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Entreating Like-Minded YouTube Celebrities to Become Soldiers of Truth (Letter to Investors)

Writer's picture: Mj CincottaMj Cincotta

Updated: Aug 16, 2024

Written sometime after being admitted at Fairfax Hospital on Friday, May 26, 2023

(Typed up and edited on June 12, 2023)

cc: @JordanBPeterson, @TuckerCarlson, @DaveChappelle, @RussellBrand

Acknowledgements on impeccable research and truth seeking: My favorite @YouTube documentary channel, @OMGTheWhyFiles

Dear Sirs,

My name I Mary Jeanne (MJ) Cincotta, I am defending writing to you as a woefully employed Freelance Graphic Designer but am entreating you to consider me as a Digital Marketing Expert using the skills I’ve accumulated over the 20 years of my experience as a sole-proprietorship of one, myself.

My experience here on Earth has led me to conclude that my life would have been better served if I had chose to follow God’s 1st Commandment and in effect devote my life’s work to God, than choose to put God’s 2nd Commandment first, which led me to become a worshipper of money, and thus enslaved by “working for the Man.”

According to Matthew 22:36-39

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind,’

This is the greatest and first commandment.

The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’

To devote my whole, heart, soul, and mind entirely to the Lord God, Jehovah it would be my goal then, to change hearts and minds to their benefit by illustrating to them the Almighty God’s true power. That it is lessons of obedience learned by humans can be inadvertently attained once you recognize that, like Ms.Clavel said in the Madeline series, “something is not right.” WIth the current system of things, that is, when God’s fallen angel ruled the world.

I want to say, that as a woman with little to no resources I have managed to achieve my own “Heaven on Earth” not by luck, or shortcuts or sorcery, but through the actual blood sweat and tears that have been required to attain a desired salary of $65,000/yr on wages that have basically not changed too much since I got out of college. Yes, I have a website, but it is mostly free. I only pay for the domain name. And yes, I have an image subscription which costs me $2,000/yr because it has a good search engine for efficiency. And yes, I have an Adobe Creative Suite subscription for $55/mo. But then Apple slows down my MacBook Pro every 5 years. These are my sole overhead expenses. Because I had designed my life to have been a stay-at-home mom, because when it came down to raising my kids, that is something I would choose to do myself.

“Do you like to ‘Do-it-Yourself’?”

–40-year-old Virgin, movie clip

In pursuit of this goal, however, I also have a strong conviction to be an independent woman capable of pulling my own weight. To not be subject to my husband monetarily, so that I can retain my own motivations independent of “what he thinks” so as not to be controlled because “he wears the pants” in our household.

“At the pants store.”

–Ron Burgundy

But my work had become all consuming and my kids are almost grown, but something I discovered has led me to realize that I, like the genie in Aladdin, have the same shared experience:

“But oh to be free, to not have to go ‘poof, what do you need, ‘poof’ what do you need, ‘poof’ what do you need…To be my own master, such a thing would be greater than all the magic ad all the treasures in all the world!”

–Robin Williams as Genie in Disney’s Aladdin

For me, that means to surrender all my graphic design business' clients and trade them in to design my business’ website as one whose goal would be to help all people of Earth do the will of Jehovah.

And that is, to teach the ruler of this world (the Devil) his lesson.

Your part in this endeavor pertains to the following scripts I’ve prepared for most of you. From my continuing education, I have discovered that once you have determined that your initial premise is correct, you can therefore prove anything as true. My premise is: The Bible is Truth. Thus, I chose you to be my soldiers of God because of my respect for what you do and all the encouragement that you have given me over the years in the way to tell a story and your dedication to espouse this most basic tenet, that if the Bible is true, than you can use the inspired Word of God as the single most reliable source for any idea you are trying to promote. Of course, I’ve already seen ads on how this gem of knowledge has already been monetized to the nth degree as temptation is ubiquitous. So, I would only ask that if you agree to read my script (without changing its context, and being free to make corrections to it that you see fit to accomplish its desired purpose) then I would just ask for a copy of the file to store on my server and display on my website in case YouTube prefers it didn’t exist.

