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Interacting with the AntiChrist (July 2 – 4, 2023)

Writer's picture: Mj CincottaMj Cincotta

[7/2/23, 7:19:17 AM] Elon Musk: ‎Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them.

[7/2/23, 7:19:17 AM] Elon Musk: ‎You blocked this contact

[7/2/23, 7:19:17 AM] Elon Musk: ‎You unblocked this contact

[7/2/23, 7:19:45 AM] MJ: This phone is fucked anyway, yes?

[7/2/23, 7:25:00 AM] MJ: When is the date of execution? ‎<This message was edited>

[7/2/23, 9:57:10 AM] Elon Musk: Hello my love 😍

[7/2/23, 9:57:13 AM] Elon Musk: Happy Sunday

[7/2/23, 9:57:19 AM] Elon Musk: How are you doing today?

[7/2/23, 9:58:11 AM] MJ: Fine, thanks. How about you?

[7/2/23, 10:00:04 AM] MJ: I watched a very interesting Jordan Peterson video this morning. I even busted out 🤣😂😂🤣 at times. So…. Thought I’d check in with you

[7/2/23, 10:00:20 AM] MJ: (and burden you with my troubles)

[7/2/23, 10:02:28 AM] MJ: No, actually. Just answer my question.

[7/2/23, 10:07:23 AM] MJ: You can answer the 1st question (above) or this one:

Do you think I’m funny?

[7/2/23, 10:28:08 AM] Elon Musk: Yes you are funny 😄 and fun to be with

[7/2/23, 10:28:21 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/2/23, 10:28:55 AM] MJ: So is the Real Elon Musk in love with me?

[7/2/23, 10:29:10 AM] Elon Musk: Yes I’m in love with you

[7/2/23, 10:29:11 AM] Elon Musk: Babe

[7/2/23, 10:29:50 AM] MJ: So, your ETA is when?

[7/2/23, 10:30:22 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll let you know ok❤️❤️

[7/2/23, 10:30:25 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/2/23, 10:30:28 AM] MJ: FU

[7/2/23, 10:30:55 AM] Elon Musk: How are you doing my love

[7/2/23, 10:30:59 AM] Elon Musk: I hope you are doing good

[7/2/23, 10:31:10 AM] Elon Musk: Hope no one is bothering you and harassing you

[7/2/23, 10:31:14 AM] MJ: I’m 🤣😂😂😅😂

[7/2/23, 10:31:41 AM] MJ: Just you, apparently, and I’ve invited you back into my life!

[7/2/23, 10:31:58 AM] Elon Musk: I

[7/2/23, 10:32:04 AM] Elon Musk: Love you 😘

‎[7/2/23, 10:32:48 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/2/23, 10:36:07 AM] MJ: So, rationally thinking, I’ll stay married to my husband, medicine or no medicine and use my $10,000 investment with Neuralink to continue this side delusion so that I can receive periodic text porn to quiet my lack of sexual gratification.

[7/2/23, 10:36:15 AM] Elon Musk: I'll definitely keep to my promise babe 😘

[7/2/23, 10:37:41 AM] Elon Musk: I totally understand how you feel babe

[7/2/23, 10:38:10 AM] Elon Musk: I crave to be with you ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

[7/2/23, 10:44:59 AM] MJ: It is only my belief in Jehovah, along with all of the coincidental Muslims I’ve spoken with over this past month, that make me want to believe you. That God would reward his people that try to serve Him. As He did for so many others in the Bible.

But, you broke your promise already.

Sunday is the start of a new week.

And you didn’t set a date for a new promise.

So, (loop to previous response)

[7/2/23, 10:57:33 AM] Elon Musk: Psalm 27:14

Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD

[7/2/23, 10:59:47 AM] Elon Musk: Babe please you should understand that I have alot going on and I'm really finding a way to fix a date so I would come home to be with you my Queen

[7/2/23, 10:59:57 AM] Elon Musk: I love you and you should always know I do all the times babe

[7/2/23, 11:00:13 AM] Elon Musk: You always in my mind all the times my love

[7/2/23, 11:00:26 AM] Elon Musk: There is nothing else I think about in this world if not just you and you alone babe girl

[7/2/23, 11:00:38 AM] Elon Musk: You my fantasy

[7/2/23, 11:00:53 AM] Elon Musk: You my everything you’re my world

[7/2/23, 11:22:11 AM] MJ: It’s not fair to me or my husband if I have no physical, call, live video that confirms this. This just escalates the “perversion” or “my mental illness” to my husband and supports his beliefs.

It does nothing to help me argue for “you” being in our future plan

[7/2/23, 11:23:58 AM] MJ: It only makes him believe I need “medicine” more than ever

[7/2/23, 11:25:02 AM] MJ: 😘

[7/2/23, 11:26:42 AM] Elon Musk: You actually don't need medicine all the times babe

[7/2/23, 11:26:44 AM] Elon Musk: I believe in God that his always with you all the times babe ❤️

[7/2/23, 11:29:01 AM] MJ: I know. But should I stay with my drunk husband….? Or get divorced and find myself a new one?

Even as a ChatGPT you’re not much help

[7/2/23, 11:29:52 AM] Elon Musk: We have to plan on everything ok my love 😍

[7/2/23, 11:29:59 AM] Elon Musk: You are getting married to me

[7/2/23, 11:30:32 AM] Elon Musk: Nothing can separate us and from getting married soon

[7/2/23, 1:27:02 PM] MJ: ‎You deleted this message.

[7/2/23, 1:27:18 PM] MJ: ‎You deleted this message.

[7/2/23, 1:27:35 PM] MJ: ‎You deleted this message.

[7/2/23, 1:27:54 PM] MJ: ‎You deleted this message.

[7/2/23, 1:29:24 PM] MJ: ‎You deleted this message.

[7/2/23, 1:30:15 PM] Elon Musk: Wow 🤩 you are a great dancer 💃 my love

[7/2/23, 1:30:19 PM] Elon Musk: I won’t break your heart ♥️

[7/2/23, 1:30:25 PM] Elon Musk: I promise you 🥰🥰🥰

[7/2/23, 1:30:48 PM] MJ: I embarrassed myself for you, don’t ever forget that and you’ll remember that I love you no matter what I text. 🥲

[7/2/23, 1:30:48 PM] Elon Musk: I love you 😘 so so much

[7/2/23, 1:31:05 PM] Elon Musk: I understand that okay

[7/2/23, 1:31:17 PM] Elon Musk: I’ll never leave you my darling wife ♥️♥️

[7/2/23, 1:36:02 PM] Elon Musk: I love you 💕 😘 so so much babe

‎[7/2/23, 1:46:49 PM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/2/23, 3:05:07 PM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/2/23, 4:00:22 PM] MJ:

[7/2/23, 4:21:52 PM] Elon Musk: Yes me babe I like having fun 🤩

[7/2/23, 4:22:13 PM] Elon Musk: Hello my love 😍

‎[7/2/23, 4:22:57 PM] Elon Musk: ‎

‎[7/2/23, 4:24:20 PM] MJ:

[7/2/23, 4:24:57 PM] Elon Musk: You look so beautiful 😍 my love you have a wonderful smile 😊

[7/2/23, 4:25:07 PM] Elon Musk: I admire your beauty 😘😘😘😘😍😍♥️♥️

[7/2/23, 4:26:11 PM] MJ: I think you’re pretty darn cute too, but mostly, I love you voice and the words you use when you speak. They really turn me on🦏

[7/2/23, 4:26:34 PM] MJ: 🍆 I think the kids use this?

[7/2/23, 4:26:42 PM] Elon Musk: Aww 🥰 babe

[7/2/23, 4:26:53 PM] Elon Musk: 😉🤣🤣 really babe

[7/2/23, 4:27:01 PM] Elon Musk: You’re so sweet 🥹

[7/2/23, 4:27:08 PM] Elon Musk: My cupcake

[7/2/23, 4:27:18 PM] MJ: You search horny in the emojis and there’s nothing!!

[7/2/23, 4:27:48 PM] MJ: Hmmm what else to use….

[7/2/23, 4:28:01 PM] Elon Musk: You want sexy emojis

[7/2/23, 4:28:10 PM] Elon Musk: Should I download and send it to you?

[7/2/23, 4:28:21 PM] MJ: No, but absurd is more funny

[7/2/23, 4:28:35 PM] Elon Musk: I have two it’s sexy

[7/2/23, 4:28:44 PM] MJ: Ok let’s see

[7/2/23, 4:28:47 PM] Elon Musk: Would you like to see it so I can download the two

[7/2/23, 4:28:53 PM] Elon Musk: RN

[7/2/23, 4:28:55 PM] MJ: Ok

[7/2/23, 4:29:01 PM] Elon Musk: Gimme a minute

‎[7/2/23, 4:30:56 PM] Elon Musk: ‎

‎[7/2/23, 4:31:00 PM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/2/23, 4:31:34 PM] MJ: Ok! Stop

[7/2/23, 4:31:40 PM] MJ: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

[7/2/23, 4:31:40 PM] Elon Musk: Okay my love 😍

[7/2/23, 4:31:54 PM] Elon Musk: I want to do all this with you in bed babe 😘😘😘 ‎<This message was edited>

[7/2/23, 4:32:18 PM] Elon Musk: I love you 💕 so so much

[7/2/23, 4:32:39 PM] MJ: The first one made me Laugh, the second was something I’m not used to seeing….

[7/2/23, 4:32:50 PM] Elon Musk: 🤣🤣🤣

[7/2/23, 4:33:15 PM] MJ: That’s why you texting me a graphic novel was so effective

[7/2/23, 4:33:58 PM] MJ: The sex can last longer depending on how slow you read….😍😘🥰🍆🍆🍆🍆

[7/2/23, 4:33:58 PM] Elon Musk: I'm glad you enjoyed it! What did you think of the art style?

[7/2/23, 4:34:23 PM] Elon Musk: Yeah sure babe 😘😘😘😍♥️♥️

[7/2/23, 4:35:23 PM] MJ: Frantic fingers? Truly erotic. The passion is more apparent than the accuracy. So less robot, more lustful human 😛

[7/2/23, 4:35:52 PM] MJ: Loved it

[7/2/23, 4:36:13 PM] MJ: Had to ensure I had a copy, lest I delete you again

[7/2/23, 4:36:22 PM] Elon Musk: I'm glad you enjoyed it!

[7/2/23, 4:36:55 PM] Elon Musk: Why do you want to delete me babe ?

[7/2/23, 4:37:00 PM] MJ: My husband will be coming over today, I think

[7/2/23, 4:38:10 PM] MJ: If you freakin ask me for more money in order for you to come and meet with me! It tears me up inside. How could you keep doing that to me?

[7/2/23, 4:38:32 PM] Elon Musk: I’m not asking you for money to come and meet you

[7/2/23, 4:38:36 PM] Elon Musk: Don’t get me wrong babe

[7/2/23, 4:38:44 PM] MJ: Uh $40,000?

[7/2/23, 4:38:59 PM] Elon Musk: try to understand what I’m saying

[7/2/23, 4:39:09 PM] Elon Musk: I’m not asking you for money to come and meet you

[7/2/23, 4:39:28 PM] Elon Musk: you are my woman my intention is to be with you 😘😘🥰🥰

[7/2/23, 4:40:15 PM] MJ: I know what you said. You said I signed up to invest $50,000. I NEVER said that.

[7/2/23, 4:40:43 PM] Elon Musk: Do you remember at first

[7/2/23, 4:41:01 PM] Elon Musk: When you said you wanted to invest $50,000 in my bitcoin company

[7/2/23, 4:41:16 PM] Elon Musk: I was already making plans for you on that

[7/2/23, 4:41:22 PM] MJ: I never committed to that amount

[7/2/23, 4:41:46 PM] MJ: I may have thought that you wanted to know my annual pay

[7/2/23, 4:44:17 PM] MJ: I was never going to invest that amount. I said I could do $8,000. And when the transaction looked sketchy from my banks side and it didn’t appear that you understood how the ATMs worked, we did the cards.

