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How to Read a Jehovah Bible Scholar Cheat Sheet

Updated: Feb 29

Simplified Commandments of Jehovah

During apocalyptic times, it is difficult to know God's Will for our lives when trying to read the 66 books of his Manual to Life. But God is so gracious that I thought I might provide the “Cliff Notes” here with an analysis of the Lord’s Prayer and familiarity with God’s (2) Commandments as simplified by His Son, Jesus Christ.

“Our Father, who art in heaven…”

God is looking down on earth, and does not in fact, run it. When Jesus was tempted on Mount Sinai after 40 days of fasting, the Devil offered Jesus any kingdom he wanted on earth if

Jesus were to fall down and do an act of worship to him. (Matthew 4:9) This concludes that those kingdoms were the devil’s to give away. And 2 Corinthians 4:2-4 confirms the role that the devil is adulterating the Word of God and controlling the current system of things:

Other scripture confirming that God resides in heaven.

Luke 11:13

13 Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!”+

“Hallowed be thy name”

More directly translated:

Matthew 6:9

“‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name+ be sanctified.*+

Over the years the actual name of God has been made more generic. In some versions Our Father who art in heaven is addressed as Lord, or God. But, from my research, in the most authenticated translation of the Holy Scriptures, God’s name is Jehovah which means, “He causes to become.”

Exodus 6:2-3

2 Then God said to Moses: “I am Jehovah. 3 And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty,+ but with regard to my name Jehovah+ I did not make myself known to them.+

Psalm 83:18

18 May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah,+

You alone are the Most High over all the earth.+

“Thy Kingdom Come”

The most important premise for say the Our Father is to ask for God to use your existence to do His Will. In any prayer to God, there is an emphasis on your personal relationship with God. Sometimes you cannot find this through religious institutions or traditions.

Saying these words mean that we want God to rule over our lives and help us to do His will so that His prophecy can be fulfilled and His Son Jesus Christ, can rule over us for 1,000 years.

But to do his will you must acknowledge the first commandment which Jehovah’s son, Jesus Christ, simplified from the original 3 intended for God when there were 10 Commandments, and it is this:

“‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’

Matthew 22:37

37 He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah* your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul* and with your whole mind.’+ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment

“Thy Will Be Done, on earth as it is in heaven”

To love Jehovah first and foremost takes a leap of faith. It is what it means to no longer worry about money. Which is a constant stress in everyone’s life. When you love Jehovah and seek to do His Will above your own he will shower you with His love. And perhaps it is so subtle you may not even notice it at first.

We pray that God’s will and not ours that we want fulfilled because our minds and creativity are limited by our experience, education, etc… only God knows your true capacity because He created you and to ask for His Will to be done to you will in effect be much more beneficial for all. Only God knows what you are truly capable of,.

“Give us this day our daily bread”

Once you learn how to separate yourself from things controlling your actions and consumptions in this world, you can gain sustenance in the word of God in the Bible and know that God will take care of you. In effect you would derive your sustenance on what Jeremiah called Jehovah, the source of “living water.” (Jeremiah 17:13)

But Jehovah will not leave you hungry on account of the next passage:

Matthew 6:25-26

25 “On this account I say to you: Stop being anxious+ about your lives* as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear.+ Does not life* mean more than food and the body than clothing?+ 26 Observe intently the birds of heaven;+ they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they are?

“And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”

This can be summed up by following the 2nd Commandment as Jesus simplified the remaining 7 from the original 10. That being:

‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’

Mark 12:31

The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’

We are called to forgive others as often as necessary so as to entreat God to forgive us when we offend Him.

Matthew 18:21-22

21 Then Peter came and said to him: “Lord, how many times is my brother to sin against me and am I to forgive him? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus said to him: “I say to you, not up to seven times, but up to 77 times.+

“And lead us not into temptation”

This is just a plea so as not to be put to the test.

1 Corinthians 10:12-13

12 So let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.+ 13 No temptation has come upon you except what is common to men.+ But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear,+ but along with the temptation he will also make the way out so that you may be able to endure it.+

“But deliver us from evil. Amen”

You never know who the bad influence in your life might be until you find faith in God’s guidance. Your worst enemies may be your own family. But take heart that Jehovah can discern the righteous and unrighteous by which persons are doing His Will.

Matthew 12:48-50

47 So someone said to him: “Look! Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak to you.” 48 In reply he said to the one who spoke to him: “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 And extending his hand toward his disciples, he said: “Look! My mother and my brothers!+ 50 For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, that one is my brother and sister and mother.”+

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I, Mary Jeanne Cincotta, found #BibleTruth in The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Visit my home page to learn my process of intelligence gathering.

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