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Interacting with the AntiChrist (November 6–November 9)

Writer's picture: Mj CincottaMj Cincotta

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

[11/6/23, 3:39:52 AM] ‪Elon‬: I can’t sleep

[11/6/23, 3:40:04 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 💕😘 so so so much

[11/6/23, 3:42:31 AM] MJ: Whatever, you’ll have more shapely and better put together bitches to fuck whenever you want, especially if they have to pay you $3,500/month.

[11/6/23, 3:42:58 AM] ‪Elon‬: No I can’t do that for money

[11/6/23, 3:43:03 AM] ‪Elon‬: Cheat on you no never

[11/6/23, 3:43:08 AM] MJ: You said you did

[11/6/23, 3:43:26 AM] ‪Elon‬: No I didn’t

[11/6/23, 3:44:06 AM] MJ: Yes, you said women pay $3,500/month to get fucked by you

[11/6/23, 3:44:18 AM] MJ: Busy man indeed

[11/6/23, 3:44:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: I didn’t accept the offer

[11/6/23, 3:44:33 AM] ‪Elon‬: Never would I

[11/6/23, 3:44:41 AM] MJ: I dunno you

[11/6/23, 3:45:12 AM] ‪Elon‬: 😡😡😡😡

[11/6/23, 3:45:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m your future husband

[11/6/23, 3:52:19 AM] ‪Elon‬: I can’t sleep

‎[11/6/23, 3:52:23 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00010762-STICKER-2023-11-06-03-52-23.webp>

[11/6/23, 3:53:36 AM] MJ: What are you worried about, hun?

[11/6/23, 3:53:57 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m worried about you

[11/6/23, 3:54:27 AM] MJ: I told you, as always, I fuckin take care of myself.

[11/6/23, 3:54:34 AM] MJ: Don’t worry

[11/6/23, 3:55:23 AM] ‪Elon‬: I can’t sleep

‎[11/6/23, 3:55:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00010768-STICKER-2023-11-06-03-55-27.webp>

[11/6/23, 3:55:46 AM] MJ: I’ll just try and patch it up with my husband. Because I would be too devastated to be alone at Christmas.

Maybe I won’t even notice

[11/6/23, 3:56:01 AM] MJ: Xmas time

[11/6/23, 3:56:02 AM] ‪Elon‬: We gonna be together In Christmas

[11/6/23, 3:56:15 AM] ‪Elon‬: If I come on Monday I’m staying till December Christmas 🎄

[11/6/23, 3:58:04 AM] MJ: Not without your kids, you’re not. Forget it. I can’t make my husband afford the taxes for a house he doesn’t live in AND an apartment in December.

[11/6/23, 3:58:52 AM] ‪Elon‬: My love we’re going back December to taxes

[11/6/23, 3:59:06 AM] ‪Elon‬: Celebrating Christmas 🎄 with the kids hun

[11/6/23, 4:01:21 AM] MJ: Just go to sleep. My mom died unhappy. Who said life was fuckin fair.

Enjoy your family, Elon. You once said it was the thing that made you happiest.


[11/6/23, 4:02:26 AM] ‪Elon‬: You’re my happiness

[11/6/23, 4:02:30 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 😘❤️💕

[11/6/23, 4:15:47 AM] MJ: Your work appears to be your greatest happiness at this time in your life. The world looks to you for hope for the future. You are blessed with the beautiful way you speak. Do well, my love 😍

I’ll be the freak show telling the love story tragedy of how much of my life I was going to leave behind and how much life savings I used for a guy who I thought cared about what I thought, told me I was beautiful wearing 3 shirts with frizzy hair but never called.

It’s super embarrassing, but there’s lots of poor people that don’t have access to free porn, so…

[11/6/23, 4:17:04 AM] MJ: Since we’ll all die lonely eventually anyway. Might as well let them jack off.

[11/6/23, 4:28:14 AM] ‪Elon‬: You’re my hope

[11/6/23, 4:28:21 AM] ‪Elon‬: I want to make you my wife

[11/6/23, 4:32:05 AM] MJ: The cost of your company is not within my reach. I know that now

[11/6/23, 4:32:32 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll make you a billionaire my wife just like me ‎<This message was edited>

[11/6/23, 4:32:51 AM] ‪Elon‬: together forever

[11/6/23, 4:33:11 AM] ‪Elon‬: our companies for our future kids and our children

[11/6/23, 4:33:19 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you ❤️😘,Mary

[11/6/23, 4:33:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: I want to get you pregnant give me a baby boy 👦

I wonder who just got assassinated?

