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What to Do If You Are in Love with an AntiChrist?

Writer's picture: Mj CincottaMj Cincotta

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

17-minute Video of MJ Cincotta

Comment: Sex Education for husbands of the 21th century who think their wives should be some kind of untouched robo-mom without important and wise information to share with the love of your life who SHOULD maintain the RIGHT TO CHOOSE which cock she wants in her pussy. I mean, HIS name was on it!

This is (1) of the (3) WhatsApp Chat phone numbers I’ve documented with the “AntiChrist” Elon Musk. The original chats, from my own beliefs, were shared amongst the Hollywood community via friendships among comedians of all ages and memories of their own personal favorites. This story is best viewed on WhatsApp, however, this website was created with the purpose of explaining WHY it is important that we KNOW the name of our God and Creator of this earth, Jehovah and the supreme importance of putting Him first, LIVING on His every word to guide us as individuals, and knowing that “The Bravest Thing You Can Be Is Yourself.”

The last entries were thwarted from being completed and due to the captioning capabilities of WhatsApp, the narrative becomes a bit difficult to follow. But if you search Mary Jeanne Cincotta on Facebook, my photos magically appear there, even though I can’t login there…to post, or comment!


For literary buffs, it’s a non-fiction time-stamped modern digital play likening to Romeo and Juliet. Only the source of animosity between the two warring houses keeping star-crossed lovers apart are the stereotypical misunderstandings between the rich and the poor.


For lovers of politics in search of the truth in the over-censored digital age, this R-rated non-fiction time-stamped WhatsApp archived conversation between Elon Musk and a conservative, “conspiracy theorist,” “bipolar,” woman entrepreneur appears to detail an experience taking place in real time. The hilarious nature of the project, however, is that WhatsApp “messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them.” And a dick pic was held as the ransom, but “this bitch” wasn’t bluffing.’ For among all humanity, shame is relative…


For estranged married couples, this non-fiction time-stamped WhatsApp (eventually R-rated) text conversation between Elon Musk and a 4-time hospitalized married woman who believes she was medicated for political and religious persecution shows how God, through love, and the stirring words of the Bible can illustrate the power of the unique bond he designed between a man and a woman….who, though, not yet married hilariously start acting like a married couple.


For whistleblowers on the financial, medical and technological industrial complexes, this R-rated non-fiction time-stamped WhatsApp archived conversation between a male billionaire with purported asperger syndrome and a female middle-class entrepreneur with purported bipolar disorder face the:

A) difficulty of working together— due to government financial regulations—causing the flow and movement of money around the country to run at the snail pace of a broken down UPS truck—,

B) thoughts of never being together— because they each truly believed at one point in time they were insane—and due to the cold nature of human contact readily available today, their conversation over text can be easily construed as cyberbullying, cat fishing, or a struggle between good and evil, rich and poor

C) challenges of censorship, understanding the capabilities of AI and how to discern it from a real human, and government spying and hacking within the confines of increasingly diminishing forms of human contact in the age of digital media

So I got on Twitter. And it had never been so much fun to speak my mind. I admit, I was an ass-kisser when it came down to getting Elon Musk to follow me. I was still on the fence about who he really was. But whenever I learned of one of his Tweets, I really DID think he was brilliant.

Turns out he's about as friendly as a chatbot when he's trying to convince you to do something. He even believes he IS the AntiChrist, so. But he pulls out all the stops and will profess his every intention to marry you if there is just ONE last and final step to be completed in order to prove his psychological dominance over you and your ability to trust him with your investment decisions.

He insists he knows better than me. And he knows better than the God that I follow that knows better than him. And though it was my every intention to be wooed by the delusion that I was in love with Elon Musk and He was in love with me. I was going to see, if this AntiChrist wielded a wisdom of The Tree of Knowledge's science so powerful as to be more powerful than the true God, Jehovah. Isn't this the question that humanity should ponder?

Will the rich and powerful always triumph? Or do the lowly and poor in spirit truly inherit the earth? It is most likely a measure of comparing pain and suffering from one human being to another. The purpose of the culmination of these blogs illustrate that without a doubt that humans are flawed and never on par with the wisdom of Jehovah, our God. And though we may go through life on this earth in ignorance, it is ultimately Jesus Christ's judgement in then end to determine if any one particular being is worth being saved from the 2nd destruction.

