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Rebuilding America as a Nation Under God

Writer's picture: Mj CincottaMj Cincotta

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

Proposal for Conducting the 2024 Presidential Election for the United States of America

Caters News
Photo credit: Dept of Interior, Caters News

Operating from the understanding that the US Government essentially controls the World, if the slots for installing persons to run the government were handled much like an America's Got Talent / Online Essay Contest, would you be apt to participate in a “Text Your Vote” to vote for “Who Will Be the Next American President?” If it were a YouTube Live broadcast? It may be the only way to truly #SecuretheVote for Democracy.

For the Online Essay Contest, I figure, even if you use AI, it is the ideology that counts.

History seems to be repeating itself as the United States government has taken hold of the news media reporting. Though fewer and fewer of young voters bother with tuning into traditional news stations for lack of interest, if the national narrative addressed anything of remote concern, such as the exposing of the tyranny of the political system, they may have a greater interest.

When Executive Orders outnumber our “law making bodies” passed bills by 24 times, you know you have a “King” lording over you:

1 Samuel 8:10-18

“So Samuel told the people who were asking him for a king all the words of Jehovah. He said: “This is what the king who rules over you will have the right to demand: He will take your sons and put then in his chariots and make them his horsemen, and some will. Have to run before his chariots. And he will appoint for himself chiefs over fifties, and some will do some plowing, reap his harvest, and make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will take your daughters to be ointment mixers, cooks, and bakers. He will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and he will give them to his servants. He will take the tenth of your grain fields and your vineyards, and he will give it to his court officials and his servants. And he will take your male and female servants, your best herds, and your donkeys, and he will use them for his work. He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you will become his servants. The day will come when you will cry out because of the king you have chosen for yourselves, but Jehovah will not answer you in that day.”

In the Biblical sense, the verdict was:

1 Samuel 15:35

“…And Jehovah regretted that he had made Saul king over Israel.”

With our current overlords, the “tenth” of your possessions has now grown to 25% or higher. Are the lowest workers able to save? I would say no. They live paycheck to paycheck with just some pocket money these days. And now humans are finding “nowhere to lay down his head” (-Matthew 8:20) with apartment and rooms for rent costs rising.

But has inflation come to:

Revelation 6:6

“…A quart of wheat for a denarious and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine.”

Well, for $5.81, I can buy almost 2.92 pounds or 2.25 quarts of barley. The original copper denarius was weight-based, and was related to the Roman pound, the libra, which was about 325 g. Today's copper market price that 325 grams of copper equals .7165 lbs and copper costs about $3.84 per pound, so the prophecy is here upon us. Three quarts of barley equalling 1 “denarius.” With inflation, the cost of a days wage has increased significantly, but with this Bible verse we can see that the truth in the math works out.

And who hasn’t foregone the wine and oil purchase at the store for some cheaper alternatives?

Our United States Industrial complex from Eisenhower’s day has taken over the revenues that our government collects from us and only the wealthy are in charge and have motivations to keep on with a bloody war.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

“But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.“

In my opinion, this is how the Leader of the Free World Should Be Determined:

On online short answer/essay test requiring all Constitutional requirements to be judged my expert theologians and scholars of the U.S. Constitution.

Basic Skills Testing:

Writing sample: ideas for the nation moving forward

Math Word Problems: financial honestly and philanthropy

Analytical Thinking: peacemaking skills

Compromise/Business: finding mutual cooperation among nations needing resources

Conservation: new methods of energy conservation

Physical Fitness: U.S. School's Presidential Fitness Test

Benjamin Franklin was never a President, but he’s on the $100 bill. Could it be that he was the man behind the President? He was definitely the doer and thinker. Why not make the thinking person the one with power in handling trade with our world leaders and leave the warmongering defense contractors out of foreign policy.

Peace is in the cards for the last days. And future Presidents should find it in their best interests to restore our nation Under God to find favor with Jesus Christ, who will be our Judge in the last days:

Psalms 37:10-11

Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more,

You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.

But the meek will possess the earth,

And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

Psalm 37:29-31

The righteous will posses the earth, And they will live forever on it.

Psalm 37: 16-17

Better is the little of the righteous one Than the abundance of many wicked ones. For the arms of the wicked with be broken, But Jehovah will support the righteous.

I wonder if “arms” are the biological kind or connote weaponry, or even biological weaponry. Either way, the elitist World Economic Forum is not the organization to rule the world.

Matthew 19:24

Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

So, unless members of the WEF are planning on giving up a few of their mansions to the poor, these members are only leading the populace down a path to destruction.

Quoting Planet of the Apes, “Kill them all” seems to be the theme of the WEF MO.

I believe in the Bible Truth that our DNA was miraculously created by a higher being.

If the "science" of evolution ever happened, then Democratic Presidents also need to pass a cognitive fitness test that involves a designed activity that distinguishes us from monkeys. I would suggest a simple physical fitness test that may include the use of wheel. Since only rich people fly and shows no equality for mankind.

Why not start with the physical fitness test our elementary kids must perform in gym class, aptly called The Presidentials?

Have you heard verse 4 of "America"

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