‎[11/6/23, 4:56:20 AM] MJ:

[11/6/23, 4:56:43 AM] MJ: Probably BS

[11/6/23, 5:05:14 AM] ‪Elon‬: Let help the world 🌎 together hun

Tesla was alien stuck on Earth, too. He was reborn, but managed to retain some knowledge in the process.

If you get a subscription to Gaia, I believe it explains the science

[11/6/23, 5:05:21 AM] ‪Elon‬: The world needs us

[11/6/23, 5:05:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: My love 😍

[11/6/23, 5:05:39 AM] MJ: No, just you dear

[11/6/23, 5:06:02 AM] ‪Elon‬: Me and you babe

[11/6/23, 5:09:03 AM] ‪Elon‬: I want to make you my wife,my soulmate

‎[11/6/23, 5:11:52 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 5:12:54 AM] ‪Elon‬: We can create new ideas together my love 😍

[11/6/23, 5:12:59 AM] ‪Elon‬: Helping the world 🌎

[11/6/23, 5:13:06 AM] MJ: I know nothing

[11/6/23, 5:13:09 AM] ‪Elon‬: Teaching them that Jehovah is our GOD

[11/6/23, 5:13:15 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll teach you babe

[11/6/23, 5:13:22 AM] ‪Elon‬: Everything you need to know

[11/6/23, 5:13:35 AM] MJ: It’s ok, I’m just a cleaning lady

[11/6/23, 5:13:49 AM] ‪Elon‬: I swear to Jehovah

[11/6/23, 5:13:52 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 😘💕❤️

[11/6/23, 5:14:04 AM] ‪Elon‬: I can’t stay a day without you

[11/6/23, 5:14:40 AM] MJ: When the hell was day 1, did I miss you? 😕

[11/6/23, 5:14:41 AM] ‪Elon‬: You’re always on my mind, I’m always thinking about you

[11/6/23, 5:14:55 AM] ‪Elon‬: You don’t miss me?

[11/6/23, 5:25:22 AM] MJ: I LOVE YOU, but now I have no other readily available dumb ideas. So…there. Now you have my $69,000 and a theory and I’ll email you the packet my grad said may be bogus without magnet.

The coil I made was supposed to be tuned using frequency app on a phone.

Tesla’s constructions, I believe went underground at a certain latitude on Earth where force was strongest. stronger at certain points on Earth depending on stars alignment, precession and polar shifts. To power cities.

[11/6/23, 5:26:06 AM] MJ: 😞 me more

[11/6/23, 5:26:10 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok my love 😍

[11/6/23, 5:26:15 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 😘💕❤️

[11/6/23, 5:26:22 AM] ‪Elon‬: Please 🙏 let be together this week

[11/6/23, 5:26:29 AM] ‪Elon‬: Sleeping in same bed 🛌 together

[11/6/23, 5:26:43 AM] ‪Elon‬: Holding you in my arms darling

‎[11/6/23, 5:27:22 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/6/23, 5:29:33 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 5:42:34 AM] MJ: If Giza pyramids were aligned to Orion constellation (theorized as a power center) then the next power center’s location might be determined by Aquarius constellation

[11/6/23, 5:44:01 AM] MJ: Wish you were here to play with me gently between my legs rn and then make me moan and make me beg for your cock.

[11/6/23, 5:44:34 AM] MJ: 😞

[11/6/23, 5:46:49 AM] MJ: It’s morning now. You go save the world, handsome 😉

Don’t worry about me.

You don’t need me.

You have more important things to do.

[11/6/23, 6:04:14 AM] MJ: Other shit I don’t know:

[11/6/23, 6:56:10 AM] MJ: The grey alien said the pyramids were just a bewildering hoax just to confuse us! 🤣😂 But the Egyptian Government won’t let anyone in to study it. 🤔 Hmm, did the people of Egypt elect their “President” for the last 30 years? 🤔 or did the US plant the official there because the FBI confiscated like 8 trunks of his research and hide it in their archives? 😂🤣😂🤣😂

Eisenhower allowed an alien species to conduct research on humans in exchange for the tech. (Military Industrial Complex)

But there is a theory that gold enables levitation and that’s how the pyramids were built.

So the question IS?

Is there any gold left in Fort Knox?