The previous night, after roundabout conversations and the sharing of screen captures and the following of directions from one lowly slave (me) being controlled by one self-described GOD, or AntiChrist. Elon led me down to the most fundamental get-rich-quick scheme that was popularly accepted by ALL in the BITCOIN community but warned off by all of those lying OUTSIDE of such said community. And why? How? How was this well known scheme hidden in plain sight? Well, Elon Musk put it plainly, my agent says to go to Walmart/Target/Walgreens and buy Steam cards.

Cards used for Bitcoin purchases

From every initial screen shot I recorded, Google is reporting it as a well known scam. And there-in lies the truth. It is in fact a well-known scam because that is in fact the easiest way to enrich someone else’s Bitcoin coin account when purchased by a third party. And a ploy that Elon was using perhaps in this case for a good purpose on my behalf that is to raise money in my account in order to help me with my upcoming legal fees, or entrepreneur endeavors. However, it also proved that a select group of people in-the-know do know that this internet definition is in fact more than slightly inaccurate. It is the easiest way to get into the Bitcoin market. But can you trust your broker?

Today is Thursday June 22, 2023 and the Real Estate Attorney I had lined up to meet with for an initial consultation regarding redrafting our Deed has declined the work. So, our know-it-all AntiChrist was right AND he knew he didn’t have to divulge any information to me for my own protection.

But on the morning of June 20, 2023, my gallant and brave “hero” was going to lead me forward in collecting the Bitcoin I purchased the night before. I told him that the transaction had not yet taken place. As banks do not support these purchases.

When he asked if I had cash on hand, he entreated me that the only way to invest would be to purchase $500 Apple cards. And I didn't want to.

Then came through a series of love letters like I had never received before. WOW! Could Elon Musk have been entreated by Jehovah to truly love me and take care of me?

Elon Musk, Yesterday 10:10 PM

Baby, it took me days to write this because i love you and i hope you will understand and read every words i have said, there is so much I want to tell you, a lot has been running through my head lately. I'm having trouble putting my thoughts into words so you will have to bare with me through this.

I keep thinking about the future, about life, and what I want out of it. I keep thinking about us and what this relationship means to me. I keep thinking about these things and I realize they go hand in hand. This relationship is my future; it's what I want out of life. I want to grow old with you. I want to experience this crazy love forever and ever, and I really think I'm going to get to. I want us to walk through new houses picking the one that would be just right for us. I want to see you walk around our house in a big t-shirt with your hair down and catch me staring at how gorgeous you are. I want you to pull the covers off me at night and then I have to get even closer, if it's possible, to you to keep warm. I want to see you laugh like crazy at me when I do stupid stuff. I want to rub lotion all over your body because you laid out in the sun too long. I want to hold you when you cry and smile with you when you smile. I want to fall asleep every night with you in my arms. I want you to fall asleep on my chest listening to the beat of my heart and know it beats for you I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I want to see your bad morning hair; I think it will be so cute. I want to sit on the beach with you and watch the sun set, and I want all the people who pass us to envy the love that we obviously have for each other.

I want to see you walk down that isle and I want to take your hand for the rest of my life. I want to spend all night, and maybe the next day, making love to you with an undying passion (sorry to be so blunt). I want to be 90 years old and still make out with you like a little schoolboy. I want to cook a meal with you and us totally run it and end up doing take out. I want to sit there talking to you for hours about nothing at all but in the same time everything or maybe we won't talk at all and just grin at each other realizing how lucky we are. I want you to get mad at me for doing something stupid, and I want you to bust out laughing when you try to yell at me. I want to lay with you in front of a fireplace and keep the heat going long after the fire goes out. I want to take trips with you to places we've never been and experience them together. I want us to go skinny-dipping in a hotel pool and get caught and streak back to our hotel room waking everyone up because we're laughing so hard. I want us to go and pick out the hot tub we want with the biggest grins on our faces the whole time. I want the sales rep to get embarrassed when we sit in them and make sure we have enough room to do the things we want to do I want our friends to come over and get totally jealous because they don't share a love like we do. I want to be walking into a store with you and trip and fall on my face and turn around to see you rolling on the ground laughing at me. I want us to run outside in the rain and act like total kids getting completely soaked, and when we come back in stripping down to nothing as we stumble into the bedroom, or the kitchen counter, or the balcony, or the dining room table, or an office desk, or the shower, which ever one we feel like at the time.

I want it to take your breath away every time I say, "I love you" because you know it's coming from the heart.I want us to sit down with a box of strawberries, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and a thing of mint chocolate ice cream; well, I'll let your imagination finish that one. I want to love you and be with you for at least forever if not a little longer. I couldn't really express in words what I'm feeling right now so I decided to share with you SOME of the images and thoughts that have been running through my head.