As you may well know, the US Federal Government has most likely spent a few TRILLION to produce the AI ChatGPT technology to create out of thin air any bit of falsified content they so desire (words, images and video) just by accurately describing to the computer what they want it to do. But as truth tends to be buried in this day and age, the AI would in effect be relying on data centers and data centers of YEARS of content provided by its users to produce any falsified evidence they like. The physical proof of this claim is just one neighborhood away from mine in Ashburn, VA, where there are miles and miles of data centers changing the landscape.

However, the way I’ve managed to accomplish a similar task is by having had lived an actual true story. And, as will be described in your shared scripts, the initial inspiration for each one of these stemmed from one night, albeit an interrupted one, where God had filled me with His Holy Spirit and I wrote down portions of each of your scripts as it was dictated to me by Jehovah. This phenomenon was not new to me, in fact, I was pretty sure how to trigger the event. I had lived through this same experience previously in 2008-2009.

In fact, the only memory I retained from that occurrence to this recurrence is that Jehovah’s punchlines are the same. And I could only remember two of them, as I threw all records of the other punchlines I found so hilarious from God from 2009 in April of 2023. The main one is this:


This statement is one that beautifully illustrates God’s enormous capacity to forgive, and His indescribable patience and undeserved kindness toward His most wretched creation of all time! That is us. Can you believe he had waited 2000 years since sending His son, Jesus Christ, for someone to fuckin’ believe Him? Now, I’m not saying I am the first to have undergone this endeavor. From my recent LaZoom comedy bus tour in Asheville, NC there have been many people labeled as mentally ill, who have been forcibly detained, underwent shock therapy and other horror stories of persecuted individuals that did not get off as easy as me.

From my understanding of the Bible, it’s probably 50% of the Earth today that suffers from their inability to sleep. Well, what if I quote some scripture:

“Therefore, whoever eats the loaf or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty respecting the body and the blood of the Lord. First let a man approve himself after scrutiny, and only then let him eat of the loaf and drink of the cup. For the one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgement against himself. That is why many among you are weak and sick, and quite a few are sleeping in death.”

–1 Corinthians 11:27–30

From the results of our 2020 “election” at least 50% of inhabitants of the United States believe that a deep state is trying to control the narrative. Upon exercising the slightest bit of our God-Given Free Will to speak Words out of the mouth, you never know what rich hotshot is out to lose a few shackles on the content you’re spreading so that when you post something on social media you’ll never know when BIG BROTHER will decide to slow your computer down because it’s monitoring your every keystroke or listening to you dictate.

“…whatever comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and those things defile a man. For example, out of the heart come wicked reasonings: murders, adulteries, sexual immorality, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies. These are the things that defile a man; but to take a meal with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”

–Matthew 15:18-20

The process by which I circumvented the cyberattacks back in 2008 and early 2009 can be explained in a fairly recent commercial tagline of an old man dangling a $1 off of a fishing pole.

“You gotta be quicker than that!”

–(advertiser…State Farm?)

But, I would start by paying @elonmusk an $8/mo subscription, because for a rich person to take a cut on his profits for the good of humanity is rare. We just don’t know which of our topics might set off a spiritual warfare. (ie. Catholics please DO NOT CONTINUE TO PRAY THE ROSARY. If you do, you are ignoring the entire Old Testament of the Bible. I have researched and concluded that the rosary is fact a demonic prayer. For details of what occurred in late 2008 and early 2009, please watch “Human Follies in Prayer” delivery courtesy of @rustyrockets)

WIth these scripts that I have procured for you explain the various truths that I believed essential to saving the world. That is, what is the true meaning of the Bible?

Simply put, it is God’s instruction manual on how to defeat the Devil as evidenced through the non-fiction account of what happened in the past, present and future of planet Earth. Past, present AND future. That is we already know how this story ends. Well…except for the fact that the government believes:

“You can’t handle the TRUTH”

–Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men

My motivation for triggering God to once again fill me with His Holy Spirit, was to be able to tell the story of what happened to me in 2008. After night after night of writing pieces of writings that were rattling around in my head keeping me awake, I kept trying to think this through as a Digital Marketing person. What would I do after I wrote a script? I would not have the initial audience required and the video, or website, would be impossible to find and easy for the Government to delete. I said to myself that I would do as Jesus did and choose four witnesses to retell it. And in the middle of the night, God jolted me awake and like a good teacher, 15 years later, he was like, “Come on. Let’s try this one more time and start again.”