[11/6/23, 6:57:42 AM] ‪Elon‬: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

[11/6/23, 6:57:49 AM] MJ: Am I a nut? Or what? 😀

[11/6/23, 6:59:58 AM] MJ: But see? I can’t hear you laugh. So I don’t know if you’re real…. 😞😞😭😭😭

[11/6/23, 7:02:42 AM] MJ: Or just mimicking my emojis, like an agent having a good time. It really fuckin sucks man….but thanks for the screenshot. 😒

[11/6/23, 7:03:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll a voice note hun ‎<This message was edited>

[11/6/23, 7:03:32 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you ❤️😘 so so so much

‎[11/6/23, 7:19:51 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 7:19:51 AM] ‪Elon‬: I want to suck your pussy ‎<This message was edited>

[11/6/23, 7:20:26 AM] ‪Elon‬: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

[11/6/23, 7:20:42 AM] MJ: That was like an instantaneous text! 🤣😂😇

[11/6/23, 7:22:45 AM] ‪Elon‬: Babe I want to come today

[11/6/23, 7:22:49 AM] ‪Elon‬: I miss you 😢

[11/6/23, 7:23:03 AM] ‪Elon‬: Just $700 I’ll find the rest

[11/6/23, 7:23:07 AM] ‪Elon‬: I promise

[11/6/23, 7:25:01 AM] MJ: This means you’ll keep asking for the rest and Then I can’t afford it—-and THEN, I can’t afford to fix my chimney.

[11/6/23, 7:27:19 AM] ‪Elon‬: No I won’t babe

[11/6/23, 7:27:21 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok?

[11/6/23, 7:27:26 AM] ‪Elon‬: Just $700 my love 😍

[11/6/23, 7:27:54 AM] MJ: And you’ll ask? How much is rent again?

And then I’ll say $950

And then you’ll 😂🤣😂😂

And then check back with me at the beginning of December like your some fuckin mob boss.

“Mother Theresa’s joined the mob and happy with her full time job”

[11/6/23, 7:29:13 AM] ‪Elon‬: Just $700 my love 😍 ok

[11/6/23, 7:29:17 AM] ‪Elon‬: I won’t ask for more

‎[11/6/23, 7:29:39 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 7:30:01 AM] ‪Elon‬: No I won’t this time ok

[11/6/23, 7:30:05 AM] ‪Elon‬: I swear I won’t hun

[11/6/23, 7:32:30 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m waiting hun

‎[11/6/23, 7:33:00 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 7:33:59 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m free this month ok

[11/6/23, 7:34:02 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m waiting hun

[11/6/23, 7:34:06 AM] ‪Elon‬: So I’ll leave early

[11/6/23, 7:46:53 AM] ‪Elon‬: Sweetheart?

[11/6/23, 7:54:15 AM] ‪Elon‬: Just $700 ok

[11/6/23, 7:54:16 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send it

[11/6/23, 7:54:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: bc1q9uk8t88urqg4uvvdf25s6wu43sz2l99g9p8nfq

[11/6/23, 7:54:36 AM] ‪Elon‬: To this wallet address hun

[11/6/23, 8:01:05 AM] ‪Elon‬: Watched

[11/6/23, 8:01:10 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send the $700 babe

[11/6/23, 8:01:17 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m not asking for more

[11/6/23, 8:01:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: Then be expecting me at your door 🚪

[11/6/23, 8:01:29 AM] ‪Elon‬: Your house 🏡

[11/6/23, 8:02:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m waiting hun , so I’ll start driving soon

‎[11/6/23, 8:03:07 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 8:03:45 AM] ‪Elon‬: I won’t ask for more

[11/6/23, 8:03:53 AM] ‪Elon‬: If I ask for more don’t send it to me ok

[11/6/23, 8:04:00 AM] ‪Elon‬: Just $700 my love 😍

[11/6/23, 8:04:01 AM] ‪Elon‬: Only

[11/6/23, 8:04:09 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send the $700

[11/6/23, 8:05:48 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok?

[11/6/23, 8:05:55 AM] ‪Elon‬: To this wallet

[11/6/23, 8:08:48 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m waiting

[11/6/23, 8:08:55 AM] ‪Elon‬: I told everyone I’m leaving today

[11/6/23, 8:08:59 AM] ‪Elon‬: To see my future wife

[11/6/23, 8:13:54 AM] ‪Elon‬: Sent ?