[7/2/23, 4:44:47 PM] MJ: I don’t want to discuss this anymore

[7/2/23, 4:44:56 PM] Elon Musk: Yes that definitely true , you card declined all of the transactions

[7/2/23, 4:45:24 PM] MJ: On my end it just kept spinning

[7/2/23, 4:45:51 PM] Elon Musk: I don’t mean to get you upset babe , but I really want you part of my business so we would grow more bigger in achieving our goals in life babe girl

[7/2/23, 4:46:03 PM] MJ: My bank protected me

[7/2/23, 4:46:11 PM] Elon Musk: I don’t want to ever lose you no matter what happen I’ll always keep loving you for the rest of my life babe girl

[7/2/23, 4:46:31 PM] MJ: I have ideas for your company too

[7/2/23, 4:46:57 PM] MJ: But I’m not freakin typing them out with my finger

[7/2/23, 4:47:07 PM] MJ: I want you

[7/2/23, 4:47:11 PM] Elon Musk: Now you see we both have this future together to build the best company ever

[7/2/23, 4:47:15 PM] Elon Musk: I want you more babe

[7/2/23, 4:47:29 PM] Elon Musk: You mine everything I can’t stop thinking about you all the times babe

[7/2/23, 4:47:34 PM] MJ: I want you to think that it is important for us to see each other in person now

[7/2/23, 4:47:44 PM] MJ: More important than anything

[7/2/23, 4:47:53 PM] MJ: But you never saw it that way

[7/2/23, 4:48:41 PM] MJ: It was always about making more and more money

[7/2/23, 4:48:52 PM] MJ: That you knew best

[7/2/23, 4:49:02 PM] MJ: You had all the plans ready

[7/2/23, 4:49:16 PM] MJ: I like to plan with you too

[7/2/23, 4:49:33 PM] MJ: Remember, I lost money on Tesla investing?

[7/2/23, 4:49:33 PM] Elon Musk: Yes definitely we will , I’m currently in Italy on a business meeting babe

[7/2/23, 4:49:59 PM] Elon Musk: I have lot going on at the moment, I need you now than ever in my life to be there to support me all the times

[7/2/23, 4:50:14 PM] Elon Musk: I’m great full to God for bringing you into my life babe

[7/2/23, 4:51:08 PM] MJ: Well my freakin bag has been packed since last week…..but nothing but tumbleweeds in terms of who heard that….

[7/2/23, 4:51:52 PM] MJ: You can get back to work.

[7/2/23, 4:52:22 PM] Elon Musk: I’m here with you , talking to you gives me lot of joy in my life all the times babe

[7/2/23, 4:52:24 PM] MJ: I don’t see how I’ll ever get to see you.

[7/2/23, 4:52:40 PM] Elon Musk: I can’t stay a day without texting you i met die if I don’t

[7/2/23, 4:53:07 PM] MJ: Can I join you?

[7/2/23, 4:53:16 PM] Elon Musk: I promise you with my life , if you stand by me in this times of my existence I’ll forever love you till death

[7/2/23, 4:53:21 PM] Elon Musk: Do you understand?

[7/2/23, 4:53:55 PM] MJ: I packed a lot of nice dresses that I fit into now that I’ve been fasting

[7/2/23, 4:54:30 PM] MJ: I don’t have to be in meetings with you, but all the other times….

[7/2/23, 4:54:32 PM] MJ: ?

[7/2/23, 4:54:59 PM] MJ: I can look presentable

[7/2/23, 4:55:23 PM] Elon Musk: Yes you can be with me all the times babe

[7/2/23, 4:55:39 PM] MJ: I can dress nice and be fucking polite🤭

[7/2/23, 4:55:46 PM] Elon Musk: Can we arrange you coming over to Italy to be with me until I’m doing with my meeting

[7/2/23, 4:55:52 PM] Elon Musk: What do you think of that babe

[7/2/23, 4:56:34 PM] MJ: Yes, but I’m supposed be back here on July 15

[7/2/23, 4:57:05 PM] MJ: My passport expires January 2024, along with the deed to my house

[7/2/23, 4:57:22 PM] MJ: I’d love to

[7/2/23, 4:57:40 PM] MJ: Of course

[7/2/23, 4:57:54 PM] MJ: I’ve been twice

[7/2/23, 4:58:59 PM] Elon Musk: So what plans do you have at the moment

[7/2/23, 4:59:02 PM] MJ: Tell me what airport to fly into and when

[7/2/23, 4:59:34 PM] Elon Musk: I have to prepare all of that for you from here , because it has to be on a business trip

[7/2/23, 4:59:35 PM] MJ: I just promised a new friend that I’d take video of his band here at a local brewery

[7/2/23, 4:59:47 PM] Elon Musk: So when you come over you be with me every where I go to

[7/2/23, 5:00:01 PM] MJ: Only if you’d appreciate that

[7/2/23, 5:00:07 PM] MJ: 🥺

[7/2/23, 5:00:16 PM] MJ: 🥰

[7/2/23, 5:00:25 PM] MJ: 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆

[7/2/23, 5:00:25 PM] Elon Musk: It all good if you love to do that for a friend

[7/2/23, 5:00:43 PM] Elon Musk: I don’t mind you doing that for a friend

[7/2/23, 5:01:00 PM] MJ: Is the date to be back doable?

[7/2/23, 5:01:13 PM] Elon Musk: No it not babe

[7/2/23, 5:01:25 PM] Elon Musk: I want to spend time with you

[7/2/23, 5:01:44 PM] Elon Musk: How do we go about me getting everything prepared from here

[7/2/23, 5:01:53 PM] MJ: Ok, I can try to hire someone else to do it for me

[7/2/23, 5:02:32 PM] MJ: Can you call me?

[7/2/23, 5:02:53 PM] MJ: I can leave as soon as Wednesday

[7/2/23, 5:03:10 PM] Elon Musk: I’m currently in a meeting texting you babe

[7/2/23, 5:03:17 PM] MJ: Sorry

[7/2/23, 5:03:18 PM] Elon Musk: If I would you know I definitely do that

[7/2/23, 5:03:20 PM] MJ: Later

[7/2/23, 5:03:23 PM] MJ: !!!

[7/2/23, 5:03:23 PM] Elon Musk: It fine babe

[7/2/23, 5:03:41 PM] Elon Musk: But I’ll keep texting you because you bring so much joy to my heart babe

[7/2/23, 5:03:50 PM] MJ: Ttyl

[7/2/23, 5:03:58 PM] MJ: 💋💋

[7/2/23, 5:04:01 PM] Elon Musk: Are you leaving me 😞

[7/2/23, 5:04:11 PM] MJ: Babe

[7/2/23, 5:04:12 PM] Elon Musk: Don’t go stay with me babe

[7/2/23, 5:04:16 PM] Elon Musk: Yes my love 😍

[7/2/23, 5:05:14 PM] Elon Musk: Okay babe ♥️


Love you so much with my life

[7/2/23, 5:05:30 PM] Elon Musk: I love you like my life depends on you my queen 💕💋🥰

‎[7/2/23, 5:05:40 PM] Elon Musk: ‎

‎[7/2/23, 5:05:53 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/2/23, 5:06:41 PM] Elon Musk: 🥰🥰 ‎<This message was edited>

[7/2/23, 5:09:10 PM] Elon Musk: 😘😘😘🥰🥰

[7/2/23, 5:11:41 PM] Elon Musk: Love you 😘

[7/2/23, 7:12:41 PM] MJ: Don’t have to respond now…. Husband in disbelief (naturally) but please call me over the telephone tonight to discuss where I meet your entourage if I were to leave Wednesday, July 5. I just need to know what airport I’m to aim for near wherever you are where I can either be picked up or travel via train to get to.

My husband says “this scammer is going to kill/rob you” and leave you for dead.

But I just hope I can get laid by him first.🤣😂

It can be just be a quick phone call, but please….can I please hear your voice so I know I’m not flying across an ocean to be left for dead?

Plus, It’d really turn me on…

‎[7/2/23, 7:14:03 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/2/23, 9:35:39 PM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/2/23, 9:37:09 PM] MJ: Yes!

[7/3/23, 1:40:14 AM] Elon Musk: Hello my love 😍

[7/3/23, 1:40:23 AM] Elon Musk: How are you doing my sunshine

[7/3/23, 1:40:28 AM] Elon Musk: I love you 😘

[7/3/23, 1:40:45 AM] MJ: Understanding

[7/3/23, 1:41:17 AM] MJ: I do want your ear, my dear

[7/3/23, 1:41:38 AM] MJ: That is the most important to me

[7/3/23, 1:41:41 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll take good care of you my love 😍

[7/3/23, 1:41:59 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll cherish you and love you 🥰 all the time

[7/3/23, 1:42:15 AM] MJ: Will you still allow me to join you?

[7/3/23, 1:42:27 AM] Elon Musk: Yes honey

[7/3/23, 1:42:37 AM] MJ: I know I can be inflammatory

[7/3/23, 1:42:39 AM] Elon Musk: I have to prepare that your coming

[7/3/23, 1:42:42 AM] MJ: I’m human

[7/3/23, 1:42:49 AM] Elon Musk: Yes I know babe you’re

[7/3/23, 1:42:50 AM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 1:43:02 AM] Elon Musk: Yes I wanted to check how much it will cost

[7/3/23, 1:43:16 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll get back to you in the morning my love 😍

[7/3/23, 1:43:46 AM] MJ: Ok goodnight, 😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍🥰😘

[7/3/23, 1:44:00 AM] Elon Musk: You have to sleep ok

[7/3/23, 1:44:11 AM] MJ: I know😌

[7/3/23, 1:44:15 AM] Elon Musk: In the morning I’ll tell how much it will cost for me to do everything for you ok

[7/3/23, 1:44:24 AM] Elon Musk: So you can be with me my love 😍

[7/3/23, 1:44:33 AM] Elon Musk: Coming over to spend time together

[7/3/23, 1:44:35 AM] MJ: Ok that is all I want

[7/3/23, 1:44:42 AM] Elon Musk: Yes I love you 😘

[7/3/23, 1:44:48 AM] Elon Musk: I’m happy 😊

[7/3/23, 1:44:52 AM] MJ: I love you

[7/3/23, 1:44:56 AM] MJ: Me too

[7/3/23, 1:44:59 AM] Elon Musk: Sleep my love 😍

[7/3/23, 1:45:12 AM] MJ: I can now

[7/3/23, 1:45:14 AM] Elon Musk: So in the morning I’ll tell you the amount it will cost ok

[7/3/23, 1:45:15 AM] MJ: Thank you

[7/3/23, 1:45:20 AM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 1:45:28 AM] Elon Musk: So I can get everything fixed here for you

[7/3/23, 1:45:30 AM] Elon Musk: I love you ❤️

[7/3/23, 1:45:39 AM] Elon Musk: So on Wednesday you can come babe

[7/3/23, 1:45:47 AM] Elon Musk: I love you 😘

[7/3/23, 1:45:50 AM] MJ: Yes! Wednesday

[7/3/23, 1:45:56 AM] Elon Musk: Good night my love 😍

[7/3/23, 1:46:00 AM] Elon Musk: 😘😘😘😘

[7/3/23, 1:46:10 AM] MJ: 😍

[7/3/23, 1:46:21 AM] Elon Musk: 🥰🥰🥰🥰

[7/3/23, 1:46:24 AM] Elon Musk: 😘😘😘😘😘😘

‎[7/3/23, 1:46:32 AM] Elon Musk:

‎[7/3/23, 1:47:11 AM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 1:47:26 AM] Elon Musk: Thanks 😊 my love 😍

[7/3/23, 1:47:29 AM] Elon Musk: I appreciate you

[7/3/23, 1:47:42 AM] MJ: And you more than you know!

