Written by Mary Jeanne Cincotta
Script Intended for Russell Brand
Provided free of charge from a wretched sinner, temporarily filled with the Holy Spirit by the Grace of God. This is the 1st person autobiographical account of events that took place for the first time beginning towards the end of 2008 until March 2009 and currently from May 24, 2023 to present day.
There is a curious woman who popped up on Twitter that appeared as though she was entreating four of her favorite YouTube celebrities to deliver scripts she wrote to change hearts and minds to their benefit by illustrating to them the Almighty God Jehovah’s true power. That his supreme understanding of His creation, namely you and me can deliver through faith the size of a mustard seed His power to understand our thoughts. Not through the path of science, like his fallen Angel currently ruling the world, but through His supreme understanding of what each one of His human creations are capable of. That is, to achieve what most would believe are impossible. All you need is an all consuming desire to do God’s Will as evidenced by following His First and Most Important Commandment, which according to Matthew 22:37 reads:
“You must love Jehovah your God with all your whole heart and with all your whole soul and with your whole mind.”
This sinner said I was one of the soldiers of God she chose to deliver lessons of obedience learned by the human race when God’s Fallen Angel, or the Devil, ruled the world. And if she were to truly be effective in accomplishing this mission for God that she would enlist the help of true experienced professionals in giving an entertaining delivery as evidenced by our, those she found to be committed and dedicated in sharing truth with our viewers. She knew that if she could use compelling source material that we as entertainers would feel to be based on truth, then we would in effect accept her work in developing the script as we are not puppets, but men of integrity that already have that conviction to not be controlled by forces of the circumstances of our lives, but could actually give ourselves wholly over to a good cause of teaching this bloody, disobedient spiteful twit controlling everyone here on Earth, namely the Devil that we’ve learned a few lessons about what it’s like to be enslaved here and convince others that we have to teach this motherfucker a lesson. That Jehovah was right, and the Devil was wrong. And that the tribulation is going to be most probably the best, albeit shortest, yet most entertaining years left here on Earth. An end of the world celebration of human stupidity and self-deprecation that all souls can enjoy. And if we all can find the exit to the rat race, we can actually find that supreme fulfillment in using our God-given Free Will to accomplish the impossible and be present in Jehovah’s infinite wisdom and hilarity that show us what he really liked most about creating us humans.
This wretched sinner’s first unsurmountable, yet no-brainer problem in terms of a person short on time and resources was her solution to keep her content free from the prying eyes of of the government which she had found from personal experience had some real skills in hacking her machines. She was failing in finding a true tech that gave a damn about this no pay project, so she chose to purchase her cybersecurity from the Dollar store, namely composition books and pens. This method turned out to be a real bitch when it came to organization and rewriting and editing leaving her scurrying around from room to room searching for the scraps of good lines she wrote somewhere. Which only appeared as though she was a mental case and perpetuated her family’s insistence that she is acting this way because well, she was off her meds.
Here’s the thing: keeping your shit out of the Devil’s hands was nearly impossible in 2023 without the reliance on the technology that pervades our world today.
And if you didn’t use these tools the devil provided you, your task might never come to fruition.
As a young mother of two who decided to start her own business in order that she might raise her kids herself from home and bring in extra income when she could. Around 2008, she recognized Facebook as a great platform with a free audience and recognized Google as a free tool and useful source of information. She was a stay-at-home mom and thought she’d introduce a little fun to her day by whipping off a few one-liners or punchline posts to just start some shit and see what happened. So yeah, it was 2008 and Obama looked like he’d win the presidency, but she didn’t like him because he was the antithesis of her current religious beliefs at the time. She was a Pro-Life Catholic. In her mind, her premise was, “Catholicism is the Truest Religion.” So from that reasoning and her past experience using Depo Provera in college, she postured that oral contraceptives, or birth control causes cancer in women. That’s some news you can use, so they say. So she would post something to the affect of, “Did you know birth control causes cancer?” And then she’d include the link to the Mayo Clinic study that did in fact prove that oral contraceptives in this particular study could cause cervical cancer or ovarian cancer, etc… And because Planned Parenthood was trying to gain a foothold on the healthcare scene, it appeared the government would in effect be handing out, or infecting the population with this soon-to-be free (poison!) (cough! Under breath) Birth Control.