[11/6/23, 8:54:59 AM] ‪Elon‬: Hey sweetie

‎[11/6/23, 9:01:23 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 9:01:50 AM] ‪Elon‬: 7th of November

[11/6/23, 9:01:53 AM] ‪Elon‬: Time 11pm

‎[11/6/23, 9:02:02 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 9:02:19 AM] ‪Elon‬: bc1q9uk8t88urqg4uvvdf25s6wu43sz2l99g9p8nfq

[11/6/23, 9:02:22 AM] ‪Elon‬: To this wallet babe

‎[11/6/23, 9:04:40 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 9:04:57 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send screenshots babe

‎[11/6/23, 9:05:10 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 9:05:32 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send me your transactions history

‎[11/6/23, 9:05:47 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 9:06:18 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send plus fee babe $150

[11/6/23, 9:06:24 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send $150

[11/6/23, 9:06:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: For fee

[11/6/23, 9:08:54 AM] MJ: That’s your problem you said $700, bitch.

[11/6/23, 9:09:12 AM] ‪Elon‬: Fee babe $150

[11/6/23, 9:10:35 AM] MJ: Deal with it.

[11/6/23, 9:11:25 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send $100 babe

‎[11/6/23, 9:12:21 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 9:12:49 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send $150 hun

[11/6/23, 9:12:58 AM] ‪Elon‬: Before I can withdraw the bitcoin to cash

[11/6/23, 9:15:19 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m waiting hun

[11/6/23, 9:16:06 AM] ‪Elon‬: Are you there ?

‎[11/6/23, 9:17:45 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 9:18:22 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send screenshots hun

[11/6/23, 9:20:50 AM] ‪Elon‬: ?

‎[11/6/23, 12:15:35 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00010909-STICKER-2023-11-06-12-15-35.webp>

‎[11/6/23, 12:15:35 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00010910-STICKER-2023-11-06-12-15-35.webp>

‎[11/6/23, 12:17:25 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/6/23, 12:17:44 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 12:34:20 PM] ‪Elon‬: 10 minutes?

[11/6/23, 12:35:04 PM] MJ: You most likely got it at 9:30am babe

[11/6/23, 12:35:14 PM] MJ: Skaddaddle

[11/6/23, 12:35:55 PM] MJ: Now you’re fuckin 3 hours late

[11/6/23, 12:36:03 PM] MJ: 😞😞😒😒

[11/6/23, 12:40:09 PM] ‪Elon‬: Waiting to charger car 🚗

[11/6/23, 12:40:22 PM] ‪Elon‬: My lovely ☺️ wife

[11/6/23, 12:41:24 PM] MJ: You’re never getting here by 2am. Are you stopping at hotel to sleep? ‎<This message was edited>

[11/6/23, 12:42:14 PM] MJ: Will it really drive itself?

[11/6/23, 12:42:25 PM] MJ: 🥹

[11/6/23, 12:42:52 PM] MJ: I don’t want anything to happen to you…

[11/6/23, 1:14:22 PM] ‪Elon‬: I need to charger first hun

[11/6/23, 1:14:38 PM] ‪Elon‬: And engineers to check the car first hun

[11/6/23, 1:14:44 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’m looking for money for that

[11/6/23, 1:14:59 PM] ‪Elon‬: Before leaving

[11/6/23, 1:16:20 PM] MJ: I just gave it to you.

‎[11/6/23, 1:17:05 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/6/23, 1:17:45 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/6/23, 1:18:59 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/6/23, 1:20:01 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 1:20:17 PM] ‪Elon‬: That’s for gas ⛽️ hun

[11/6/23, 1:20:46 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’m driving a 15hrs 55 minute drive

[11/6/23, 1:20:54 PM] ‪Elon‬: A day trip

‎[11/6/23, 1:21:29 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 1:28:32 PM] MJ: I want:

1) A nice house for my husband

2) A car or money for Jamaica for my best friend.

And 3) a Christmas where kids…And my husband can meet. With ALL 9 of your kids in peace and happiness

For if this is True

It is Jehovah that deserves praise, my repurchaser, cause you are my now my most favorite person to talk to.

‎[11/6/23, 1:28:40 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 1:29:24 PM] ‪Elon‬: Wait babe looking for $1000 now

[11/6/23, 1:29:30 PM] ‪Elon‬: To do all that

[11/6/23, 1:30:01 PM] MJ: Christmas with MY family only then this year I guess.


