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Illustrations of Hell on Earth

Writer's picture: Mj CincottaMj Cincotta

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

(This blog details events taking place on Tuesday, June 13, 2023)

(A lesson on conquering the Devil by laughing in the face of adversity and making enough time for yourself to get a haircut. I mean, what do you expect from not having slept for 3 weeks and being involuntarily detained in a psychiatric hospital for 7 days. This is a lesson in forgiveness for those who are quick to judge and why to choose to do the Will of Jehovah and not practice sorcery. "I will put an end to the sorcery you practice, And no one practicing magic will remain among you" –Micah 5:12)

"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!"

–Princess Bride quote

So, I had to wait a whole week to get an appointment with @TaniaFerrel from Colour Bar Studios now located at The Boro in Tysons. What can I say? She IS the best. This building she just moved to, strangely enough, was developed by a company with the same name of the new high school that resides on the same plot that my no-longer-in-existence George Mason High School used to be.

Jesus spoke using illustrations

“And when he got nearby, he viewed the city and wept over it, saying: “If you, even you, had discerned on this day the things having to do with peace —but now they have been hidden from your eyes. Because the days will come upon you and besiege you from every side. They will dash you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in you, because you did not discern the time of your being inspected.”

–Luke 19:41-44

My Relationship with Colour Bar Studios

Two days ago, I finally had my appointment for my haircut. I had worked in Tysons for a bit, as the Art Director for a magazine that had been renamed Tysons Premier so I was aware of all of the new developments of the New City of Tysons. And having had taken a few photos of the Whole Foods for an article before, I new about the parking situation there (as it is pretty dire). But also that parking in Whole Foods across the street was the key to having the easier access to Colour Bar Studio’s new location.

"Free" 90-minute Parking at Whole Foods with $6 purchase

Now you get a “free” 90 minutes of parking if you make a minimum $6 purchase at Whole Foods. And you have exactly 15 minutes from the time you make you Whole Foods purchase to the time you exit the garage for your “free” parking to be validated. And I have to get a haircut within that time.

Mistaken Identity

I purposely dressed like a depraved hussy, because @elonmusk taunted me about my short-video clip making skills when I said I had 20 years experience in graphic design. And my failure to claim my reddit username accurately reflected the fact that I’ve had to learn how to navigate all of these new platforms, some old and some new in a very short span of time during which I don’t sleep but, on a good night 3 hours a day. So, I was like, gimme a break, I’m in effect a menopausal woman.

But I did thank the man for buying a platform where I might be able to post my thoughts and ideas, even though I feel I haven't made much traction in follower growth since I started.

Showing Your Age

(I updated my LinkedIn profile to show you how OLD I in fact am in regards to the software I choose to learn. So my ‘masterpiece” is relative to the content I have access to and what I put together in about 2 hours.Video on my website.) My 1-minute edit (which I agree would’ve been much more descriptive if my daughter provided me the YouTube clip of the robotics competition win) Is an appeal to this rich nerd to follow me on Twitter vs my daughter and my true relationship which at the present moment is strained because she wants me to take the video down because her “BFF” is my mother-in-law.

At the time I had posted the video, she wanted me to take it down. But, as I would legally stay "the Momma" until she turned 18 I ignored her request. She did not understand how her optimism in life about having a team of nerds as friends relates to MY motivations, as my family is now strained due to government influence.

I am going to fight in such a way that Jehovah has given me permission to. I know God's name is Jehovah and that He loves me and has been most likely keeping me awake so that I can try to do my best these past 6 months.

How Life is a Game

So, It was a simple enough task to accomplish. But, I believe only because I had previous knowledge of learning just how messed up this world is. So, I decided to have a little fun and start the rat race after parking my car, by first raising the backdoor my minivan and putting on a pair of high heels.

People Tend to Judge First

Now, I don’t usually have to get dressed up these days. I work from home, my business was online, my commute time is 0 secs and sweatshirts are my favorite, sweatshirts, sackcloths, socially they’re the same thing, right? I’m sure my Environmental Social Governance or (ESG) score would find it difficult for the the World Economic Forum to attack me. It turns out that when you are diagnosed as having a mental disorder and forced to sleep away 3 years of life so you don’t remember what the end goal of your actions was supposed to be if no one believed you, you then have to keep to yourself, refrain from speaking about anything relevant that impacts humans in real life (“No religion, no politics”) and you are given the supreme insult of a coloring page and crayons in the Psychiatric Ward as Therapy to help you cope with the absolute futility of your existence and are taught to swallow the bitterness of acting like a crazy coot because it was so much fun to speak your mind for that short period of time for reasons you don’t remember—with coping skills.

My coping skill was gardening. No, I don’t have an acre or anything, and my private backyard is quite tiny, but having to cope with persistent bitterness for 15 years can make a hobby like gardening turn you into a very self-sufficient person with no real need to buy anything.

And for me, that includes clothes.

(See Isaiah 11:2-4)

When I run errands, I wear whatever I was gardening in. I don’t usually purposely get dressed nice to shop at Whole Foods. Who really cares? Well, I don’t usually. In a way, not caring about what you wear, or ie..looking like a slob, is one way to actually be pretty invisible in society. Because, in our society, judgement usually comes first.

But in this exercise, I know that typical human beings are kind. Though we are all slaves to our jobs and rents, our only real motivation to keep a job that doesn’t make a lot of money is because in your mind, you are trying to help others and you sacrifice the hours of your life for that purpose. Not because you are volunteering, but because it is nice to have a place to return to to rest at the end of the day to rest. And that basic need is damn near unaffordable these days, so you have to work ALL the TIME.

