn’t always everything and that any human on earth can derive fulfillment and meaning in life from their understanding of pain and suffering. That great movies, winning jokes and any tenet attesting to what is true has true value.
After high school, she took a year off to see if she could afford living independently working the average blue collar job. For 6 months, she could afford her own apartment by working double shifts at Ledo Pizza as a waitress 4 days and week and working the other 3 days a week as a cashier at Fresh Fields (now Whole Foods) in Tysons. It was doable. After those 6 months she even managed to save $2,000. The only real expenses she had at that time was a daily box of Marlboro Reds which cost about $2.25 a piece. The only real issue was the loneliness. The loneliness eventually led to an ectopic pregnancy. The kind of pregnancy that is fatal if not treated immediately, and by treatment, I mean by removing the fetus from the Fallopian tube it decided to grow in.
As a rebellious and ungrateful teenager she was disobedient to her mother. But she called her mom, anyway, because she couldn’t explain this physical pain she was experiencing. And her mother answered her call, rushed her to the hospital and a doctor saved her life. The doctor explained to her that he had to abort the baby growing in her Fallopian tube or else she would’ve died.
Now that is only the one instance she shared as evidence of her mother saving her life. Her mother had done so numerous times before as this wretched sinner, once awarded the title of Most Outstanding Sophomore Girl at George Mason Jr.-Sr. High School struggled with depression her senior year.
And as this young woman came to be a mother of two young children under the age of 3 back in 2008, she looked back on her life and she reasoned that it was her mother’s many hours praying to God for her is what turned her life turned around. It most certainly couldn’t be explained by her sinful, disobedient and haphazard way she had approached a life filled with sexual immorality to get her to that point.
But one thing she knew to be true at that point in her life, was that she did receive a really great high school education at George Mason Jr.-Sr. High School. There, she was afforded an International Baccalaureate, or IB education. The International Baccalaureate is a rigorous, two-year program that results in personal and academic development and, upon successful completion, a globally recognized diploma. And she vaguely recalls that in her Theory of Knowledge class, a philosophy course included within the IB program, she believed she wrote down the correct premise for the theory of everything.
And that was that the Bible is Truth.
At the age of 26 decided she wanted to work from home to be able to raise her own kids and have her own business, she even designed her own logo and bought her website’s domain name around 2004. Which was also about the time she had a few thousand dollars to invest in the stock market. And after visiting a hands down beautifully designed website, she thought to invest that few thousand in Apple stock, before the iPhone was invented.
I guess she felt a bit cocky in her assessment of how the world really works and naturally became absolutely irate at her husband when he insisted that according to Google, she had a mental illness. Her frustration with her husband combined with her insistence on believing that she already knew the theory of everything made her want to attack anything that appeared to be reported with a slant, or a slight inaccuracy, or an outright LIE as FALSE information.
She didn’t regard her personal beliefs to be religious, though unbeknownst to her at the time they were because every religion has a slant or a dogma stemming from human-initiated traditions. She was attacking the definition of mental illness. Now when she originally wrote this script for me, the mania attribute of bipolar disorder as mentioned earlier in this video was what was existed as Google’s top search result describing this mental illness. However, as of June 9, 2023 when she rewrote this script, it was already evident that that original definition of mania that caused her to physically, as some would say, “lose her shit” or “flip her lid” was written about in the Bible as a manifestation of “tongues of fire.”
“And tongues as if of fire became visible to them and were distributed, and one came to rest on each one of them, and they all became filled with holy spirit and started to speak in different languages, just as the spirit enabled them to speak.”
–Acts 2:3
If you download the Jehovah’s Witness JW Library App, you can search for the keywords used in the Bible, and see all the relevant instances where that same idea is expressed throughout the 66 books of the Bible. This app, in and of itself, can attest to the Truth of the Bible by showing you that these stories are the inspired Word of God because when it says, “Jehovah says” well He doesn’t stutter. He doesn’t contradict Himself. Jehovah’s name means “He Causes to Become.”
These sharp lashings of the tongue that people undergoing this antiquated definition of mania would believe, is actually a real human being that has been filled with the Holy Spirit delivering unto you the Wrath of God.
In one afternoon spent pleading with her mother-in-law to help her save her marriage and back her up by trying to reaffirm her intelligence so that her husband wouldn’t send her back to the mental institution to be re-medicated for the rest of her life. This wretched sinner’s own mother-in-law said to her, “You need medicine, because you are talking too fast for me.”
So, now what do you think happened next? Well, the Bible has numerous foretelling of what might occur. Here are a few excerpts:
“‘With the tongues of foreigners and with the lips of strangers I will speak to this people, and even then they will refuse to listen to me,’ says Jehovah.