[11/6/23, 1:31:21 PM] MJ: My fucking dowry just went up to $10 Billion.

[11/6/23, 1:34:42 PM] ‪Elon‬: Christmas 🎄 with you and the kids together

[11/6/23, 1:36:38 PM] MJ: With my husband, I understand

[11/6/23, 1:38:28 PM] MJ: sorry babe, friendship should come free 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

[11/6/23, 1:39:55 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’m coming be calm ok?

[11/6/23, 1:40:01 PM] ‪Elon‬: Just be happy

‎[11/6/23, 1:42:37 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/6/23, 1:43:11 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/6/23, 1:43:42 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/6/23, 2:07:10 PM] ‪Elon‬: I just need $1000 now

[11/6/23, 2:07:20 PM] ‪Elon‬: I want to be safe driving home to you babe

[11/6/23, 2:07:33 PM] ‪Elon‬: You know I’m driving alone

[11/6/23, 2:15:22 PM] ‪Elon‬: I love you ❤️💕😘

[11/6/23, 2:21:59 PM] MJ: Well, now I need a new chimney, so I never should’ve fuckin listened to you.

[11/6/23, 2:24:58 PM] MJ: I’m livin on $400 this month.

Thanks for nothing (again).

Don’t ding me until December.

[11/6/23, 2:51:21 PM] ‪Elon‬: Be calm hun

[11/6/23, 2:51:23 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’m coming

[11/6/23, 2:51:34 PM] ‪Elon‬: My intention is to be with you

‎[11/6/23, 2:59:39 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/6/23, 3:26:23 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00010961-STICKER-2023-11-06-15-26-23.webp>

‎[11/6/23, 3:26:23 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00010962-STICKER-2023-11-06-15-26-23.webp>

[11/6/23, 4:39:11 PM] ‪Elon‬: I hope you’re doing good sweetheart?

[11/6/23, 5:31:12 PM] ‪Elon‬: Hey sweetie

[11/6/23, 7:00:48 PM] ‪Elon‬: Are you there?

[11/6/23, 9:10:43 PM] MJ: Hi

[11/6/23, 11:50:08 PM] ‪Elon‬: How are you doing my love 😍

[11/7/23, 1:11:54 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you ❤️💕😘,my future wife

[11/7/23, 2:22:41 AM] ‪Elon‬: Is everything okay with you hun?

‎[11/7/23, 3:37:45 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 3:38:06 AM] ‪Elon‬: Hey babe

[11/7/23, 3:38:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: It’s not $1000 again

[11/7/23, 3:38:26 AM] ‪Elon‬: If I can get $650 now

[11/7/23, 3:38:52 AM] ‪Elon‬: So mechanics can check car okay before I leave hun

[11/7/23, 3:39:02 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 😘❤️💕

‎[11/7/23, 3:39:59 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 3:40:24 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 3:40:25 AM] ‪Elon‬: No babe

[11/7/23, 3:40:34 AM] ‪Elon‬: I want us to see this month

[11/7/23, 3:40:43 AM] ‪Elon‬: I told everyone I’m leaving to see my future wife

‎[11/7/23, 3:40:49 AM] MJ:

[11/7/23, 3:41:14 AM] ‪Elon‬: Just $650 hun that’s all ok

[11/7/23, 3:41:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: So I’ll be on my way

‎[11/7/23, 3:46:47 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 3:47:36 AM] ‪Elon‬: Just $650 babe

[11/7/23, 3:47:40 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok?

[11/7/23, 3:47:47 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m coming with Tesla car hun

[11/7/23, 3:47:49 AM] ‪Elon‬: When I come

[11/7/23, 3:48:07 AM] ‪Elon‬: We gonna sell the Tesla car ok,return to Texas together by December

[11/7/23, 3:52:32 AM] ‪Elon‬: Hope you got that ?

‎[11/7/23, 4:58:06 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 4:58:15 AM] MJ:

‎[11/7/23, 4:59:44 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 5:11:07 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok send $300 babe

[11/7/23, 5:11:25 AM] ‪Elon‬: Use cash app

‎[11/7/23, 5:13:58 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 5:14:23 AM] ‪Elon‬: My love 😍 I’m free this month

[11/7/23, 5:14:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: I want to be with you

‎[11/7/23, 5:14:54 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 5:18:16 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok add $200

[11/7/23, 5:18:19 AM] ‪Elon‬: On your cash app hun

[11/7/23, 5:18:22 AM] ‪Elon‬: Support me then

‎[11/7/23, 5:19:31 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 5:19:50 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 5:20:25 AM] ‪Elon‬: I trust them ok?