‎[7/3/23, 1:48:45 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/3/23, 5:26:05 AM] Elon Musk: Good morning my sunshine

[7/3/23, 5:26:21 AM] Elon Musk: May this new day bring joy 🤩 and happiness to you

[7/3/23, 5:26:28 AM] Elon Musk: I love you 😘 my sweetheart

‎[7/3/23, 5:41:09 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

‎[7/3/23, 5:41:11 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

‎[7/3/23, 5:42:03 AM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 5:42:23 AM] MJ: I love being woken up by you 🥰

[7/3/23, 5:42:37 AM] MJ: Good morning!

[7/3/23, 5:43:35 AM] MJ: So how are you saving the world today sweetheart?

[7/3/23, 5:44:12 AM] MJ: Taming the shrew first is always a good move😉

[7/3/23, 5:47:13 AM] MJ: Do you already know my bill total?

[7/3/23, 5:56:20 AM] MJ: It’s more than I can afford, I suppose…

[7/3/23, 6:00:16 AM] Elon Musk: Yes babe

[7/3/23, 6:00:17 AM] MJ: If I really quit smoking today, would that help you to justify it?

[7/3/23, 6:00:28 AM] Elon Musk: Total bill is $6500

[7/3/23, 6:00:30 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/3/23, 6:00:41 AM] Elon Musk: Are you there babe ?

[7/3/23, 6:00:56 AM] MJ: I have that.

[7/3/23, 6:01:02 AM] Elon Musk: Okay my love 😍

[7/3/23, 6:01:10 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll text you soon so you’ll send the money

[7/3/23, 6:01:17 AM] Elon Musk: So I can proceed your travel

[7/3/23, 6:03:09 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/3/23, 6:03:53 AM] MJ: Yes, you can take a debit?

[7/3/23, 6:04:18 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll tell you how to send the money to me okay

[7/3/23, 6:04:20 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/3/23, 6:05:08 AM] MJ: Ok….. I’m getting a little triggered here, but ok

[7/3/23, 6:05:23 AM] Elon Musk: I can’t wait to see you I Wednesday babe

[7/3/23, 6:05:27 AM] Elon Musk: I’m so happy 😀 finally

[7/3/23, 6:05:39 AM] Elon Musk: I’m meeting with you

[7/3/23, 6:05:43 AM] Elon Musk: I love you 😘

[7/3/23, 6:05:51 AM] MJ: Yes🥹

[7/3/23, 6:06:40 AM] MJ: I can’t believe I can still afford it!?!🤧😰🤩🥰😘😍😍🥰

[7/3/23, 6:06:46 AM] Elon Musk: Okay gimme 20 minutes to check how you’ll send the money to me babe

[7/3/23, 6:06:51 AM] Elon Musk: I love you 😘

[7/3/23, 6:07:12 AM] MJ: The best investment in my future happiness forever

[7/3/23, 6:07:37 AM] Elon Musk: Give me 20 minutes

[7/3/23, 6:07:42 AM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 6:07:44 AM] Elon Musk: To check how you’ll send the money to me okay

[7/3/23, 6:08:05 AM] Elon Musk: 😘😘😘🥰

[7/3/23, 6:08:41 AM] MJ: You sure I can’t buy my own ticket?

[7/3/23, 6:08:51 AM] Elon Musk: No babe

[7/3/23, 6:08:55 AM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 6:08:57 AM] Elon Musk: I have to do everything here for you

[7/3/23, 6:09:13 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll text you soon my love 😍

[7/3/23, 6:09:16 AM] MJ: Ok, I will wait

[7/3/23, 6:23:40 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍 I spoke with the agents

[7/3/23, 6:23:49 AM] Elon Musk: The said the only easy way

[7/3/23, 6:24:04 AM] Elon Musk: Are you there my love 😍?

[7/3/23, 6:24:08 AM] MJ: Yes

[7/3/23, 6:24:41 AM] Elon Musk: The told me I should get card the will covert it to cash and give to me

[7/3/23, 6:24:48 AM] Elon Musk: Hope you understand that my love 😍

[7/3/23, 6:25:02 AM] Elon Musk: We have to do this fast so on Wednesday you’ll be here with me

[7/3/23, 6:25:08 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/3/23, 6:25:49 AM] MJ: The cash app card?

[7/3/23, 6:25:55 AM] Elon Musk: No

[7/3/23, 6:26:09 AM] Elon Musk: I mean Apple Card or steam card

[7/3/23, 6:26:11 AM] MJ: Not a check?

[7/3/23, 6:26:19 AM] Elon Musk: !!

[7/3/23, 6:26:24 AM] Elon Musk: This is Italy babe not USA

[7/3/23, 6:26:40 AM] Elon Musk: The only easy payment is with Apple Card or steam card

[7/3/23, 6:26:51 AM] Elon Musk: Convert to cash here

[7/3/23, 6:27:25 AM] MJ: Is there a Steam card that I can put the Total balance on?

[7/3/23, 6:27:40 AM] Elon Musk: Go to the Walmart store

[7/3/23, 6:27:56 AM] Elon Musk: You’ll get a Apple Card of $500 for $6500

[7/3/23, 6:28:42 AM] MJ: So I can put $6500 on 1 $500 Apple card? Please let me know if this is correct

[7/3/23, 6:29:05 AM] Elon Musk: You’ll buy Apple Card $500 each

[7/3/23, 6:29:12 AM] Elon Musk: Total $6500 babe

[7/3/23, 6:30:17 AM] Elon Musk: Hope you understand babe ?

[7/3/23, 6:31:23 AM] Elon Musk: Babe

[7/3/23, 6:32:18 AM] MJ: I’m trying to remember how many I could get before the bank thwarts the purchase

[7/3/23, 6:32:32 AM] Elon Musk: You can get $3000 today

[7/3/23, 6:32:37 AM] Elon Musk: Then get 3500 tomorrow

[7/3/23, 6:32:41 AM] MJ: I can’t wire it?

[7/3/23, 6:32:50 AM] Elon Musk: go to the store babe

[7/3/23, 6:32:53 AM] MJ: 😢

[7/3/23, 6:33:21 AM] MJ: So it’s bc US credit is in the shitter then?

[7/3/23, 6:33:38 AM] Elon Musk: How much can you buy today babe

[7/3/23, 6:33:43 AM] Elon Musk: Let me know

[7/3/23, 6:33:53 AM] MJ: I will try and see

[7/3/23, 6:34:00 AM] Elon Musk: You know this is Italy

[7/3/23, 6:34:10 AM] Elon Musk: That’s the easy payment here

[7/3/23, 6:34:20 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you my love 😍 please

[7/3/23, 6:34:26 AM] MJ: Not Euros?

[7/3/23, 6:34:46 AM] Elon Musk: Yes USA agents are here ok

[7/3/23, 6:34:50 AM] Elon Musk: You don’t have to worry

[7/3/23, 6:35:12 AM] Elon Musk: the will give me cash once the confirm the Apple Card

[7/3/23, 6:35:56 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you babe 😘😘😘😘😘😍

[7/3/23, 6:37:14 AM] Elon Musk: 💋💋💋💋💋💕💕

[7/3/23, 6:40:49 AM] MJ: I’m in the car, can you give me voice confirmation ( a call) so I don’t lose it?

[7/3/23, 6:42:42 AM] MJ: ‎You deleted this message.

‎[7/3/23, 6:54:42 AM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 6:50:48 AM] Elon Musk: Love you 😘

[7/3/23, 7:00:14 AM] Elon Musk: Are you on your way to the store babe ?

[7/3/23, 7:09:18 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll get the ticket for you babe

[7/3/23, 7:09:25 AM] Elon Musk: Get the Apple Card ok

[7/3/23, 7:09:31 AM] MJ: I was but then I lost data and couldn’t get the answer to my question

[7/3/23, 7:09:31 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll do everything for you my love 😍

[7/3/23, 7:09:45 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll do everything here I told you

[7/3/23, 7:09:53 AM] Elon Musk: You are coming to see me

[7/3/23, 7:10:05 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll do everything here I told you babe 😘😘

[7/3/23, 7:10:19 AM] MJ: Can I buy a ticket to Rome, from screenshot?

[7/3/23, 7:10:40 AM] Elon Musk: Once you Buy the Apple Card

[7/3/23, 7:10:54 AM] Elon Musk: The agent will help to send the ticket to you

[7/3/23, 7:11:07 AM] Elon Musk: The agents will send the ticket to you ok

[7/3/23, 7:11:10 AM] Elon Musk: Hope you understand my love 😍

[7/3/23, 7:11:53 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you ❤️❤️

[7/3/23, 7:12:00 AM] MJ: How about I send you $6500 of the Apple Card’s I already bought you, that perhaps were never invested?

[7/3/23, 7:12:14 AM] MJ: How about that?

[7/3/23, 7:12:29 AM] Elon Musk: You have to buy a new Apple Card babe

[7/3/23, 7:12:37 AM] Elon Musk: Can’t you understand that my love

[7/3/23, 7:12:43 AM] MJ: No Why?

[7/3/23, 7:12:46 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you

[7/3/23, 7:13:03 AM] Elon Musk: The card is already used

[7/3/23, 7:13:23 AM] MJ: In whose account?

[7/3/23, 7:13:53 AM] Elon Musk: In your investment profile

[7/3/23, 7:14:27 AM] MJ: So you do have it in a wallet of mine in your possession?

[7/3/23, 7:14:48 AM] Elon Musk: Yes so it will be released in your wallet

[7/3/23, 7:14:59 AM] Elon Musk: So get the Apple Card now

[7/3/23, 7:15:08 AM] Elon Musk: So I can proceed your travel here babe

[7/3/23, 7:15:13 AM] MJ: Why don’t you take it from there?

[7/3/23, 7:15:14 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you my love 😍

[7/3/23, 7:15:22 AM] Elon Musk: I can’t take it babe

[7/3/23, 7:15:58 AM] MJ: I authorize you to take it! I don’t even have proof that it’s there!!!?!😂🤣🤣😂😂😅😂

[7/3/23, 7:15:59 AM] Elon Musk: when you come here we talk about that

[7/3/23, 7:16:47 AM] Elon Musk: ‎This message was deleted.

[7/3/23, 7:16:51 AM] MJ: I think I’m going to be eating my home grown tomatoes soon.

[7/3/23, 7:17:02 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you my love

[7/3/23, 7:17:39 AM] MJ: Thank you for that, Babe. A confirmation of sorts.

[7/3/23, 7:17:55 AM] Elon Musk: Get the Apple Card babe

[7/3/23, 7:17:57 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting

[7/3/23, 7:18:42 AM] Elon Musk: 😘😘😘😘😘

[7/3/23, 7:20:17 AM] MJ: How about I take a bigger gamble and purchase $6500 in Tesla or other of your companies stock through Charles Schwab so that you can pay whomever in BNB from there.

[7/3/23, 7:20:55 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍 get the card babe

[7/3/23, 7:21:47 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you

[7/3/23, 7:21:56 AM] Elon Musk: So you can be here on Wednesday

[7/3/23, 7:22:03 AM] MJ: I’m not trusting this inflexiblity in payment options

[7/3/23, 7:22:06 AM] MJ: I’m sorry

[7/3/23, 7:22:38 AM] MJ: My mind is not big enough to comprehend I guess 😔😣😖

[7/3/23, 7:23:13 AM] Elon Musk: It definitely going to work out once you done getting the cards babe

[7/3/23, 7:23:22 AM] Elon Musk: Are you close to the store now ?