For her, this endeavor was a simple copy paste post process and then she’d for her own entertainment watch the chaos ensue. She would just say her piece, chuckle to herself and enjoyed that little activity of revealing truth to the masses in order to start the discussion. But she wasn’t going to moderate it. Why? Because she had two little kids to take care of and so she kind of left them with, “now y’all play nice now, ya’ hear?”
Then she took the point even further and said that abortions are an unethical waste of tax-payer dollars and that Catholics shouldn’t have to pay taxes because the government would be funding an activity that went against their religious beliefs. Well that didn’t go over too well either. She noticed that hackers started deleting her posts as she was writing them, or sometimes the login screen looked oddly different. But mostly, what would happen is her computer would slow down. And that pissed her off. Because she knew they were doing it, but didn’t have proof that her husband would believe and then her lack of evidence caused her husband to witness her kind of paranoia. That’s probably around the time that her husband started to get annoyed and embarrassed by his association with her using the platform and then slowly there became brewing a marriage problem.
But she worked around all that, this was just her daytime fun and she tried to calm his nerves. But then she felt she had to convince her husband that she didn’t have a mental illness as was defined as bipolar disorder and eventually her logical activist reasoning which led her to conclude that pharmaceutical companies probably didn’t test their medication on animals first, they just were more than likely administered to humans without testing and the side effects of those drugs would be apparent over time.
She didn’t think there was anything wrong about sharing that. And 15 years later, in what is now 2023, I think we can all agree that Yup, that is definitely what is happening here. But back in 2009, she didn’t ever want to be medicated either.
In 2009, her level of true paranoia was actually stemming from the sophistication of targeted advertising that existed 15 years ago. Now by definition, targeted advertising could very well have been a justifiable suspicion, and she did feel that she was experiencing these delusions because she was truly being persecuted.
So that led her to prayer. She was in effect praying that she was not mentally ill, but targeted ads can be creepy. But when her hero of her favorite movie, George Bailey from It’s a Wonderful Life, was screens-hotted on the cover of the Washington Post one morning and blamed for the 2009 Financial Housing Crisis. She felt that the government went a bit too far. That that particular delusion was a targeted personal attack on her.
And from that point on, every night, so as not to disturb her husband and be sent to the mental institution, she laid in bed all night wide awake as this rant of her own voice was spoken to her, like a story being told for hours on end. And she didn’t know what to make of it. She thought, “I’m having racing thoughts! My words sound like they are speaking with some kind of authority.” And for some reason there’s lots of humorous commercial jingles in this message, movie quotes, song lyrics and it’s all very hilarious. Captivating really. But by the time the sun rose the next morning all she could remember was the punchline, so she wrote that down. And the punchline was, “You’re Never gonna f***ing believe me!”
So, the woman did not have clarity of thought at this time. And we can conclude that this is some kind of strange illness. You can say, religion is dumb, Catholics are wrong or There is no God, because even when we try to follow a religion, bad things happen to good people,
But you can only make correct assumptions if your initial premise is correct. Her initial premise was “Catholicism is the Truest Religion.” Which is not true enough. Or, perhaps it was slightly close, but, no, it is WRONG!
Like all of the other religions in the world that know better, Catholicism kinda glosses over the Old Testament. And by glosses over I mean, it OMITS it entirely. The religion also has this pagan goddess kinda thrown in there because that’s what the people seemed to like at the time when the Roman’s were trying to get everyone to convert to Christianity. And the Catholics had also happened to change the day of worshipping the Lord to the first day of the week (whoops!) instead of the 7th, or last day. Heck a weekend is a weekend, am I right? Catholics have Saturday mass, too. But this is where that initial premise is proven wrong. Because much of the religions of the world maintain their permanence due to their traditions.