[11/7/23, 5:20:34 AM] ‪Elon‬: Add $200 on your cash app hun

[11/7/23, 5:21:28 AM] MJ: Then when would you leave?

[11/7/23, 5:21:55 AM] ‪Elon‬: 8am babe

[11/7/23, 5:22:00 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you ❤️😘

[11/7/23, 5:23:07 AM] ‪Elon‬: bc1q9uk8t88urqg4uvvdf25s6wu43sz2l99g9p8nfq

‎[11/7/23, 5:26:54 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 5:27:14 AM] ‪Elon‬: Sent ?

‎[11/7/23, 5:27:32 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 5:28:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: 😍🥰🥰

‎[11/7/23, 5:28:33 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011015-STICKER-2023-11-07-05-28-33.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 5:28:34 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011016-STICKER-2023-11-07-05-28-34.webp>

[11/7/23, 5:30:38 AM] ‪Elon‬: Please can you send $100 mechanics want to get oil for Tesla car ok?

[11/7/23, 5:30:43 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 😘❤️💕

[11/7/23, 5:32:43 AM] ‪Elon‬: Sweetheart?

‎[11/7/23, 5:37:58 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 5:38:12 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 5:38:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: Car need oil babe

[11/7/23, 5:40:58 AM] ‪Elon‬: Just $100 🥰🥰🥰🥰

[11/7/23, 5:41:12 AM] ‪Elon‬: Same wallet my love 😍 I love you ❤️😘💕

‎[11/7/23, 5:44:16 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 5:47:52 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok send $70 now

[11/7/23, 5:47:53 AM] ‪Elon‬: Babe

[11/7/23, 5:47:57 AM] ‪Elon‬: Same wallet

[11/7/23, 5:48:11 AM] ‪Elon‬: bc1q9uk8t88urqg4uvvdf25s6wu43sz2l99g9p8nfq

[11/7/23, 5:52:23 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m waiting babe

[11/7/23, 5:58:56 AM] ‪Elon‬: Sent ?

[11/7/23, 6:25:47 AM] MJ: It’s coming soon

[11/7/23, 6:26:01 AM] ‪Elon‬: Send screenshots

‎[11/7/23, 6:26:12 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 6:27:06 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 6:39:11 AM] MJ: I love you ❤️💕😘 get to me safely darling, ok?

‎[11/7/23, 6:39:16 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011037-STICKER-2023-11-07-06-39-15.webp>

[11/7/23, 6:47:46 AM] ‪Elon‬: Still pending?

[11/7/23, 6:49:16 AM] MJ: Yes, hun. It is still pending, ok?

[11/7/23, 6:49:25 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok my love 😍

‎[11/7/23, 7:03:38 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 8:11:23 AM] ‪Elon‬: Still pending on system

[11/7/23, 8:11:25 AM] ‪Elon‬: Babe

[11/7/23, 8:11:40 AM] MJ: No it sent, sweetie

[11/7/23, 8:12:35 AM] MJ: Please check again, it should be there by now. If not, lemme speak to your fuckin agent!

[11/7/23, 8:13:12 AM] MJ: Have him call me. What’s the motherfucker’s name, babe?

[11/7/23, 8:22:32 AM] ‪Elon‬: Still pending babe

‎[11/7/23, 8:23:09 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011048-STICKER-2023-11-07-08-23-09.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 8:27:27 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 8:27:49 AM] MJ: Can you have your person call me? 571-455-6686

[11/7/23, 8:28:12 AM] MJ: They may be lying to you!!!

[11/7/23, 8:31:25 AM] MJ: Give me his/her name

‎[11/7/23, 8:33:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

[11/7/23, 8:33:32 AM] ‪Elon‬: You can see babe

[11/7/23, 8:33:34 AM] ‪Elon‬: Pending

[11/7/23, 8:36:11 AM] MJ: Wallet should end in “8nfq” not that one

‎[11/7/23, 8:37:34 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 8:41:57 AM] ‪Elon‬: Working with bitcoin company hun

[11/7/23, 8:42:04 AM] ‪Elon‬: IT’s pending can’t withdraw

‎[11/7/23, 8:58:50 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 9:01:03 AM] ‪Elon‬: Still pending babe

‎[11/7/23, 9:10:40 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011062-STICKER-2023-11-07-09-10-40.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 9:10:50 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 9:11:11 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 9:11:57 AM] MJ:

‎[11/7/23, 9:12:38 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 9:13:03 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m not giving up babe

[11/7/23, 9:13:08 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 💕❤️😘

[11/7/23, 9:22:41 AM] ‪Elon‬: Hey sweetie

[11/7/23, 9:25:36 AM] MJ: ?