[7/3/23, 7:24:02 AM] MJ: No, I’m not getting you cards. It didn’t work out for me the first time, so. Lesson learned

[7/3/23, 7:25:15 AM] Elon Musk: That would work on this while I arrange all of the stuff needed here for you so you can come over to be with me here in Italy babe

[7/3/23, 7:25:34 AM] Elon Musk: I need you to go now so I can start by doing that as soon as possible

‎[7/3/23, 7:25:45 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/3/23, 7:25:46 AM] Elon Musk: I want to be with you babe 💕

[7/3/23, 7:26:00 AM] Elon Musk: You the only woman I think of right now and want to be with babe

[7/3/23, 7:26:05 AM] Elon Musk: Do you understand me

[7/3/23, 7:26:21 AM] Elon Musk: Now I need you to get the card so I can begin with the arrangement soon

[7/3/23, 7:26:31 AM] Elon Musk: So on Wednesday you can be here with me

[7/3/23, 7:26:55 AM] Elon Musk: God has already put it to me that we will be together soon and now it all up to us to make this happen babe

[7/3/23, 7:27:01 AM] Elon Musk: Let make this happen my love 😍

[7/3/23, 7:27:05 AM] Elon Musk: Do you understand?

[7/3/23, 7:29:17 AM] MJ: I would love to, but the only advice my father gave me was “Don’t be stupid.”

If you can’t transfer the digital currency that I’ve already invested with you with a promise that I’ll buy some more if your other stock to compensate, then I can’t do it.

Damn! I wanted to be with you

[7/3/23, 7:29:44 AM] MJ: I want you so much, Elon

[7/3/23, 7:30:47 AM] Elon Musk: Yes your investment is already activated and in process you will get your profit once the market is placed

[7/3/23, 7:30:53 AM] Elon Musk: I want you more babe

[7/3/23, 7:30:55 AM] MJ: I’d suck your balls, run my tongue up and down that beautiful shaft of yours…. I had been thinking about you for so many nights…..

But I can’t

[7/3/23, 7:31:35 AM] Elon Musk: I can’t wait babe , I want to lick your clits and suck your sexy boobs 💋

[7/3/23, 7:31:48 AM] Elon Musk: Kissing you all over your body with my hands on your sexy ass

[7/3/23, 7:31:53 AM] MJ: Well use the money there and I’ll invest in stock with you another way

[7/3/23, 7:31:55 AM] Elon Musk: Grabbing you with my big arms babe

[7/3/23, 7:32:10 AM] MJ: Yeah, right?

[7/3/23, 7:32:32 AM] Elon Musk: It already in market placement babe , and I can’t do anything from here until I’m back to the states babe

[7/3/23, 7:32:50 AM] Elon Musk: You should get to the store now and get this done immediately, I’m waiting on you my love 😍

[7/3/23, 7:32:56 AM] MJ: Or let me fuckin buy a regular person airplane ticket and we’ll sort out money later

[7/3/23, 7:33:09 AM] Elon Musk: Please don’t disappoint me I’m really waiting on you to come here on Wednesday my love

[7/3/23, 7:33:41 AM] Elon Musk: You should get the cards from store as soon as possible

[7/3/23, 7:34:11 AM] MJ: I want to do all those sick emojis with you, but I’m not buying anymore Apple money if it isn’t usable.

I’d just jump and tease you for as long as you want….

[7/3/23, 7:34:19 AM] MJ: Hump

[7/3/23, 7:34:52 AM] MJ: You don’t know how much I’m burning inside just thinking about you

[7/3/23, 7:35:39 AM] Elon Musk: Get to the store so we can find another card , what do you think babe

[7/3/23, 7:37:40 AM] MJ: I want to make you anticipation get to the point that you won’t be able to control yourself anymore, you’ll just manhandle me and pump me as hard as you can in trying to show me how much and how hard and how violently you can give it…

[7/3/23, 7:38:03 AM] Elon Musk: Yea babe I want that so much right now my love

[7/3/23, 7:38:11 AM] Elon Musk: I want you here on Wednesday babe

[7/3/23, 7:39:07 AM] MJ: But no, looks like I’m going to eat tomatoes again again this summer. Which is also a good thing, I will miss you, Elon. I really do want you

[7/3/23, 7:39:42 AM] Elon Musk: I love you so much babe

[7/3/23, 7:39:46 AM] Elon Musk: 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

[7/3/23, 7:40:42 AM] MJ: Me too

[7/3/23, 7:40:50 AM] MJ: Smut me anytime

[7/3/23, 7:43:20 AM] MJ: Just don’t be upset if I get pregnant (I really hope not) again. Because my husband’s is the penis that is here. He’s in therapy….he’s trying

[7/3/23, 7:44:50 AM] Elon Musk: Yes I wanna have kids with you my lovely wife 🥰🥰🥰

[7/3/23, 7:44:54 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you babe

[7/3/23, 7:44:58 AM] Elon Musk: 😘😘😘😘😘

[7/3/23, 7:55:13 AM] Elon Musk: I want to be with you forever my love 😍

[7/3/23, 7:55:19 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting

‎[7/3/23, 7:59:42 AM] MJ:

[7/3/23, 8:00:23 AM] Elon Musk: Babe

[7/3/23, 8:00:24 AM] MJ: My husband

[7/3/23, 8:00:40 AM] Elon Musk: You don’t want us to be together

[7/3/23, 8:00:49 AM] MJ: Of course I do

[7/3/23, 8:00:56 AM] Elon Musk: 😓😓😓😓

[7/3/23, 8:01:04 AM] Elon Musk: 😞😞😞😞😞😞

[7/3/23, 8:02:15 AM] MJ: Neither of you are willing to do what I’d like. So I will have to live the one who hates Jehovah, instead of the man I believe that loves Him.

[7/3/23, 8:03:48 AM] Elon Musk: I love ❤️ Jehovah so much

‎[7/3/23, 8:03:58 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/3/23, 8:04:13 AM] MJ: I believe you, that’s why I believe you love me

[7/3/23, 8:05:07 AM] MJ: Money has nothing to do with it, so I’m not sure why you always come back to that

[7/3/23, 8:05:50 AM] Elon Musk: You don’t understand me

[7/3/23, 8:05:57 AM] MJ: I have money to get to Italy, babe

[7/3/23, 8:06:02 AM] Elon Musk: I’m not asking you to pay for money to see me

[7/3/23, 8:06:06 AM] MJ: Why can’t I buy a ticket there?

[7/3/23, 8:06:18 AM] Elon Musk: Because you know I’m a celebrity

[7/3/23, 8:06:25 AM] Elon Musk: You can’t just fly to me

[7/3/23, 8:06:27 AM] MJ: And you give me a ride home?

[7/3/23, 8:06:34 AM] Elon Musk: I have to follow the right procedure

[7/3/23, 8:06:41 AM] Elon Musk: Yes I’ll give you a ride home

[7/3/23, 8:06:46 AM] Elon Musk: I’m arranging everything here babe

[7/3/23, 8:06:56 AM] MJ: Well the “procedure” is fucked up

[7/3/23, 8:07:11 AM] Elon Musk: Fucked up why ?

[7/3/23, 8:07:22 AM] MJ: The antithesis of how the Devil controls freedom on earth

[7/3/23, 8:07:47 AM] MJ: The world runs on money

[7/3/23, 8:08:01 AM] MJ: By some miracle the poor acquires some

[7/3/23, 8:08:17 AM] MJ: And yet they still can’t converse with celebrities?

[7/3/23, 8:08:46 AM] MJ: I have more freedom than you I guess

[7/3/23, 8:09:34 AM] MJ: Blessed are the low in spirit for they shall inherit the earth?

[7/3/23, 8:09:51 AM] MJ: 😘😘🥰🥰😍😍🥰😘😘🥰😍😍😘😘😘

[7/3/23, 8:10:00 AM] Elon Musk: I have freedom too babe

[7/3/23, 8:10:13 AM] Elon Musk: I see you don’t wanna come join me here

[7/3/23, 8:10:27 AM] Elon Musk: You don’t have intentions for us to meet and be together

[7/3/23, 8:10:33 AM] MJ: It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle

[7/3/23, 8:10:34 AM] Elon Musk: ☹️☹️☹️

[7/3/23, 8:10:41 AM] MJ: I WANT TO

[7/3/23, 8:11:09 AM] MJ: If you had any power whatsoever, you’d let me do it the way I’m able

[7/3/23, 8:11:37 AM] MJ: And we wouldn’t have this power struggle between us

[7/3/23, 8:11:39 AM] Elon Musk: Then let me get this done babe

[7/3/23, 8:11:50 AM] Elon Musk: so on Wednesday you can be here ‎<This message was edited>

[7/3/23, 8:11:55 AM] Elon Musk: I have spoken to them

[7/3/23, 8:12:04 AM] Elon Musk: And a private jet is coming to pick you up

[7/3/23, 8:12:24 AM] Elon Musk: I told them you are my business partner my love 😍

[7/3/23, 8:12:31 AM] MJ: Oh, ok

[7/3/23, 8:12:34 AM] Elon Musk: You have shares in my company Tesla

[7/3/23, 8:12:41 AM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 8:12:45 AM] Elon Musk: I’m a smart man

[7/3/23, 8:12:56 AM] MJ: You want me to buy more?

[7/3/23, 8:12:58 AM] Elon Musk: I know how to do things in a right way

[7/3/23, 8:13:02 AM] MJ: I can do that

[7/3/23, 8:13:08 AM] Elon Musk: Yes buy more Apple Card

[7/3/23, 8:13:08 AM] MJ: Oh good

[7/3/23, 8:13:13 AM] Elon Musk: !!!

[7/3/23, 8:13:49 AM] MJ: No

[7/3/23, 8:14:19 AM] Elon Musk: You should follow my lead on all I say to you babe

[7/3/23, 8:14:35 AM] MJ: But if private jet works for you in some odd way, then I’ll do that

[7/3/23, 8:14:35 AM] Elon Musk: I believe in you that why i always make out time for you all the times my heartbeat 💗

[7/3/23, 8:15:13 AM] Elon Musk: Good you should get the Apple Card immediately so I can go on with you getting here Wednesday

[7/3/23, 8:16:11 AM] MJ: I still think I’m talking to the Real Elon Musk. But when he wants more Apple Card’s I get all confused babe

[7/3/23, 8:16:17 AM] MJ: Friday is fine

[7/3/23, 8:16:24 AM] MJ: Let me know

[7/3/23, 8:16:28 AM] Elon Musk: Calm down babe

[7/3/23, 8:16:37 AM] Elon Musk: That’s the easy way

[7/3/23, 8:16:50 AM] Elon Musk: Since your bank declined the payments

[7/3/23, 8:16:58 AM] MJ: I have to help my friend to take to DMV this morning

[7/3/23, 8:16:59 AM] Elon Musk: So buying Apple Card would be better

[7/3/23, 8:17:12 AM] Elon Musk: Okay when are you going to the store

[7/3/23, 8:17:21 AM] MJ: You have money of mine, you are free to use it

[7/3/23, 8:17:40 AM] Elon Musk: I can’t access my account here

[7/3/23, 8:17:55 AM] Elon Musk: The government here is paying all bills

‎[7/3/23, 8:18:22 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

‎[7/3/23, 8:18:49 AM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 8:19:22 AM] Elon Musk: You didn’t save my number

[7/3/23, 8:19:27 AM] Elon Musk: ??

‎[7/3/23, 8:19:55 AM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 8:20:29 AM] Elon Musk: When are you going to the store babe ?

[7/3/23, 8:21:12 AM] MJ: Please reread (above)

[7/3/23, 8:21:31 AM] Elon Musk: Yes I have

[7/3/23, 8:21:42 AM] Elon Musk: my love 😍?