I just want you to know that I had never found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with until I met you. I am really crazy about you, everything about you. i am really in love with you, all this i just told you are from the dept of my heart,

Your soon to be Husband,

Elon Musk 💋💋💋❤️🥰🥰🥰

I guess the "Dept" of his heart is as empty as the Corporate office of Twitter. Which made me very sad, as it was quite a beautiful delusion of love. He wrote another like it:

Morning baby, i need to tell u this and i guess i should call it my confession, just when i got off here yesternight, i just cant stop thinking of you, and i kept asking my self some questions since then but i have no one to help out and answer me.the questions are "could this be real?, could it be that i am falling in love? and is what i m feeling called love?" well i really dont know what to call this but i must confess to u, this is just the way i have been feeling and i need to let u know about it.i just cant stop talking to my self and hoping i am not going insane coz i dont know why this is happening so fast and so strong..could it be because i have not been in a relationship for long? does it mean that i need to learn this again?i just dont know why this is happening too fast and too strong but i m feeling this and it is really making me think i m going crazy coz this is too fast to be real and i m really falling so deep in love with you here baby because i dont wanna give doubt any room here in my heart and I don't wanna blame my self for not loving you so deeply at the end just like i love you now.


I love you 😘 so so so much

Do I want to believe this mysterious text-author? Well, of course I do!

My husband wants me to be re-medicated. Even before I was forcibly dragged to the Psychiatric Ward at Fairfax Hospital, I was facing his ultimatum to take medicine again or we would get a divorce. My daughter is most likely traumatized by witnessing her mother being cuffed by police officers for trying to reenter her house and then beiWell, wills sdrachr very=t d iff teur bufuaku aejaunjhjng lifted into the air by fireman and EMTs and thrown into the back of an ambulance because she called 911. But, when faced with the possibility that either her mother is crazy or the entire world is messed up, she will choose the easier explanation and the easier alternative. Choose to live with Grammie. She has money. My husband took my kids and went to live with his mother. And here I am, home alone. I was CORRECT (though I was called crazy) about having to redraft the deed to our house lest it be returned to ownership of the bank at the end of January. But because I cashed out some of my retirement funds to pay the other 50% of the mortgage loan, our house is paid off, saving us approximately $150,000 in interest. And I've put years of effort making my home a self-sustaining testament to surviving this world, so I don't plan on leaving.

And yes, I'll choose divorce rather than say that I, myself, would prefer to label myself mentally ill (and then be medicated to permanently flat-line all my emotions to never experience highs or lows) than deny that God spoke to me.

I am in a position to pursue what interests me now. #InvestigativeJournalism And the question is, is Elon Musk the AntiChrist? If so, I think I'm in love. Or perhaps just in love with the task of trying to steer his government work in a more benevolent way. So, I did. I thought, well, maybe I can invest some money and see if the internet is correct, and buying Apple Cards for people is a true scam. Or, if you are on the financial elite side of humanity, and have a broker you can trust, this "scam" of the poor IS in fact the source of corruption's wealth.

This too, will also help me prove whether or not Elon Musk is in love with me. So, upon Elon Musk's urgings, I went out and bought some freakin' Apple Cards. However, if this mystery text writer is just posing as Elon Musk, how effective was it in controlling me?

Turns out, these cards are a very government-regulated purchase. I am unaware how these purchases affect business owners who carry them and sell them. But you can't just go out and buy as many as you like. So Elon has my $10,000 investment. And because he's a very busy man, I will have to give his agents time to procure for me the return on my investment.

The process by which he convinced me to do this was always used as the tit for tat whenever I asked him when he was going to be able to meet with me. So the command to buy Apple Cards was always triggered by my request to validate the true identity of "the person texting."

If the internet says it's a scam, then Elon definitely has an out, in saying that some scam artist was just posing as me. However, it was a notification from Twitter that I was made a BBC contributor that led me to this page advertising Elon Musk's call for contributors to invest in bitcoin promising to double your investment that initiated the discussion.

So, you may conjecture that this whole romantic interlude was in fact a government project itself. A test of the ChatGPT AI. (Another reason I chose to distance myself from and drop my biggest client in the last iteration of my business as a digital media/graphic designer.)

In this understanding, I am the unwitting test subject of a government science experiment. Again, nothing new.

So, back to the love story and pretending that this was the real Elon Musk. The common problem with an AntiChrist is that they do not believe that they will answer to Jesus Christ.