–1 Corinthians 14:21
“Therefore, tongues are not a sign for the believers, but for the unbelievers, whereas prophecy is not for the unbelievers but for the believers.”
–1 Corinthians 14:22
So if the whole congregation comes together to one place and they all speak in tongues, but ordinary people or unbelievers come in, will they not say that you have lost your minds?
–1 Corinthians 14:22
But what this wretched sinner did was this.
Though having been extremely cautious to had not spoke within earshot of any electronic devices at that time. She followed her mother-in-law who upon having had the wrath of God delivered unto her fled into her home’s kitchen, the wretched sinner whipped out of her bag a piece of paper, a short, half page story that she happened to have written the night before and she went inside that kitchen and proclaimed her truth at the top of her voice for all of the smart devices in that home to hear. She read:
If my mom was alive
If my mom had been alive in 2008, she would have believed me.
If I told my mom that I thought God was telling me a story every night, then of course she would deduce that I should write it down!
My mom was a secretary that knew shorthand and people could dictate a letter that she would then go and type up ready for a boss signature.
She would’ve helped convince my husband that everything was fine and she would’ve helped me with the kids because being a mother of young children was her greatest reward and she would’ve protected me and my children like a frickin’ grizzly bear.
But she died of Lymphoma.
I suspect she died of Lymphoma, because we lived in perhaps “the only”? House on the block in that when it rained too hard the basement would flood when the sump pump couldn’t keep up.
And because there, in The City of Falls Church, the storm drains flowed into the sewer. That water in the basement wasn’t just rain. It was raw sewage.
I guess maybe my mom forgot to wear the mask on her Hazmat Suit properly when Cloroxing the basement one too many times.
My dad fought the law and the law won.
I mean, I guess….They won because they just kinda shrugged their shoulders about the problem and did nothing. And later on my mom developed Lymphoma and died and I guess they considered “problem solved.”
See that didn’t take too long?
They didn’t care and they got away with it.
I remember my dad saying at the time that the EPA, as well, is a do nothing agency.
But when developers started transforming houses into castles all around my dad’s house, what do you know, they discovered the problem and they fixed the cracked pipe.
This phenomenon of God “answering your prayers” occurs through your absolute submission to do agree to do His will and not your own by praying the Our Father, or Lord’s Prayer, which is in fact how Jesus, His son taught us to pray as evidenced in the Bible, Matthew 6:9-15:
9 “You must pray, then, this way:+“‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name+ be sanctified.*+10 Let your Kingdom+ come. Let your will+ take place, as in heaven, also on earth.+11 Give us today our bread for this day;+12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.+13 And do not bring us into temptation,+ but deliver* us from the wicked one.’+14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you;+15 whereas if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.+
However the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit, she says, is uncannily a concept that people all around the world can relate to, because it is just like the Matrix. Only the experience of God downloading MB of data, or what the digital marketing industry calls content, into your brain can be quite debilitating. It is taxing to the human body, because you cannot sleep when it is happening and Jehovah tends to work at night. Luckily God is not trying to teach you how to fly a helicopter, because perhaps our bandwidth as biological beings is too slow. All you really have to do is try to keep up with the story and write it down with a pen on paper. So, the best way to keep the Word of God secure from AI is by using tools available at the dollar store.
This wretched sinner was most recently sent to Fairfax Hospital the Friday after carefully rewriting the notes from her evening with Jehovah. She invited her sister over to her home to read to her the evidence she had written which she thought most certainly proved that she was not mentally ill, but in fact divinely inspired by God. The title on her notebook’s writing was: Tucker Carlson Script. Upon which her sister screamed at her at the top of her voice so that all of the neighbors could hear that she had said 2 rosaries for her and came over, even though it was her daughter’s birthday, to take her to the hospital NOW.
But in truth. This script which I am currently reading, had to be re-written on June 9, 2023. Because after this wretched sinner was approached by three officers walking onto her private property and later handcuffed as she was trying to get into her house, she was then carried off by 6 firemen and EMT’s and thrown into the back of an ambulance. She was then handcuffed to a bed that could not recline because it wasn’t plugged in, sharing a room with people who had been binge drinking for days, so the lights were on, because SOMEONE had called a 911 health emergency. The emergency was that this wretched sinner wasn’t sleeping. She was extracted involuntarily off her fully paid for private property and to be forced to sleep. Well how do you force someone to sleep? Usually people find that act rather easy, they just pop a pill and they go to sleep. In the ER when you are served a TDO, or Temporary Detention Order by a “magistrate” or UNKNOWN ACCUSER they handcuff you to the bed and 4 officers come in the room and hold you down while another medical staff injects Haldol into your thigh.