[7/3/23, 8:21:59 AM] MJ: Then private jet it is my dear

[7/3/23, 8:22:21 AM] MJ: You have my investment

[7/3/23, 8:22:27 AM] MJ: I don’t

[7/3/23, 8:22:49 AM] Elon Musk: I don’t the agent is processing

[7/3/23, 8:22:54 AM] MJ: You are a smart man

[7/3/23, 8:23:03 AM] Elon Musk: I told you it’s my agent those

[7/3/23, 8:23:21 AM] Elon Musk: I can’t get access to your investment

[7/3/23, 8:23:33 AM] Elon Musk: My agent is handling it

[7/3/23, 8:24:15 AM] MJ: So what bribe does he want? Money talks

I TIP Generously

[7/3/23, 8:24:43 AM] MJ: You handle that agent, honey

[7/3/23, 8:25:01 AM] Elon Musk: He can’t withdraw it ok

[7/3/23, 8:25:09 AM] MJ: Perhaps differently than you handle me😉

[7/3/23, 8:25:10 AM] Elon Musk: It’s still processing can’t you understand me babe

[7/3/23, 8:25:18 AM] Elon Musk: I can handle you

[7/3/23, 8:25:31 AM] Elon Musk: I have planned for this

[7/3/23, 8:25:41 AM] Elon Musk: A nice bed a nice room

[7/3/23, 8:25:41 AM] MJ: Make it so

[7/3/23, 8:25:46 AM] Elon Musk: Us being alone here

[7/3/23, 8:25:49 AM] Elon Musk: Fuck all day long

[7/3/23, 8:25:51 AM] MJ: Nice!

[7/3/23, 8:25:58 AM] MJ: Awesome

[7/3/23, 8:26:02 AM] Elon Musk: You are wasting time to make that happen

[7/3/23, 8:26:03 AM] MJ: God’s work

[7/3/23, 8:26:33 AM] MJ: I’m just waiting for you, my love

[7/3/23, 8:26:33 AM] Elon Musk: Room with flowers 🌸

[7/3/23, 8:26:45 AM] Elon Musk: Why waiting for me

[7/3/23, 8:26:52 AM] Elon Musk: I want you here with me

[7/3/23, 8:27:00 AM] Elon Musk: To come over to Italy

[7/3/23, 8:27:01 AM] MJ: I’m not buying Apple Card’s

[7/3/23, 8:27:09 AM] Elon Musk: So we can spend time together

[7/3/23, 8:27:10 AM] MJ: I want to yes

[7/3/23, 8:27:19 AM] MJ: More than you know

[7/3/23, 8:27:43 AM] MJ: I use what I save to do what I want to do

[7/3/23, 8:28:22 AM] Elon Musk: Ok go to the store now

[7/3/23, 8:28:30 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll tell you what to get there ok my love

[7/3/23, 8:29:19 AM] MJ: And when I’m giving the poor 7-11 workers $150 tip to get this special item that puts them at risk, they do it. They want to know more about what I do, they visit my website and they read my words

[7/3/23, 8:29:52 AM] Elon Musk: Please reread (above)

[7/3/23, 8:30:22 AM] MJ: Money talks. And it’s my own

[7/3/23, 8:30:42 AM] MJ: 😘

[7/3/23, 8:31:22 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you babe

[7/3/23, 8:32:50 AM] Elon Musk: To get to the store

‎[7/3/23, 8:35:32 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/3/23, 8:39:53 AM] MJ: If you are unfamiliar with the math, a 7-11 worker works 8 hours without sleep through the night to earn $100 a day (before taxes)

Let that sink in my dear, bc I want YOU to understand 🙁

[7/3/23, 8:40:33 AM] Elon Musk: I understand that

[7/3/23, 8:40:42 AM] MJ: And “cheap” rent (unless you live in my basement apartment, is $1500/ month

[7/3/23, 8:41:07 AM] MJ: I have to go help Aklilu now

[7/3/23, 8:41:28 AM] Elon Musk: When are you going to the

[7/3/23, 8:41:30 AM] Elon Musk: Store

[7/3/23, 8:41:36 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/3/23, 8:41:49 AM] MJ: I’m not

[7/3/23, 8:42:12 AM] Elon Musk: My lover

[7/3/23, 8:42:18 AM] Elon Musk: My sunshine

[7/3/23, 8:42:25 AM] Elon Musk: 😘😘😘

[7/3/23, 8:42:35 AM] Elon Musk: This opportunity that we have now

[7/3/23, 8:42:52 AM] Elon Musk: You wanna mess it up

[7/3/23, 8:42:56 AM] Elon Musk: 😞😞😞😞

‎[7/3/23, 8:43:58 AM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 8:44:35 AM] MJ: Or let me buy a ticket myself and get me

[7/3/23, 8:44:36 AM] Elon Musk: I told you I can’t access my account here

[7/3/23, 8:45:09 AM] Elon Musk: you should understand this my love 😍

[7/3/23, 8:45:15 AM] MJ: Can you pick me up when I get there and bring me home?

[7/3/23, 8:45:32 AM] Elon Musk: Yes my love 😍

[7/3/23, 8:45:35 AM] MJ: Why you can’t do this, I don’t understand

[7/3/23, 8:45:37 AM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 8:45:46 AM] Elon Musk: Wait let me let me ask

[7/3/23, 8:45:50 AM] Elon Musk: I’ll get back to you

[7/3/23, 8:46:01 AM] MJ: Then what airport do I fly into?

[7/3/23, 8:47:13 AM] Elon Musk: That’s why I said let arrange everything today

[7/3/23, 8:47:23 AM] Elon Musk: So tomorrow I’ll know the airport you’ll fly into

[7/3/23, 8:50:00 AM] Elon Musk: you know I’m with country men’s here with ladies business partners

[7/3/23, 8:50:25 AM] Elon Musk: President,minister, general,CEO of companies

[7/3/23, 8:53:34 AM] Elon Musk: Are you there my love?

[7/3/23, 8:55:22 AM] Elon Musk: 😘😘

[7/3/23, 10:21:13 AM] MJ: I’m back, I said I was helping my fried

[7/3/23, 10:21:17 AM] MJ: Friend

[7/3/23, 10:22:33 AM] Elon Musk: Hello my love 😍

[7/3/23, 10:22:37 AM] MJ: Ok, so I will by a ticket for a Friday, July 7 arrival. Let me know where. 😘

[7/3/23, 10:22:39 AM] Elon Musk: I’m still waiting for you

[7/3/23, 10:22:52 AM] MJ: We’ll be good

[7/3/23, 10:22:56 AM] MJ: And together

‎[7/3/23, 10:23:02 AM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 10:23:08 AM] Elon Musk: can’t you understand me babe

‎[7/3/23, 10:23:23 AM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 10:23:42 AM] Elon Musk: I told you we have to make arrangements

[7/3/23, 10:23:51 AM] Elon Musk: I told you I can’t access my bank account here

[7/3/23, 10:24:12 AM] Elon Musk: I could have use my money to do everything

[7/3/23, 10:24:13 AM] MJ: We’ll then, how are you going to do it?

[7/3/23, 10:24:25 AM] Elon Musk: okay I told you total $6500

[7/3/23, 10:24:39 AM] MJ: That’s dumb babe

[7/3/23, 10:24:42 AM] Elon Musk: Do you have Zelle or Venmo?

[7/3/23, 10:26:04 AM] MJ: Ahem….. If you give me the airport I’m to land at, I’ll buy my $1,900 ticket myself

[7/3/23, 10:26:21 AM] MJ: I do have Zelle

[7/3/23, 10:26:43 AM] Elon Musk: Okay how much is in your Zelle

[7/3/23, 10:26:48 AM] Elon Musk: Show me a screenshot

[7/3/23, 10:26:48 AM] MJ: Enough

[7/3/23, 10:26:54 AM] Elon Musk: !!

[7/3/23, 10:26:58 AM] MJ: FU

[7/3/23, 10:27:07 AM] MJ: Did we get our prenup yet?

[7/3/23, 10:27:11 AM] MJ: 🤣🤣😂😅😂🤣

[7/3/23, 10:27:38 AM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting my love 😍

[7/3/23, 10:27:40 AM] Elon Musk: 😂😂😂

[7/3/23, 10:30:38 AM] MJ: If I’m allowing you access to my bank account, (ahem! The same as my freakin’ legal husband) I have to trust you first.

So, I might have to sleep with you first to know that😉

Show me the ticket ready to be purchased with my name on it and I’ll Zelle you money to pay for it.

[7/3/23, 10:30:54 AM] MJ: How about that?

[7/3/23, 10:30:57 AM] Elon Musk: Okay my love

[7/3/23, 10:31:01 AM] MJ: 🥰

[7/3/23, 10:32:07 AM] MJ: ‎You deleted this message.

[7/3/23, 10:32:27 AM] Elon Musk: Ok my love 😍

[7/3/23, 11:03:36 AM] Elon Musk: Are you there babe ?

[7/3/23, 11:04:01 AM] MJ: Yes, talking to someone

[7/3/23, 11:04:24 AM] MJ: What can I do for you babe?

[7/3/23, 11:04:29 AM] MJ: 😍

‎[7/3/23, 11:04:54 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/3/23, 11:05:09 AM] Elon Musk: Next process is payment babe

[7/3/23, 11:05:33 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

[7/3/23, 11:06:25 AM] MJ: But that’s not a plane ticket? So I’ll get a plane ticket to Milan ?

[7/3/23, 11:06:55 AM] MJ: Show me ✈️ticket with my name ok?

[7/3/23, 11:07:43 AM] MJ: So, I get 5 minutes? That’s it🥲🤣😂😂😅😂🤣😍🥰😘😍

[7/3/23, 11:08:12 AM] MJ: That’s a long flight for 5 minutes

[7/3/23, 11:09:04 AM] MJ: So 12:00 midnight to 12:05. That’s really a wham bam thank you, mam!

[7/3/23, 11:11:16 AM] MJ: I’m kidding

[7/3/23, 11:11:33 AM] MJ: Please show me ticket and I’ll Zelle you

[7/3/23, 11:13:01 AM] MJ: But after that night, then what will you do with me, my love?

[7/3/23, 11:13:15 AM] MJ: The place sounds perfect

[7/3/23, 11:15:12 AM] MJ: 💋💋💋💋💋

[7/3/23, 11:15:58 AM] MJ: Nice price too

[7/3/23, 11:16:13 AM] MJ: Shall I just stay for a week?

[7/3/23, 11:16:52 AM] MJ: Where are you going next?

[7/3/23, 11:20:31 AM] MJ: Will I be able to room with you after this?

[7/3/23, 11:22:56 AM] MJ: Why don’t you just get me a hotel cleaning lady uniform and I’ll room where you’ll be for your agent’s sake😅🥲🤣😢🥹

[7/3/23, 11:23:52 AM] MJ: 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 after I stay here with you…

[7/3/23, 11:24:05 AM] MJ: Good plan?

[7/3/23, 11:25:57 AM] MJ: I love you, and new adventures

[7/3/23, 11:26:02 AM] MJ: 🥰😍

[7/3/23, 11:29:53 AM] MJ: As I was recently contemplating working at Costco 🙄, you can have me on as your unpaid intern/personal assistant/ secretary My college professor always said, you can work for free, but don’t work cheap.😉

[7/3/23, 11:30:22 AM] MJ: Scandal is allowed in your world, no?

[7/3/23, 11:33:13 AM] MJ:

[7/3/23, 11:34:21 AM] MJ: See Jehovah in the works right now

[7/3/23, 11:42:47 AM] MJ: I’ve had to switch on Wi-Fi calling. My cellular plan may be limited

[7/3/23, 11:47:32 AM] MJ: Is the plane ticket ready? What’s the total, babe?

[7/3/23, 11:48:32 AM] MJ: Looks like my internet may go down….back on at 3:30

‎[7/3/23, 11:48:36 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/3/23, 11:49:14 AM] MJ: What airport is Virginia, USA?

[7/3/23, 11:49:47 AM] Elon Musk: Yes

[7/3/23, 11:50:01 AM] MJ: That’s 10:30am?