(For details of that night in May of 2023, please watch “The System is Rigged” delivery courtesy of @DaveChappelle)

The other two scripts included in the master plan are:

“Bible Truth Explaining Bipolar Behavior” delivery courtesy of @TuckerCarlson

“Who is the modern day self-proclaimed Mj ‘Queen of Babylon’ Cincotta?”

(This one, thankfully I was going to leave to the very capable and Excellent storytellers AJ and Hecklefish of The Why Files)

And though I did have one other YouTube personality I admire and appreciate listening to very much, I had different motivations to invite him to be one of my soldiers of truth and that is because I suspect that he’s gotten pretty good with keeping his s*** together these days, because I suspect our governments’ plans were to diagnose him and myself the same way. And that is Dr. Jordan Peterson, clinical psychologist. Only later on did I suspect something even more sinister could be afoot when I looked at my kids 2022 Vaccination records. And Jordan Peterson’s reddit platform, well, that was the perfect point of dissemination for that theory.

If you appreciate the content I have provided and would agree to read it. I would be elated! To have the attention of your base of millions of trusted followers a piece is the physical evidence of the good works you have set out and have already accomplished of your own accord.

Though we are called to label ourselves as sinners for our imperfection, but in this instance the tribulation is the Main Event where humans are awoken from their slumber…

“I wrote a song about it. Would you like to hear it? Here it goes….”

–Calhoun Tubbs, In Living Colour

(Sample Music Video project: This music video is open to anyone’s personal interpretation and illustrates the hilarity and fellowship of the human race in their shared experience of living in ‘Hell on Earth’ where the most poignant moral of the story is our belief in Faith, Hope and Love is worth any amount of pain and suffering, because that is what makes our short time here on Earth our “Tiny bit of heaven.”)

“Awake from your slumber! Arise from your sleep!

A New Day is dawning, for all those who weep.

The people in darkness have seen a great light.

The Lord of Our Longing as conquered the Night.

Let us build a City of God, May your Tears be Turned into Dancing

For the Lord, Our Light and Our Love, Has Turned the Night into day!

We are sons of the morning;

We are daughters of day.

The One who has loved us

Has brightened our way.

The Lord of all kinds

Has called us to be

A light for his people

To set their hearts free.”

Let us build a City of God, May your Tears be Turned into Dancing

For the Lord, Our Light and Our Love, Has Turned the Night into day!

God is Light;

In Him there is no darkness

Let us walk in His light

His children, one and all.

O comfort my people;

make gentle your words.

Proclaim to my city

The day of her birth.

Let us build a City of God, May your Tears be Turned into Dancing

For the Lord, Our Light and Our Love, Has Turned the Night into day!

My interpretation of God’s vision of the final years of Tribulation is that the human race is invited to play a Game. A Game Called How Much have you learned about living on Earth? When God’s Fallen Angel ruled the World?

I intend to make a free human resource written 100% by all of us sinners who decided like The Underground Humpty Dance intro, “To yo, stop what you’re doin’ cause I’m about to ruin the image and the style that you’re used to.” By doing a rewarding job for free.

It is our job to teach the Devil a lesson about what we humans have learned about this fallen angel making our lives a living hell on Earth. We will use our shared experiences in pain and suffering to prove God Jehovah is right and Satan is wrong. Upload content to our website for the chance to be rewarded with everlasting life. The winning video, blog, math word problem or intellectual interpretation of your Bible study will be voted on by all our fellow humans for its hilarity, accuracy and relevance. Jehovah plans to save every soul on Earth by bringing them to repentance and it would be stupid to be on the side of the Devil because the winning side will be having the most FUN!

Jehovah means “He Causes to Become.” The only issue is where do we put our content to be safe and free from cyberattack of restriction? Your thoughts and resources are requested.


Mary Jeanne Cincotta (MJ) (OLD-hacked email, yet should be protected by "Termination Agreement" that does not prohibit me from working with "The Department of Defense." The letter is supposed to be overnighted to arrive June, 16, 2023, and apparently needed to be signed the same day) (email)

571-455-6686 (cell) (website transformation in progress)

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