Funny enough, after this ordeal. She STILL did not fall asleep. Was it really Haldol? Was it Neuralink? Who knows. They don't give you access to hose kind of medical records.
She was however, denied water until she submitted to a blood test. She was dehydrated, so when they tried to get blood none would come out. Luckily she convinced the officer who initially handcuffed her to fill up a cup of water from the sink in the ER and give it to her because her foot had been cramping ever since her ride in the ambulance because the nurses wouldn’t give her any water. Cup after cup she drank water, with the cop removing handcuffs, escorting her to the bathroom, returning her to the bed, re-handcuffing her to the bed all night long. She was behaving so nicely, he even got her a sandwich to eat. And after she was fully hydrated and fed, what do you know, you could now draw her blood. And hmmm, what do you know. This wretched sinner had a UTI.
Well, of course that led her to believe that the infection undoubtedly came from drinking Fairfax County Tap Water. (Of course at the trial, the judge said that he would need to hear more evidence.) There was a lab report for the UTI infection that my nurse showed me.
Here's what my electronic report showed and the translation from the internet from VeryWell:

(Because I had a repeat visit in Jul 31, 2023, you can see that I stopped drinking tap water, and stuck to Brita filtered water.)

Eventually she was given a bed at the Psychiatric Ward of Inova Fairfax Medical Center. And every night the drug pushers would come it twice a night to offer the quick fix sleeping pill, the blue pill, to make all her troubles go away. She refused. She had been admitted to this Hospital now 3 separate times in her life. And only once was the process Voluntary. Because if you Volunteer, then you are not allowed to leave the hospital until you show in good faith that you are going to take medication FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. In 2009, her second visit there that year was voluntary. And the deep state sucked 15 years of her life away by condemning her to a life found guilty of mental illness, where medication will restrict your highs and lows so your mood is essentially a flat line. Luckily the tardive dyskinesia side effect of taking Geodon for 15 years bought her a stay of execution.
She was probably the first test subject, as she was originally dosed 160 mg, (80 mg in the morning and at night), along with the nightmare drug Trazodone and Xanax. Turns out, you could not take 80mg in the morning and be a functioning individual, as you needed the Xanax to combat the anxiety the overdoes would give you. Nowadays, they prescribe much less:

It seems that we are only privy to the information they feed us, but it is independent journalism, or boots on the ground, whistleblowers, and human test subjects that hold the cards.
Having worked for a franchise of a Google Partner for 4 years, this sinner could conjecture how ChatGPT and AI could quickly thwart the truth from rising to the top of your news feed.
And she wanted to testify that in 1 week’s time she wrote a script for Tucker Carlson to tell her story. But as opposed to the script she wrote, the content that world elites had devised could be based on inaccurate or false data as referenced by the internet’s definition of her own medical diagnosis. So ChatGPT, a multi-billion dollar waste of tax dollars could in effect spew out the believable lies that a den of snakes could contrive for you to incriminate anyone you’d like to in about 3 seconds.
Or just create alternate acronyms for organizations or expressions to confuse or mislead.
To end with another piece of Scripture:
“Now I would have you know that nobody when speaking by God’s spirit says; ‘Jesus is accursed!’ And nobody can say: ‘Jesus is Lord!’ Except by Holy Spirit.
Now there are different gifts, but there is the same spirit; and there are different ministries, and yet there is the same Lord; and there are different activities, and yet it is the same God who performs them all in everyone. But the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for a beneficial purpose. For to one is given speech of wisdom through the spirit, to another speech of knowledge according to the same spirit, to another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one spirit, to yet another operations of powerful works, to another prophesying, to another discernment of inspired expressions, to another different tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues. But all these operations are performed by the very same spirit, distributing to each one respectively just as it wills.
–1 Corinthians 12:3-11
This wretched sinner figured well, I’m in the Psychiatric Ward of Fairfax Hospital, I might as well conduct my own research. And she talked to every one in there. In most cases, they were inhabited by demons, just like in the Bible. Now, did anyone know what Jesus said the first and most important commandment was? No. Her Psychiatric RN thought the first commandment was “Do Not Kill,” and you’ll never guess what his name was…it was Zeus.
However, surprisingly, she believes that of her own accord, she had set out to change the internet, to correct the data as evidenced in today’s Google search of what it means to be bipolar. Because her own children didn’t believe her when she said she didn’t need to take medication. Just check it out. It looks like the definition of bipolar is evolving, and the Wrath of God is being flung onto this algorithm that is supposed to feed us the most accurate data. According to sources from the UK, being bipolar isn’t a mental illness due to a chemical imbalance, it is actually behavioral.
“But keep striving for the greater gifts. And yet I will show you a surpassing way.”
–1 Corinthians 12:31
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