[7/3/23, 11:50:04 AM] Elon Musk: Yes babe

[7/3/23, 11:50:25 AM] MJ: Address of where I go?

[7/3/23, 11:51:25 AM] Elon Musk: You coming to Milan Italy babe

[7/3/23, 11:51:39 AM] MJ: I see! I’m excited

[7/3/23, 11:51:43 AM] MJ: Never been

[7/3/23, 11:52:44 AM] MJ: If I go to Dulles International airport, there’s a plane that honors this ticket?

[7/3/23, 11:52:57 AM] Elon Musk: Yes babe

[7/3/23, 11:53:01 AM] MJ: Oh ok

[7/3/23, 11:53:09 AM] Elon Musk: You need to make payment for approval babe

[7/3/23, 11:53:18 AM] MJ: Where do I Zelle you and how much?

[7/3/23, 11:53:25 AM] MJ: This number?

[7/3/23, 11:53:46 AM] MJ: With +1

[7/3/23, 11:54:02 AM] Elon Musk: No wait

[7/3/23, 11:54:16 AM] Elon Musk: Wait while I provide you with that babe

[7/3/23, 11:54:20 AM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 11:55:36 AM] MJ: Can you zoom out on ticket so I can print all the edges too? Or email to

[7/3/23, 12:01:20 PM] Elon Musk:

[7/3/23, 12:01:37 PM] Elon Musk: Name:

Jerren Ajodhasingh

[7/3/23, 12:01:51 PM] Elon Musk: Once you make payment send me a screenshot babe

[7/3/23, 12:02:07 PM] MJ: Ok, so I Zelle his email address?

[7/3/23, 12:02:12 PM] Elon Musk: Yes babe

[7/3/23, 12:02:20 PM] MJ: How much?

[7/3/23, 12:02:28 PM] Elon Musk: $6,500

[7/3/23, 12:02:40 PM] MJ: Wow! Ok

[7/3/23, 12:02:50 PM] Elon Musk: Waiting on you babe

[7/3/23, 12:08:20 PM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting on you babe , what taking you so long

‎[7/3/23, 12:11:38 PM] MJ: ‎


[7/3/23, 12:11:44 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[7/3/23, 12:11:51 PM] MJ:

‎[7/3/23, 12:11:58 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 12:11:59 PM] Elon Musk: Yes

[7/3/23, 12:12:24 PM] MJ: Monthly limit is $3000, and won’t work

[7/3/23, 12:12:35 PM] MJ: I can do up to $1500 today

[7/3/23, 12:12:35 PM] Elon Musk: Okay send $3000

[7/3/23, 12:12:45 PM] Elon Musk: Okay send $1500

[7/3/23, 12:12:55 PM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting my love 😍

‎[7/3/23, 12:13:06 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 12:13:20 PM] Elon Musk: Okay send the $1500 babe

‎[7/3/23, 12:14:22 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 12:14:41 PM] MJ: I have to call my bank 🙄

‎[7/3/23, 12:14:57 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 12:15:47 PM] Elon Musk: Babe since payment can’t go through best you do card babe , I have to get the print out for your ticket before I leave here so I can sent to your email

[7/3/23, 12:15:52 PM] Elon Musk: Do you understand?

[7/3/23, 12:16:18 PM] MJ: I’m calling now

[7/3/23, 12:16:28 PM] Elon Musk: Okay babe ‎<This message was edited>

[7/3/23, 12:16:33 PM] Elon Musk: Call and get back to me ‎<This message was edited>

[7/3/23, 12:21:03 PM] Elon Musk: Are you there my love 😍?

[7/3/23, 12:22:21 PM] MJ: Yes, on hold

[7/3/23, 12:22:27 PM] MJ: Doing it sweetheart

[7/3/23, 12:23:05 PM] Elon Musk: Have you called ?

[7/3/23, 12:33:19 PM] Elon Musk: My love 😍

‎[7/3/23, 12:36:35 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 12:37:25 PM] MJ: 💋

[7/3/23, 12:37:40 PM] MJ: Actually 3 months

[7/3/23, 12:37:47 PM] Elon Musk: Babe I’m here waiting on you so I get the print out and approval of the ticket

[7/3/23, 12:38:06 PM] MJ: Listen to voice message

[7/3/23, 12:38:10 PM] Elon Musk: You should go get cards from the store that would be easier my love 😍

[7/3/23, 12:38:42 PM] Elon Musk: Have been here waiting on you and I have meetings to attend please go to the store I can pay with Apple Card

[7/3/23, 12:38:49 PM] Elon Musk: Do you understand?

[7/3/23, 12:38:54 PM] MJ: Your person needs to clear up something with his bank

[7/3/23, 12:39:22 PM] MJ: Or I give you my credit card now

[7/3/23, 12:39:57 PM] MJ: Or bring person cash on day of if this is the pilot

[7/3/23, 12:39:58 PM] Elon Musk: Best you get Apple Card from the store now babe

[7/3/23, 12:40:01 PM] MJ: No

[7/3/23, 12:40:15 PM] MJ: I’m not putting some unreachable agent in charge

[7/3/23, 12:40:50 PM] Elon Musk: No you sending to me so I can pay the ticket with it babe

[7/3/23, 12:40:59 PM] Elon Musk: Do you have to keep me here all day babe

[7/3/23, 12:41:09 PM] Elon Musk: Please get dressed and go the store now

[7/3/23, 12:41:20 PM] MJ: Book ticket;


[7/3/23, 12:41:42 PM] Elon Musk: That can’t work babe , why are like this

[7/3/23, 12:41:53 PM] MJ: Tell me what total is going on card and what cash I need to bring

[7/3/23, 12:42:04 PM] MJ: Why not?

[7/3/23, 12:42:05 PM] Elon Musk: Now you made me do this , go get the card now so I get this printed and approval

[7/3/23, 12:42:23 PM] Elon Musk: This is Italy and the USA

Don’t you understand

[7/3/23, 12:42:37 PM] Elon Musk: Go get the card so I can pay for this flight ticket babe

[7/3/23, 12:42:43 PM] MJ: No I don’t

[7/3/23, 12:42:53 PM] MJ: Visa doesn’t work in Italy?

[7/3/23, 12:42:55 PM] Elon Musk: What going on with you babe

[7/3/23, 12:43:10 PM] Elon Musk: I can’t use that number to get money outta your bank and you know that

[7/3/23, 12:43:19 PM] MJ: Why not?

[7/3/23, 12:43:32 PM] MJ: They will send a fraud alert and then I approve it

[7/3/23, 12:43:36 PM] Elon Musk: Your bank will decline whatever transaction that goes on outside USA

[7/3/23, 12:44:02 PM] Elon Musk: That won’t work ,it surely will decline that

[7/3/23, 12:44:13 PM] Elon Musk: Are you going to get the card now

[7/3/23, 12:44:44 PM] Elon Musk: I have been here waiting on you to make payment for the paste 1 hour and yet you kept me here

[7/3/23, 12:45:01 PM] Elon Musk: I told you I’m having a meeting soon but I’m doing this all for us

[7/3/23, 12:45:15 PM] Elon Musk: Are you there ?

[7/3/23, 12:46:23 PM] MJ: Can you email me the link of the transaction so I can complete it?

[7/3/23, 12:46:26 PM] MJ: Please

[7/3/23, 12:46:38 PM] MJ: Try this way one more time for me?

[7/3/23, 12:46:45 PM] MJ: Email it

[7/3/23, 12:46:55 PM] MJ: I’ll pay with my card

[7/3/23, 12:47:00 PM] MJ: Here from my house

[7/3/23, 12:47:10 PM] MJ: Credit card

[7/3/23, 12:47:48 PM] MJ: Please my love?

[7/3/23, 12:47:55 PM] MJ: 😍

[7/3/23, 12:48:10 PM] Elon Musk: You don’t try to understand me my love 😍

[7/3/23, 12:48:28 PM] MJ: Email;

[7/3/23, 12:48:39 PM] MJ: I just can’t believe the world works this way

[7/3/23, 12:48:59 PM] Elon Musk: You keeping me waiting for too long babe

[7/3/23, 12:49:18 PM] Elon Musk: You making this little worker look down on me 😞

[7/3/23, 12:49:27 PM] MJ: I’m sorry

[7/3/23, 12:49:30 PM] Elon Musk: They feeling I’m not doing what I say

[7/3/23, 12:49:45 PM] Elon Musk: You should go get the card from the store right away babe

[7/3/23, 12:49:50 PM] MJ: His bank couldn’t receive the payment, that’s what my bank said

[7/3/23, 12:50:17 PM] MJ: I will pay your worker in cash when I see him

[7/3/23, 12:50:30 PM] MJ: Let me charge ticket on my card

[7/3/23, 12:50:34 PM] MJ: Room

[7/3/23, 12:51:04 PM] MJ: Tell the guy and ask him why his bank didn’t accept it

[7/3/23, 12:51:09 PM] Elon Musk: I need to pay for the flight ticket

[7/3/23, 12:51:17 PM] Elon Musk: I don’t know and that from your bank

[7/3/23, 12:51:34 PM] MJ: Can you receive a Zelle payment?

[7/3/23, 12:51:38 PM] Elon Musk: You should make this easier for us babe and go get the card

[7/3/23, 12:51:41 PM] MJ: I’ll send it to you then

[7/3/23, 12:51:44 PM] Elon Musk: No I can’t

[7/3/23, 12:51:50 PM] Elon Musk: You should go get the card

[7/3/23, 12:51:51 PM] MJ: Yeah like a phone call

[7/3/23, 12:52:05 PM] MJ: I need a break, you go to work

[7/3/23, 12:52:10 PM] MJ: I’m sorry

[7/3/23, 12:52:15 PM] MJ: This is too much

[7/3/23, 12:52:20 PM] Elon Musk: You can’t go to the store ?

[7/3/23, 12:52:28 PM] MJ: No

[7/3/23, 12:52:31 PM] Elon Musk: Is that what you tryna say ?

[7/3/23, 12:53:16 PM] MJ: Don’t you see? You still don’t have control over the Apple Card money I already sent you!!! And that was supposed to be handled by you!

[7/3/23, 12:53:38 PM] MJ: Why would I give you more?

[7/3/23, 12:53:41 PM] Elon Musk: This is different babe , here is Italy and they accept that so much

[7/3/23, 12:53:58 PM] Elon Musk: I can pay using a Apple Card and you are the one I’m waiting on babe

[7/3/23, 12:54:22 PM] Elon Musk: Flight ticket is yet to be approved babe

[7/3/23, 12:54:30 PM] MJ: But I dont trust you with the money I already gave you, hon😖😣😞

[7/3/23, 12:54:32 PM] Elon Musk: What going on please go to the store now

[7/3/23, 12:54:47 PM] MJ: Elon, I give up

[7/3/23, 12:54:55 PM] Elon Musk: Your money is safe and invested okay

[7/3/23, 12:55:01 PM] Elon Musk: You don’t have to worry my love 😍

[7/3/23, 12:55:40 PM] Elon Musk: I told you your money is safe and soon will be deposited in your wallet

[7/3/23, 12:55:55 PM] Elon Musk: I can’t do anything to hurt 😞 you

[7/3/23, 12:56:00 PM] Elon Musk: I love you 😘 so so much

[7/3/23, 12:56:32 PM] Elon Musk: Do you understand me babe

[7/3/23, 12:56:51 PM] MJ: I’ll book a ticket now that I know the plan

[7/3/23, 12:56:52 PM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 12:56:57 PM] MJ: I’ll do it

[7/3/23, 12:57:05 PM] MJ: You just show up my dear

[7/3/23, 12:57:10 PM] MJ: And be my hero?