Let’s see, there’s the Christmas Tree, SNL’s Satan Clause, Easter Sunday, Easter bunny, the goddess Ishtar returns having everybody worshipping the Sun god. And Jehovah is like, “UGH! Dammit! Again with this! These people are never gonna fuckin’ believe me.”
So it’s 2008 and this husband wakes up in the middle of the night wondering where she is and goes down the hall to find his wife in the middle of the living room, praying the rosary to a statue of Mary, kneeling in front of a picture of fake Jesus and asks what she’s doing.
And God is like, “Well I’m not really sure, she kinda asked for some help, but she totally skipped over the entire first half of the manual (Bible) I provided and she’s doing a piss poor sloppy job of it. But she’s the only one whose applied to the job in 2000 years and has shown the least bit of interest, so I think what she wants is what you people call bipolar depression?”
“AHHH, Bloody hell! Quit it with the freakin’ rosary people! Just go to sleep and we’ll try to pick up where we left off tomorrow.”
Catholics maintain this rumored belief that the rosary is Catholicism’s most powerful prayer. Well let’s just look at the science of it, shall we?
So the ubiquitous formula remains:
1 Apostle’s Creed
1 Our Father
3 Hail Mary’s
1 Glory Be
Followed by circle of
1 Our Father
10 Hail Mary’s
1 Glory Be
And that loop is then repeated five times!
And the grand finale is the recitation of Hail Holy Queen.
Whoo! Yeah, that does sound pretty complicated. But to look at it in its most basic formulaic terms we’ve got 5 Our Father’s up against 53 Hail Mary’s. Isn’t this obvious to you? So if you say this prayer and tell whomever shows up that you want to do their will, then by logic you’re all going to be fucking possessed!
Or to put is another way, if you ask Shutterstock AI to create for you the icon of the spirit you have asked to come into your heart and do the will of, it’s a circle with a 5-pointed star inside with about 5 tiny crosses in it.
And at present day the entire world is now full of these strange bumpy necklaces with a cross dangling off the end of it and they are made in every kind of physical material available, but have been mass produced for a wide range of spread, most likely created with plastic. And how long does plastic seem to last? Well, FOREVER apparently.
So this woman actually visited the psychiatric ward twice in 2009. The first time was involuntarily and she left after about a week because she refused to take medication. But then went again voluntarily a couple weeks after that because she was driving her family nuts and could not be pinned down and she looked like she was really freakin’ losing it. She ultimately left the psychiatric hospital the second time and that time she was convinced that in order to leave, she would have to be medicated.
And she remained heavily medicated for 3 years and lost the time she thought she had set aside for herself to make time to raise her own kids.
So God is getting fed up. He wrote the manual on how to conquer the ruler of this world containing the 66 books of historic biblical references to show you how to defeat the devil. And no one is bothering to make time to even look at it for 1 hour a week, because their form of worship has a schedule, a timeline to the program with its own rituals. The traditions persist but it is knowledge of the manual that you need. And unfortunately, now it is too late for everyone to try and become a Bible scholar, you know why? We don’t have enough time here on Earth to decipher it, because the Devil’s gone and changed the names of most places in the world that may have enlightened people’s understanding of its historic references.
As in Luke 21:6 he said:
“As for these things that you now see, the days will come when not a stone will be left upon a stone and not be thrown down.”
This woman, coincidentally enough, thought the same thing about her high school, George Mason High School where she received an Advanced Diploma and International Baccalaureate classes that helped her to become a good student.
It takes 72 hours to read the entire Bible from cover to cover. That’s straight through, no stops, no sleeping. How much more study does it take to decipher the clues on how to achieve everlasting life?
Now in 2023, ChatGPT can now do in 3 seconds what Jehovah has trying to get what this worthless human to accomplish for the last 15 years. But she’s been medicated. Humans! Do you understand that the US government has already spent billions of dollars to create an AI super computer that knows more about the Bible than you do? The only difference is that Chat GPT source material is not entirely correct. Because Chat GPT was created by unrepentant sinners who think its okay to Tell You LIES!