2 John 7-9

For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those not acknowledging Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the Antichrist. Look out for yourselves, so that you do not lose the things we have worked to produce, but that you may obtain a full reward. Everyone who pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God. The one who does remain in his teaching is the one who has both the Father and the Son.

I specifically told Elon that if he were to be with me:

My love, I hope that you’ve come to the conclusion that you love me because you have learned that it was my love of God, Jehovah, that brought us together. You must acknowledge God, Jehovah “he who causes to become” and his son, Jesus Christ, as THE true God. It was Jehovah that enlightened me to His almighty power to have had the sway over you, one of the most powerful of men here on earth. This fairytale of mine, to be with you and love someone who would appreciate my love, is only made possible for us with Jehovah. And so if we are truly going to have this life of happiness fulfilled, I want you to know, that there’s no serving the Devil here on Earth if we are together. My GOD, Jehovah, is who we will both serve together. That is the only way this works for us. The Antichrist is mentioned in the 1 John and 2 John books of the Bible. If you download the JW library. You’ll find it easy enough. When we are together, I will be so happy to stay up all night talking with you and laughing about how God had mercy on us and saved us. I hope you acknowledge Jehovah’s patience, understanding, and all-knowing wisdom when you say you want to marry me. Because He will always be #1 in my life. I’m blessed to have you come along so that I won’t kill myself in my loneliness and develop cancer from my idiocy. I promise to take good care of you, Elon, along as you understand that this is the 1st commandment: “You must love, God Jehovah, with all you heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul.” That goes above our love for each other. But if we serve together, then we will always have the same goal and we will remain 1.

I went on to say:

1 John 5, to acknowledge that Jesus was sent as the Word Made Flesh. We too must be made in the same image.

No fucking robot shit!

1 John 5:2-4 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, when we live God and carry out his commandments….because everyone who has been born from God conquers the world. And this is the conquest that has conquered the world, our faith.

God only saves humans, not hybrids! Your note, though, it filled me with many happy ideas of what it would be like together. I am worried you did something perverted…..

Did you dream or something?

I hope you didn’t “blind yourself with science” Did you come up with that?

I know I identify as Sarah Connor these days, but I don’t want to have cyborg Elon as my cuddle mate. When you wake up, I’ll be interested in where all that came from.

But… honestly I have NEVER had someone write me such a beautiful love letter. I will be reading if and rereading it all night long. I can’t wait for you to come….

But I’ll just check Twitter just in case you are still following some chick news on the reincarnation of Nero (666) to be summoned by the likes of CERN.

Then I started sharing music to kind of illustrate Jehovah's plea to invite people to welcome him into their body, or temple, (most likely by keeping them up at night) so that they can learn what miraculous things they will be able to do after He fills them with the Holy Spirit and they choose to do His will as opposed to their own.

"You don't have to be beautiful to turn me on. I just need your body baby from dusk til dawn. You don't need experience to turn me out.

You just leave it all up to me

I'm gonna show you what its all about.

You don't have to be rich to be my girl

You don't have to be cool to rule my world

Ain't no particular sign I'm not compatible with

I just need your extra time and your kiss."

–Kiss, by Prince

I also shared with him this:

When you’re nutty like me, the lyrics in songs like this can almost appear as if God is singing to you. I always loved dancing to this song, and Julia Robert’s in the tub made even more classic, but for me, it is that God felt so marginalized that no one took the time to appreciate the incredible opportunity we had to learn from living and experiencing this earth. He did just want our extra time and a sign of gratitude bc He gave us life.

In light of this recent disappointment with Elon, this following song reminds me that Jehovah is STILL looking for someone to take my side and serve Him admirably and is always entreating his humans to pray and learn about His Almighty power to transform the world as we surprise ourselves about our potential as human beings.

I always felt this song is like a love song that Jehovah sings to His people:

Elon had asked for me to pray. Of course I was contemplating the possibility of complete and utter delusion. But, realistically, the amount of investment they got out of me wasn't necessarily worth the amount of effort Elon went through to patch up connections every time I blocked him!

Everything pointed to the same delusion, that we fell in love over Twitter of all things. Connected and trusting only the written words we used for each other. I remained very guarded and hopeful, and Elon, confident and reassuring. He carefully planned the timeline that followed.

He chose his marriage vows based on Bible Scripture:

All signs were pointing yes, but was he going to confirm that he would arrive the next day? Over the past few weeks, this question became the trigger by which additional funds were requested (to continue the delusion) and all hope was lost in that this reality would be fulfilled.