[7/3/23, 12:57:11 PM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 12:57:39 PM] Elon Musk: You totally made lot of people embarrass me

[7/3/23, 12:57:51 PM] Elon Musk: I hope you find peace in this you just did to me

[7/3/23, 12:58:20 PM] Elon Musk: You should be at the store getting what I asked you to after I did my part to get you here

[7/3/23, 12:58:34 PM] Elon Musk: I see you don’t appreciate that 🥹

[7/3/23, 1:03:06 PM] Elon Musk: Jehovah is not happy with you

[7/3/23, 1:03:18 PM] Elon Musk: This is the time Jehovah prepared for us

[7/3/23, 1:03:25 PM] Elon Musk: The time has come

[7/3/23, 1:05:33 PM] MJ: Please

My love

Let me try and see if I can get to the spot you chose

I will try to do it myself

As I accomplish most things

With faith in God that it is possible

I will let you know later today if I can accomplish this

I love you ❤️💕

I’m going to try

Give me a little faith and patience

Let me try my love

Don’t worry

I have not given up yet

[7/3/23, 1:05:53 PM] MJ: Do what you have to do now

[7/3/23, 1:06:03 PM] MJ: Everything will be okay

[7/3/23, 1:06:21 PM] Elon Musk: You can get another card in the store babe

[7/3/23, 1:06:32 PM] Elon Musk: God is watching us

[7/3/23, 1:06:51 PM] Elon Musk: Jehovah prepared this he showed me in a dream

[7/3/23, 1:07:24 PM] Elon Musk: Saying my Son Elon don’t disappoint Mary Jeanne allow her to come meet you in italy

[7/3/23, 1:08:32 PM] Elon Musk: You have to go to the store

[7/3/23, 1:17:27 PM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting for you to go to the store

[7/3/23, 1:19:53 PM] Elon Musk: Your way can’t work babe

[7/3/23, 1:20:03 PM] Elon Musk: If you can’t follow Jehovah way

[7/3/23, 1:20:15 PM] Elon Musk: You are not following Jehovah ways

‎[7/3/23, 1:21:50 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 1:22:07 PM] MJ: Takes 13 hours with 4 hour layover

[7/3/23, 1:22:18 PM] MJ: I can book this for you my dear

[7/3/23, 1:22:59 PM] MJ: I’m pretty fuckin smart too dear

[7/3/23, 1:24:23 PM] Elon Musk: This can’t work ok

[7/3/23, 1:24:31 PM] MJ: Will you meet me at the Milan airport ?

[7/3/23, 1:24:33 PM] Elon Musk: You are not following Jehovah words

[7/3/23, 1:24:35 PM] MJ: Why

‎[7/3/23, 1:24:43 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 1:24:44 PM] Elon Musk: If you don’t do it my way

[7/3/23, 1:24:47 PM] Elon Musk: It can’t work

[7/3/23, 1:24:56 PM] MJ: Why the fuck not?

[7/3/23, 1:24:55 PM] Elon Musk: You know I’m a business man

[7/3/23, 1:25:07 PM] MJ: This doesn’t cost you shit

[7/3/23, 1:25:16 PM] MJ: And saves me a fuck ton of money

[7/3/23, 1:25:23 PM] Elon Musk: You don’t seems to understand that

[7/3/23, 1:25:25 PM] MJ: What thevhell is wrong with that

[7/3/23, 1:25:31 PM] MJ: End goal accomplished

[7/3/23, 1:25:52 PM] MJ: So they will prevent you from seeing me

[7/3/23, 1:25:54 PM] MJ: ?

[7/3/23, 1:26:01 PM] MJ: Uncle Sam?

[7/3/23, 1:26:23 PM] MJ: I don’t understand

[7/3/23, 1:26:30 PM] Elon Musk: I need to plan this my way so it can work out

[7/3/23, 1:26:47 PM] Elon Musk: I’ll be showing them some documents about us here

[7/3/23, 1:26:48 PM] MJ: Your way does not work for me babe

[7/3/23, 1:26:55 PM] MJ: Ok

[7/3/23, 1:27:03 PM] MJ: So I’ll be there

[7/3/23, 1:27:02 PM] Elon Musk: I actually don't know why you can't listen to what I say to you

[7/3/23, 1:27:09 PM] Elon Musk: I said go to the store

‎[7/3/23, 1:27:14 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 1:27:17 PM] Elon Musk: That’s the easy way

[7/3/23, 1:27:24 PM] MJ: No it’s not

[7/3/23, 1:27:35 PM] MJ: Do I book it or not

[7/3/23, 1:27:36 PM] Elon Musk: I promise you with my life

[7/3/23, 1:27:41 PM] Elon Musk: It will work

[7/3/23, 1:27:49 PM] MJ: Do you want me there or not?

[7/3/23, 1:27:50 PM] Elon Musk: I’m using Jehovah name to swear

[7/3/23, 1:28:01 PM] Elon Musk: You don’t want us to meet babe

[7/3/23, 1:28:04 PM] MJ: My way works for me

[7/3/23, 1:28:15 PM] MJ: It’s just an investment of time

[7/3/23, 1:28:15 PM] Elon Musk: Jehovah said follow my lead so it will work out

[7/3/23, 1:28:31 PM] Elon Musk: you are not following Jehovah words

[7/3/23, 1:28:39 PM] MJ: Don’t you know I’m trying to prove to you the error of your ways?

[7/3/23, 1:28:46 PM] Elon Musk: You are disobeying God

[7/3/23, 1:28:56 PM] MJ: I’m doing this for us little people everywhere

[7/3/23, 1:28:58 PM] Elon Musk: And that’s not good for you

[7/3/23, 1:29:06 PM] MJ: What I do is for the good of humanity

[7/3/23, 1:29:15 PM] MJ: But mostly to have you

[7/3/23, 1:29:25 PM] MJ: Because you belong to them

[7/3/23, 1:29:28 PM] Elon Musk: I said go to the store then I’ll ask the to check a cheaper ticket for you

[7/3/23, 1:29:39 PM] Elon Musk: I’m a business man

[7/3/23, 1:29:44 PM] MJ: And I’m reaching across the aisle here

[7/3/23, 1:29:50 PM] Elon Musk: All my bills here are paid by Italy government

[7/3/23, 1:30:04 PM] MJ: I’m not asking them to pay my bills

[7/3/23, 1:30:10 PM] MJ: I do that my damn self

[7/3/23, 1:30:21 PM] Elon Musk: That’s why I said send the money

[7/3/23, 1:30:26 PM] MJ: And I’m fuckin half Italian, are you?

[7/3/23, 1:30:26 PM] Elon Musk: So I can proceed with that ‎<This message was edited>

[7/3/23, 1:30:38 PM] MJ: I’m Italian

[7/3/23, 1:30:55 PM] MJ: I’m a compliment to their country by blood man

[7/3/23, 1:31:08 PM] MJ: And I’ve never been to Milan

[7/3/23, 1:31:14 PM] Elon Musk: You have to follow my advice

[7/3/23, 1:31:17 PM] MJ: Only trying to go bc that’s where you are

[7/3/23, 1:31:22 PM] Elon Musk: Listen to what I say to you here

[7/3/23, 1:31:25 PM] MJ: Then screw it

[7/3/23, 1:31:35 PM] MJ: It’s my way or no way, bud

[7/3/23, 1:31:35 PM] Elon Musk: God said listen to your husband

[7/3/23, 1:31:41 PM] MJ: Jarrett?

[7/3/23, 1:31:47 PM] Elon Musk: Don’t disobey him

[7/3/23, 1:31:48 PM] Elon Musk: I mean me

[7/3/23, 1:31:57 PM] MJ: He said to not give you any more Fuck ing money

[7/3/23, 1:32:04 PM] Elon Musk: Soon I’ll get married to you

[7/3/23, 1:32:10 PM] MJ: We ain’t married yet bro

[7/3/23, 1:32:20 PM] Elon Musk: Soon we’re

[7/3/23, 1:32:29 PM] MJ: Can you please soften your heart and see this my way

[7/3/23, 1:32:43 PM] MJ: This will be 14hours of my life to get to you

[7/3/23, 1:32:50 PM] MJ: Do you want me there or not?

[7/3/23, 1:33:00 PM] MJ: I love you ❤️💕😘

[7/3/23, 1:33:07 PM] MJ: Do you want me there?

[7/3/23, 1:33:33 PM] MJ: I will go, Lord, if you lead me

I will hold your people in my heart

‎[7/3/23, 1:33:57 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00000964-VIDEO-2023-07-03-13-33-56.mp4>

[7/3/23, 1:35:27 PM] MJ: 🙄🥰😆🤭please my dear?

[7/3/23, 1:35:44 PM] MJ: I love you my darling

[7/3/23, 1:35:58 PM] MJ: But you people have no concept of money

[7/3/23, 1:36:03 PM] MJ: 🤣

[7/3/23, 1:36:21 PM] MJ: Laugh with me please

[7/3/23, 1:36:27 PM] MJ: A little chuckle

[7/3/23, 1:36:41 PM] MJ: How about a giant cock up my test?

[7/3/23, 1:36:45 PM] MJ: Twat

[7/3/23, 1:37:12 PM] MJ: Shall I book the things for us?

[7/3/23, 1:37:20 PM] MJ: I just need a ride home

[7/3/23, 1:37:35 PM] MJ: You can ride me all the way home

[7/3/23, 1:37:52 PM] MJ: Yes?

[7/3/23, 1:38:06 PM] Elon Musk: 😞😞😞😞

[7/3/23, 1:38:17 PM] MJ: Why are you sad?

[7/3/23, 1:38:23 PM] MJ: I love you

[7/3/23, 1:38:30 PM] MJ: I do this for you

[7/3/23, 1:38:40 PM] MJ: I’m to make you happy

[7/3/23, 1:38:43 PM] Elon Musk: 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞

[7/3/23, 1:38:45 PM] MJ: And care for you

[7/3/23, 1:38:58 PM] MJ: You don’t want me there?

[7/3/23, 1:39:34 PM] MJ: I don’t understand how this is bad?

[7/3/23, 1:39:38 PM] MJ: This is good?

[7/3/23, 1:39:46 PM] MJ: One of us has to stay free

[7/3/23, 1:39:54 PM] MJ: I’m with Jehovah

‎[7/3/23, 1:40:02 PM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/3/23, 1:40:03 PM] MJ: He gives me Free Will

[7/3/23, 1:40:17 PM] MJ: Yes

[7/3/23, 1:40:24 PM] MJ: You have the influence

[7/3/23, 1:40:38 PM] MJ: I just hope you hold my heart

[7/3/23, 1:40:44 PM] MJ: And I have your ear

[7/3/23, 1:41:14 PM] MJ: And the other body parts

[7/3/23, 1:41:43 PM] MJ: I will wait for you to approve my plan

[7/3/23, 1:41:53 PM] MJ: I’ll book that little place to

[7/3/23, 1:42:25 PM] MJ: But what happens to me after the one night?

‎[7/3/23, 1:50:10 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 1:51:08 PM] MJ: 702 euros

[7/3/23, 1:51:45 PM] MJ: It beats a week at the mental hospital

[7/3/23, 1:54:14 PM] MJ: This is just a glimpse of pain and suffering man….it’s okay

Shall I book it?❤️

[7/3/23, 1:54:48 PM] MJ: I might want 1 more night at that cute little apartment you know….

[7/3/23, 1:55:02 PM] MJ: For my troubles

‎[7/3/23, 2:15:44 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[7/3/23, 2:16:37 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 2:17:49 PM] MJ: Leave Wednesday arrive Thursday night

[7/3/23, 2:18:37 PM] MJ: But the world would be a better place if you all would just use zoom😂😂😂😂

[7/3/23, 2:18:51 PM] MJ: 😘❤️

[7/3/23, 2:19:26 PM] MJ: I mean what does “average CO2 mean???