Delight in Your Works Inspired by Jehovah

So, yeah, I’ll dress nice and wear high heels so people will acknowledge my existence today. And I’ll do it in such a way as to address the commentary on @elonmusk’s tweet on #augmentedreality which really just states that he’s a man. And men can’t help being pigs sometimes. Ahhh! Just forgive him. That’s what makes men men. Even they can’t deny they are pigs. It is usually funny that they admit it.

Boob Science

(My husband and I were entertained by watching the Jersey Shore with DJ Pauly D. We even celebrated New Years at The Belleview when DJ Pauly D was featured. But if you've ever watched The Jersey Shore, you'll understand that there's a reason that I requested "Snookie" hair, (because I was thinning on top, perhaps due to a tad bit of stress, age, who knows!) But you'll also understand why "J Wow" was called J Wow! I'm a woman and, let me tell you, I understand why men bow down to the gods who've taught them "Boob Science" and one example is being envious of J Wow! I mean, "Da** Girl! You lookin' good!")

So, you be a pig. Cause that’s funny!

And me, I’ll be a “slut.” (Because I know how it's done.)

I’ll display (what appalls my daughter to no end whenever it sees the light of day) my cleavage. Yes, the sad saggy cleavage of a 44 year old woman. Now, which bra of mine is way too small for me…?

When I realize I have to get one level up from the bottom floor of the garage to the ground floor exit all signs in the garage point to the “Elevator,” albeit some incorrectly, of course. But when you see what looks like the entrance to a Whole Foods you go to the Elevator because that is what you thought you were looking for, but then, who knows how long this elevator will take to get down to me? Especially when I can just take the stairs. And what do you know, as I was about to take the stairs, a nice young woman asks me what I’m looking for and points out that hidden around the corner is actually an escalator. Whoa! I didn’t even see that over there!

So, now I find the exit to Whole Foods, Colour Bar, right across the street.

Get through the door and what do you know, another elevator. I know I’m late, but I’m not going to even bother to push the button to gamble on the wait, just take the stairs again and hope that these aren’t the kind of stairwells that lock you in. I get to the floor, and it looks very strange, but I see a sign for Colour Bar to the right and the building is so unaesthetic It’s weird. Because the hallways are on the ends of the building with a blocked off unlabeled block in the middle. And what do you know, that sign was wrong. It led to the employee door. Then another nice person asks me, because I look like a rich hussy slut, “Do you need help? What are you looking for?”

And on the other (unmarked) side of the building is the Hair Salon whose door is right in front of the elevator.

And not that it made any difference, but I was in fact exactly 15 minutes late. And on the back of the form where the salon collects my client information there is a notice that they cannot guarantee that they can keep you appointment time:

“if you are more than 10 minutes late.”

Now, of course Tania saw me, and there was no issue. I did in fact call her and let her know beforehand. (Because I was going to take a 5 minute break and smoke a cigarette.) But I’m sure that sentence exists on that form, because being on time requires extreme time management skills and keeping arrival times for appointments when we are living in a hell on earth full of lies, unforgiving rules and conditions an be quite frustrating. So how fast can I get a consultation, a wash and a quick style so that I have time to buy a drink at Whole Foods and validate my parking before I’ll be charged extra….

This simple hellish game was fun, because I know how f***ed up the world is and when I got back into my car with only 1 other car ahead of me to get past the gate to leave the garage, I called, “And Time!”

Life is game, people. And it’s my supreme joy to play it with a God who loves me like, Jehovah.

HE is mostly likely speaking to the majority of our population that is currently taking sleeping medication. Would you stay up for one night and right down the words he has repeating over and over in your head so you can discern His message for you? Don’t you want to learn the answer He is giving you to YOUR prayers?

It’s been the same thing since the first recordings of time when he created the Earth. Try to obey the First Commandment, as spoken by Jesus. Matthew 22:37

“You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.”

Bible verse that references a story like this:

The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will collect out from his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling and people who practice lawlessness.

–Matthew 13:41

As my beef with the “current system of things” lies in the very apparent conditions that humans are faced to deal with regarding how hard it is to survive and retain some semblance of Free Will when even things advertised as free, are not free. Jesus said “the Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head.”

Moral of the Story from my Favorite Movie

“Just remember this, Mr. Potter: that this rabble you're talking about, they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath?”

–George Bailey, It’s a Wonderful Life

As Facebook didn’t allow me to upload the 5 images I had that went with my post, by the Grace of God, I have saved the money to use the URL that I secured 20 years ago and now can afford for some time the website hosting necessary to share these 5 photos as evidence of having lived this story.

This website will be transformed into an entertaining Bible resource of stories submitted from God’s human creation that teaches the Devil his lesson. God is Right and the Devil is Wrong.

With the help of the right Developers we can vote on the most hilarious submission that ultimately makes fun of ourselves for everyone else’s benefit and come to repentance and attain everlasting life through laughter as Jehovah plans to snatch up all of his people before Earth’s final cataclysm.

Pro Student Tip:

To find the Biblical quote that addresses your own story that evidences a hell on earth, I would recommend you download the JW Library, which is a Bible app where you can reference the key pieces of scripture that speak to your particular story as evidenced in the Bible.

There are 68 that reference lawlessness, which I believe are a result of stupid humans not being able realize that the 1st commandment is first because it is the most important. And we didn’t know how it was done until now. Search “lawlessness” for the 68 times that Jehovah kept repeating Himself.

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