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  • Writer's pictureMj Cincotta

I Had a Conversation with Jehovah’s Creation Today

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

It's about picking up cues from your environment through your 5 senses.

This morning I found the verse I wrote in the hospital doing a Music Therapy assignment, It was a verse from Survivor, Eye of the Tiger:

Survivor | Eye of the Tiger

When the music came on the cassette mix my Dad had growing up, he’d do a punching routine and pretend to be Rocky as a dance to the music.

I didn’t feel like singing at the moment I found the piece of paper. I was looking for it yesterday afternoon. But, I couldn’t find it then…

That morning, I was feeling happy with my morning coffee after listening to a @YouTube video by @StevenBartlett.

Then I happened to write an article that very day that Jehovah had already gathered before me in previous references of videos I watched from years ago.

Jehovah helps me put the pieces in place for the items I need for the following day. Every time. Because he knows our limits. Because we are a) weak, or b) not as powerful, or c) riddled with pain and loneliness, or d) full of sin and procrastination…

But, Jehovah has the perfect timing. I knew I was down to 2 cigarettes, but I was productive that day. Then when all the work was done, I remember that I was alone. So, I got sad.

Again, I worked, I exercised, I ate 2 meals. My ADL (in this case Activities of Daily Living) was as Matthew McConaghy would say, “Well, alight, alright.” I thought I’d shower, and make apple pie.

But I went outside to smoke because I feel like I’m in prison, waiting for everything to come crashing down in legal fees and doctors fees. (Which is how everyone gets homeless…)

I was pretty sure I’d feel like smoking those last two cigarettes, then I could rest.

My web developer dropped off Marlboro Ultra Lights the night before, he had smoked a few, but not many. I was elated that he brought them, because I had run out and a cigarette seems to be my only excuse for a break.

I was reminded after smoking, that Jehovah had just pointed out the text in the Bible that he told me to read.

I saw a scrap of paper on my way out of my bedroom just lying on the chaise, and placed it on the nightstand. Not sure why, I guess just so I could see it better. My NFP calendar printed on the back in my handwriting, (so I knew it was really mine) that Read 2 Peter 3:13. I had used that earlier, but didn’t feel like throwing it away.

I ended up thinking that was the verse that I needed for something new I was writing. And went to go look it up in the book (or scroll). But when I opened the book it just fell open to a different page and I ended up glancing at Matthew 8:12: 12 whereas the sons of the Kingdom will be thrown into the darkness outside. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be.”+

I thought about my history of smoking. As a waitress/cashier, cigarettes led me to Virginia Tech. In college, I made an animation about it called, “Idea Girl.” After my kids were grown, it led me to a good friend I would dance with. Now, I find that cigarettes can adjust my mood. It cures.

That time spent outside with tobacco cures my energy depletion, my mood, and my loneliness. At least I have nature. And in the Book of Samuel, it is the legion of depressed and persons in debt that become David’s army.

DTBM Is Depression Sin @YouTube

Also, when I go outside, I feel that I can feel God. Through the sights and sounds of His Creation. I’m smoking a cigarette and I get an idea outside, then a bird flies by and caws three times and then the wind starts blowing and the trees leaves start rustling like an applause, like a calling to go, and “Do His Will.”

And if you’re still sitting there…then all you hear are crickets.

So I go, and like the @Nike slogan “Just do it.”

And when I went to go recycle the glass, and fill up my tank at the Wawa and my extra cans for the mowers/emergency generators, I sadly bought more cigarettes, because I needed those breaks.

And though I normally just set the sealed packs in my cup holders and drive away, I looked down one more time before I started the car to check for keys. A pack of my cigarettes was open, and had the wrapper taken off and a single cigarette was out on the middle console.

I actually cried tears of joy! The spirits basically said, “Smoke ‘em if you got ‘um.” Or Ten Bears (as Floyd Red Cross Westerman) said to Kevin Costner in Dances with Wolves, “Let’s smoke awhile.”

So like in Lord of the Rings, Return of the King, the righteous and unrighteous spirits may be bing called to do Jehovah's Will to Let His Kingdom Come and Will Be Done.

Acts 24:15

15 And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection+ of both the righteous and the unrighteous.+

Lord of the Rings Return of the King Official Trailer @YouTube

I know of a remote viewer that can write me a note in the physical world. Here’s the note of encouragement:

I was contemplating new nicknames in the hospital, and did NOT write “BeinIt.” My “i’s” are different. Especially with a hospital safety pen. But if you stay and “BeinIt” then you will see how the “righteous and unrighteous” are trying to redeem themselves before God and serve Him by helping the physical humans on earth be led to Spread the Good News of the Second Coming of Christ.

Most people may not notice this, but people that use mindfulness of their surroundings notice when things are moved around your house.

It happens in the 1990s love-story movie Ghost:

See related blog post by Be Intrigued

But at that point in time, you should go inside, and write that idea down. As the greatness of Jehovah, Our Creator, has spoken with His Breath. The wind, may it be for our destruction (Maui, Hawaii) or encouragement towards prayer and mindfulness, is a mere glimpse of His true power.

Just checked in on an old friend on Instagram responding to a 10-day film challenge from @heidi_saman and found this video on my friend’s page:

Then I reread Matthew Chapter 8:13, it’s all about how Jesus healed the army officer, so I pray that my “addiction” for a smoke break may be healed by my faith in due time:

13 Then Jesus said to the army officer: “Go. Just as you have shown faith, so let it come to pass for you.”+ And the servant was healed in that hour.+

Did I mention my Command Key on my @Apple @MacBook is cracked?

And now more from Our Creator, Jehovah:

1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 7 For God has called us, not for uncleanness, but for holiness.+8 So, then, the man who disregards this is disregarding, not man, but God,+ who gives you his holy spirit.+

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14

13 Moreover, brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant* about those who are sleeping in death,+ so that you may not sorrow as the rest do who have no hope.+14 For if we have faith that Jesus died and rose again,+ so too God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in death through Jesus.+

"When The Lord himself Comes back there will be 3 distinct sounds: a shout, the voice of an archangel, and the trumpet of God."

The next day, I had my verse re-written and recorded. Here is the verse I wrote in the hospital to Eye of the Tiger:

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