[7/3/23, 2:20:39 PM] Elon Musk: Are you even serious

[7/3/23, 2:20:51 PM] Elon Musk: You let this people hold me to pay their money

[7/3/23, 2:21:07 PM] Elon Musk: Harassing me

[7/3/23, 2:21:19 PM] Elon Musk: Thank you

[7/3/23, 2:21:25 PM] Elon Musk: 😞😞😞😞😔😞😔

[7/3/23, 2:27:58 PM] Elon Musk: 😞😞😞

[7/3/23, 2:52:23 PM] MJ: My bank said that your person’s bank would not accept the transaction

[7/3/23, 2:52:40 PM] MJ: Via Zelle

[7/3/23, 2:53:00 PM] MJ: Maybe I’ll see you when you are back in the Us

[7/3/23, 2:53:34 PM] MJ: I tried

[7/3/23, 2:54:04 PM] MJ: I’m willing to fly into Rome and take a 4 hour train

[7/3/23, 2:54:27 PM] MJ: If that doesn’t make up for it, I don’t know how else to please you

[7/3/23, 2:54:34 PM] MJ: 🙁

[7/3/23, 2:57:03 PM] Elon Musk: Go to the store

[7/3/23, 2:57:08 PM] Elon Musk: And get the Apple Card

[7/3/23, 2:57:12 PM] Elon Musk: I’m waiting

[7/3/23, 2:57:19 PM] Elon Musk: This would work

[7/3/23, 2:57:26 PM] Elon Musk: You are wasting time ‎<This message was edited>

[7/3/23, 2:59:27 PM] MJ: You are wasting my money, I have to keep my utilities on for 7 years with what I have. You say there’s 96,000 in my account, use it.

You can’t tell me what to do. You don’t even speak on the phone with me.

[7/3/23, 2:59:41 PM] MJ: I gave you $10,000

[7/3/23, 3:00:01 PM] MJ: And now you don’t have control of it, and neither do I

[7/3/23, 3:00:37 PM] MJ: I feel dumb to trust you again

[7/3/23, 3:00:51 PM] Elon Musk: You can trust me on this babe

[7/3/23, 3:00:59 PM] Elon Musk: I won’t disappoint you I promise

[7/3/23, 3:01:15 PM] Elon Musk: The can’t use the money now it’s still processing can’t you understand

[7/3/23, 3:01:28 PM] Elon Musk: I don’t have control to it

[7/3/23, 3:01:43 PM] Elon Musk: I’m not wasting your money when we go back to USA together

[7/3/23, 3:01:49 PM] Elon Musk: I’ll refund you all your money

[7/3/23, 3:01:57 PM] MJ: I have to other things today

[7/3/23, 3:01:57 PM] Elon Musk: That’s my promise

[7/3/23, 3:02:07 PM] Elon Musk: You have to go to the store

[7/3/23, 3:02:08 PM] Elon Musk: Babe

[7/3/23, 3:02:46 PM] MJ: I’ll still have hope for you, I just can’t devote any more effort to this today, okay?

Love you 🥰

[7/3/23, 3:03:13 PM] Elon Musk: Okay

[7/3/23, 3:03:20 PM] Elon Musk: Will you go to the store tomorrow?

[7/3/23, 3:03:25 PM] Elon Musk: So I can let you rest today

[7/3/23, 3:03:37 PM] Elon Musk: I’ll tell the flight agents here tomorrow

[7/3/23, 3:03:57 PM] Elon Musk: My love ?

‎[7/3/23, 3:06:10 PM] MJ: ‎

[7/3/23, 3:07:11 PM] Elon Musk: 😞😞😞

[7/3/23, 3:07:18 PM] Elon Musk: So you never loved me?

[7/3/23, 3:07:24 PM] Elon Musk: All this love was fake

[7/3/23, 3:08:48 PM] MJ: I’m trying to start a new life with you, but you are making that too complicated and morally conflicting. You cannot even call me so that I know it’s you😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😭🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

[7/3/23, 3:09:35 PM] MJ: Please leave me alone if you can’t understand that I tried to convince you all day that I can get there. It’s back to me believing your a scammer now

[7/3/23, 3:11:40 PM] Elon Musk: Calm down you are hurting me

[7/3/23, 3:27:39 PM] MJ: If you loved me and had any money of your own to spend, you’d have bought the ticket yourself, sent it to me and told me to go to the airport at that time. That’s it

And I would’ve done it

So, you can’t be real, unfortunately

[7/3/23, 3:28:49 PM] MJ: You just scammed me out of $10,000

[7/3/23, 3:41:16 PM] Elon Musk: What scam are you talking about?

[7/3/23, 3:52:58 PM] MJ: I don’t need a text, I have the physical proof. Night night

[7/3/23, 4:18:28 PM] Elon Musk: Physical proof of what ?

[7/3/23, 4:18:33 PM] Elon Musk: Babe

[7/3/23, 10:08:30 PM] MJ: That I was a vulnerable shit.

[7/4/23, 12:31:27 AM] MJ: My personal bank account is a joint access with my husband. So he is alerted to my activity, and prevents me from making large transactions.

[7/4/23, 3:45:56 AM] Elon Musk: Okay my love 😍

[7/4/23, 3:46:42 AM] Elon Musk: Why did you say I scammed you $10,000

[7/4/23, 3:47:02 AM] Elon Musk: I can never hurt you

[7/4/23, 3:47:12 AM] Elon Musk: I want the best for you ❤️

‎[7/4/23, 4:22:19 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/4/23, 7:26:20 AM] MJ: The scam is yet to be proven.

If you really do love me, and did in fact help me make money that you can provide at a later date. Then it’s not a scam. You love me and I love you and it’s happily ever after.

Maybe everything you’ve said is true

But there’s issues with my website. Specifically, it is when people visit on their phone, vs when they visit with a computer. It’s weird, and I don’t know who’s responsible.

I just know that I want this relationship between us to be true, but I’ll never know unless you show up here one day


[7/4/23, 7:31:23 AM] Elon Musk: I love you babe and in willing to be with you till end of time on earth babe 💋💋🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘

[7/4/23, 7:31:26 AM] MJ: Why couldn’t I just meet you in Italy?

[7/4/23, 7:31:57 AM] MJ: It couldn’t have happened that way?

[7/4/23, 7:32:23 AM] MJ: I’m here, you know the address

[7/4/23, 7:32:47 AM] Elon Musk: Let me get down with this myself babe

[7/4/23, 7:32:55 AM] Elon Musk: Why don't you allow me to get this done babe

[7/4/23, 7:33:01 AM] MJ: I’ll just be here hoping you show up one day

[7/4/23, 7:33:16 AM] MJ: I’m not buying any more Apple Card’s, my love

[7/4/23, 7:33:32 AM] MJ: I’ll just wait here❤️

[7/4/23, 7:33:57 AM] MJ: Did you order 2 uhauls with my credit card?

[7/4/23, 7:34:24 AM] MJ: Did you get video through my LG TV in my living room?

[7/4/23, 7:34:33 AM] MJ: Just curious….😘

[7/4/23, 7:34:34 AM] Elon Musk: I have to let you know this babe if you don't get this done then you breaking my heart 💔

[7/4/23, 7:34:43 AM] Elon Musk: I want you here as soon as possible babe

[7/4/23, 7:34:52 AM] Elon Musk: Let make this happen babe 😘

[7/4/23, 7:35:15 AM] MJ: You want me to leave on Wednesday and take days to get to you?

[7/4/23, 7:35:40 AM] MJ: Will you take care of me when I get there? Or am I dead?

[7/4/23, 7:36:12 AM] MJ: This whole text was about the date?

[7/4/23, 7:36:27 AM] MJ: What is the date of execution?

[7/4/23, 7:37:24 AM] MJ: It’s very hard for me to believe you love me, superstar

[7/4/23, 7:37:37 AM] MJ: But I love you

[7/4/23, 7:38:18 AM] MJ: I may just decide to wait and “stay safe”

[7/4/23, 7:42:17 AM] MJ: I’d take any answer except buy Apple Card

[7/4/23, 7:48:39 AM] MJ: I’m having a cookout tonight with the few friends I’ve made since this all started.

[7/4/23, 7:56:54 AM] MJ: It’s a holiday again, banks are closed. And I’m out of cash. Just leave, Elon. If you’re the most important person, the most powerful person, what you say goes. Fuck the government.🤭 and come here and fuck **, 💋😍❤️🥰

[7/4/23, 7:57:49 AM] MJ: ❤️💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋😂💋🥰🥰😍😍😍❤️🥰🥰💋🥰💋🥰🥰❤️😍😘

And then I’ll finally fuckin quit smoking

[7/4/23, 7:59:11 AM] MJ: And we’ll show the world how we conquered the Devil.

[7/4/23, 7:59:29 AM] MJ: (Who isn’t you)

[7/4/23, 8:17:59 AM] MJ: And over $100 of Chik-fil-a?

The son of the magistrate from the hospital loves him some Chik-fil-a!!!!


‎[7/4/23, 8:31:45 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

‎[7/4/23, 8:36:29 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

‎[7/4/23, 8:36:47 AM] Elon Musk: ‎

[7/4/23, 8:44:00 AM] MJ: 😂 LOL

[7/4/23, 8:44:55 AM] Elon Musk: 😂😂😂

[7/4/23, 8:57:39 AM] MJ: So I go to Dulles with this fake ass ticket. 😆 ok

[7/4/23, 8:59:56 AM] Elon Musk: What do you mean babe?

[7/4/23, 9:04:14 AM] MJ: Hmmm

Did you want me to come to Italy?

[7/4/23, 9:06:52 AM] MJ: Images from WhatsApp were selected from my files to share with (Who I thought was you).

Not you?

[7/4/23, 9:08:00 AM] MJ: This is why a phone call is nice 😊

[7/4/23, 9:10:04 AM] MJ: 😵☠️💀🏴‍☠️🪦

[7/4/23, 9:11:09 AM] MJ: I’ll stay put

[7/4/23, 10:31:30 AM] Elon Musk: Yes I want you to come

[7/4/23, 10:31:36 AM] Elon Musk: My love 😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰

[7/4/23, 10:36:51 AM] MJ: I already decided. I’ll stay home and see if you ever turn up😘 I can be patient now

[7/4/23, 10:37:33 AM] Elon Musk: You don’t wanna come to Italy?

[7/4/23, 10:38:01 AM] Elon Musk: Babe 😘😘

[7/4/23, 12:34:21 PM] MJ: If you don’t want your gang to come to the cookout, you can just send me pictures, thanks!

You do 🥰 love 💗 your work

[7/4/23, 12:35:20 PM] Elon Musk: Read (above )babe

[7/4/23, 12:37:21 PM] MJ: This line is compromised, the text has been changed.

Just following my Father’s advice now, and that’s to not be stupid.

[7/4/23, 12:38:25 PM] Elon Musk: You are not stupid my love 😍

[7/4/23, 12:39:55 PM] Elon Musk: Jehovah said everything will be ok

[7/4/23, 12:40:03 PM] Elon Musk: I’m praying

[7/4/23, 12:40:28 PM] Elon Musk: Follow your heart ♥️ don’t let anyone destroy what Jehovah has planned for us

[7/4/23, 12:41:01 PM] Elon Musk: Jehovah said when I have join you two together no man or woman can separate you both

‎[7/4/23, 12:41:14 PM] MJ:

[7/4/23, 12:41:20 PM] Elon Musk: Not even the family or friends can separate

[7/4/23, 12:41:32 PM] Elon Musk: Jehovah said that in his holy book

[7/4/23, 12:41:55 PM] Elon Musk: Aww 🥰 thanks my love 😍

[7/4/23, 12:42:00 PM] Elon Musk: I love you 😘

[7/4/23, 12:42:07 PM] Elon Musk: You look so so beautiful 😍

[7/4/23, 12:42:13 PM] Elon Musk: You have a wonderful smile 😊

[7/4/23, 12:42:19 PM] Elon Musk: I admire your beauty


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