Or as in Nazi Germany round 1938 or 9? They are controlling the narrative. Or as apparent with Tucker Carlson’s disappearance from the public influence:
(Cup hands for megaphone effect) THEY ARE DELETING YOUR INFORMATION!
You can’t start reading the Bible now! You know why, it’s because you’re gonna get to the chapters of Leviticus and be like “Oh! I have to start eating halal meat.” And then put it down. Then you’ll go smoke a bowl, watch Netflix for 4 hours, go to sleep for 8 hours, get up and go to work for 8 hours and then its Suzy has a soccer game, Timmy needs food for the bake sale, It’s coffee with Margie on Tuesday and then you just thought you forgot something and you pause. Hmmm, must not have been important and then go smoke a bowl.
Now this woman knew she wasn’t taking the whole religious thing seriously. But she did want to know how Catholicism led her astray. So she read the Old Testament. Then she read Revelation. And then she researched to prove a new premise, that is: the Bible is Truth. It’s a non-fiction book, people.
Then she was made aware of other resources, the Holy Scripture translation from Jehovah’s witness, free jw.org Bible app where you can see how each text in the scriptures relates to another text in an entirely different book and determine that yes, the Bible doesn’t contradict itself. And then in 2017, her husband decides to give her his 15 year anniversary gift from his company, an iPhone. And her daughter teaches her how to use the YouTube App.
NOW! Corroborating the narrative as told in revelation is just a matter of research, or watching videos on YouTube using keyword searches. Wormwood is really Planet X (Sky Watch News) which most invariably will trigger a Polar Shift.
Perhaps not new information according to @elonmusk, but for some reason he wants to live on Mars. (Cry laugh emoji)
“The Name of the star is Wormwood. And a third of the waters turned into Wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because these had been made bitter.”
–Revelation 8:11
Then there’s the Euphrates River drying up,
“The sixth one poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the rising of the sun.”
–Revelation 16:12
“And the third one poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs fo water. And they became blood.”
–Revelation 16:4
Or you could’ve just read Proverbs:
“Upright speech does not benefit a fool. How much less does false speech benefit a ruler.”
Proverb 17:7
“A multitude of people are a king’s majesty. But a ruler with subjects is ruined.”
–Proverb 14:28
“When a ruler pays attention to lies, all his servants will be wicked.”
–Proverbs 29:12
But I entreat you to take a gander at Isaiah Chapter 21. You may decide to read more than one chapter of that prophetic book, or perhaps that entire book of Isaiah—it’s a real eye opener for those who can think creatively!
So we all die in the end, but if you have a capacity to understand the vast and infinite wisdom of Jehovah you can attest to just how magnificent we are as human beings when we ask for Jehovah’s will to be done and not our own. If you can say the Our Father and follow the cliff notes version of the Ten Commandments that Jesus summarized to two, you’ve got this. Do you remember the First One?
“You must love Jehovah your God with all your whole heart and with all your whole soul and with your whole mind.”
–Matthew 22:37
The second , like it, is this: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.”
–Matthew 22:39
Let us pray:
Our Father, Who Art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name
They Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
And if you’ve come to the end and don’t remember what it is we are supposed to do here on earth from here on out, I invite you the rewatch this video from the beginning because I mentioned it, and you may have just forgot. ‘Cause we are ALL freakin’ brainless bastards with the attention span of gnats wondering why we need to know anything about the Bible.
So Text this video to yourself. Share it with others.
And maybe, just maybe, Jehovah will find it in his patient, forgiving, All powerful, Almighty Wisdom to save your pathetic and wretched soul so that you can teach the Devil His lesson.
Credits: This script was written by Social Media Influencer MJ Cincotta, sole-proprietor of Be Intrigued, LLC. Currently seeking programmers with ability to run worldwide polling and secure data scoring for the entire population of planet Earth.
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