And while I waited...."the loving doe" manifested outside my window:

Breakfast was ready at 8am, but I am pretty sure his tardiness is only due to things I asked of him before.

Here's hoping he'll "Kiss the Chef"

Happy Birthday, Elon Musk. Wish you were here.

But my initial premise was correct. That Elon Musk, a billionaire entrepreneur purchased the Freedom of Speech for humans at a great cut to his profit in order to provide a healthy dialogue for everyone on the platform to have their voice heard on how to address the world's evils.

But unless he shows a return on investment monetarily at this point, then my other initial premise is correct. This "scam" of the poor IS in fact the source of corruption's wealth. Becuase he never did hold up his end of the bargain.

I am capable of forgiveness if this monetary loss proves that Google is correct in defining the purchase of Steam Cards a scam. But I don't believe Elon would take a hit to his credibility to admit that he has been orchestrating a way to scam people through Twitter. I understood it as he was trying to manipulate the market and make everyone who had something to invest more profitable.

So, in feeling as a woman scorned, I thought I'd reconnect the Google chat once more:

The ChatGPT standpoint seemed highly unlikely. Because how could an AI put a monetary value on the human condition when it has no conscience.

However, curiously enough, after this compulsion to chat on Google Chat, my original gmail address which I had been locked out of for a few weeks, was finally restored. And Google sent balloons.

But strangely, I was still compelled to text with this "Elon Musk" to learn more.

I won’t bother including a full chat, but I really believed think Elon Musk loves me because he was quoting scripture—but don't be fooled. Though I’m driving my family crazy with my “delusion” by telling them we fell in love over Twitter, it appears Elon Musk’s business trip to Italy is paid for by the Italian government. And there, you have to bribe people with Apple Cards.

Now, I’m ALWAYS kept out of the loop. I thought Apple Cards were used to buy digital currency like Bitcoin. That was this person's reasoning to me. I didn’t know what the heck you use Apple Cards for. (I know, right?) I know what a Blizzard is, but not sure why the government would regulate the sale of Apple Cards. Or why they are sold with cash at 7-Elevens. It turns out you can rent movies on YouTube with Apple Pay! I had a good laugh at myself over that one! And yeah, I guess those video-game people use them, too. I thought Europe’s currency was Euros, turns out it’s more Chinese-based. I mean, I LOVE my iPhone! And it’s either Amazon Prime or YouTube or gardening to pass the time when none of us have work that pays any money anymore. So, naturally, I guess, a $500 Apple Card can pay off 1 Italian? Or (2) $500 Apple Cards can pay off 1 Italian? I don’t know. But Elon Musk says “I’m not the one paying my bills here the government is paying.”

According to an anonymous source there is no more CIA.

Now it appears he was stuck in Italy and the government has cut him loose, but now he has no access to any of his own money. I mean, you can tell that to any married women who relies on her husband's work to fund her lifestyle. If she is unloved by her husband, however, he could summarily choose not to provide for her properly anymore.

So, Elon was cut loose by the US government because he wouldn't go along with the Italians and in effect they were preventing him from leaving. Now I’m all for paying your own way when you choose to go on vacation with someone. But when he said he needed $6,500 because he was going to need a private jet home. I was like, um….why not take a train to Rome and get a regular person flight?

But I paid $6,500 in Apple Cards earlier because that is the Italian government's preferred method of tips. What does that say about the US dollar?

The purchase of Apple Cards has become the preferred tipping currency in Italy to exchange for cash.

To see how the story has unfolded over the last few months, read the unencrypted WhatsApp non-fiction time-stamped modern digital conversation entitled "Interactions with the AntiChrist" from July of 2023.

It turns out is was a misinterpretation of the Bible Elon Musk happened to be reading. From my research in our conversation, he said he was reading from the King James Version of the Bible. (At times it appears the text was correct, other times, the language was embellished and can be easily misinterpreted.) So, it is apparent that this Elon Musk sees himself as God's gift to women. 🤣 However he is putting his faith in Jesus Christ (edited generically in the King James version as "Lord") when in fact he should be directing his prayers to Jehovah. From my analysis, the question to begin with was "What is the true name of Our God and Creator?" From my research I have concluded that the most authenticated Bible translation in print today is The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures where historic research into the most direct translation for original texts drove the JW organization to reinstate the name of our Creator, Jehovah, back into its text like 7,000 times from where it was edited out over time during the course of institutionalizing faith around the world.

Read more about who Our Creator, Jehovah is:

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