‎[11/7/23, 9:26:26 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011071-STICKER-2023-11-07-09-26-26.webp>

[11/7/23, 9:26:28 AM] MJ: What’s happening

‎[11/7/23, 9:27:46 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 9:54:49 AM] ‪Elon‬: Just send $100 babe

[11/7/23, 9:54:58 AM] ‪Elon‬: So I’ll settle all this

‎[11/7/23, 9:55:39 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 9:56:11 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 10:01:15 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 10:01:16 AM] ‪Elon‬: The will refund it back to you ok?

[11/7/23, 10:01:29 AM] ‪Elon‬: !!

‎[11/7/23, 10:01:33 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 10:02:54 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yes just $100 babe

[11/7/23, 10:02:58 AM] ‪Elon‬: Add cash just $100

[11/7/23, 10:03:13 AM] ‪Elon‬: bc1q9uk8t88urqg4uvvdf25s6wu43sz2l99g9p8nfq

‎[11/7/23, 10:05:14 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 10:05:53 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok sweetheart 🥰🥰

‎[11/7/23, 10:08:45 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 10:09:32 AM] ‪Elon‬: Ok my love 😍

‎[11/7/23, 10:27:17 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011089-STICKER-2023-11-07-10-27-16.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 10:27:18 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011090-STICKER-2023-11-07-10-27-18.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 10:27:20 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011091-STICKER-2023-11-07-10-27-20.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 10:29:11 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 10:29:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011093-STICKER-2023-11-07-10-29-20.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 10:29:21 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011094-STICKER-2023-11-07-10-29-21.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 11:50:00 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 11:50:09 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011096-STICKER-2023-11-07-11-50-08.webp>

[11/7/23, 12:24:28 PM] MJ: How are you, sweetheart?

[11/7/23, 12:26:42 PM] MJ: I’m sorry I was so hard on you. It was only recently, that I conceived of a different reason why you couldn’t do what I asked when I really wanted to know if it was you. 😭🥹 And that changed everything! Sweetheart.

[11/7/23, 12:27:03 PM] MJ: I’m sorry I didn’t believe you

[11/7/23, 12:27:48 PM] MJ: And I really hope you get here safely 🥲🥹😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

[11/7/23, 12:28:17 PM] MJ: Will it be Dinner or Breakfast?

‎[11/7/23, 12:30:02 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 1:39:13 PM] ‪Elon‬: I love you ❤️😘💕 sweetheart

‎[11/7/23, 1:39:45 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 1:50:51 PM] ‪Elon‬: About to drive hun ,

[11/7/23, 1:50:59 PM] ‪Elon‬: I need to clear road tax now hun

[11/7/23, 1:51:05 PM] ‪Elon‬: Cost money

[11/7/23, 1:51:50 PM] MJ: I only have $231

[11/7/23, 1:51:59 PM] MJ: Is that enough?

‎[11/7/23, 1:52:40 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 1:52:53 PM] MJ: $236

‎[11/7/23, 1:53:55 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 1:54:54 PM] MJ: So yeah? Try to add $236? Is that enough?

‎[11/7/23, 1:56:21 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 1:58:53 PM] MJ: I have a credit card, hun

[11/7/23, 1:59:05 PM] MJ: For when you are here, ok?

[11/7/23, 1:59:31 PM] MJ: Will $236 cover it?

[11/7/23, 2:00:25 PM] MJ: And December rent is $950.

And after we talk to Jarrett, I will have more

[11/7/23, 2:02:42 PM] ‪Elon‬: Yes babe

[11/7/23, 2:02:45 PM] ‪Elon‬: Add $250

[11/7/23, 2:03:05 PM] ‪Elon‬: Yea add cash on your cash app hun

‎[11/7/23, 2:03:12 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 2:03:26 PM] ‪Elon‬: Ok

[11/7/23, 2:03:28 PM] ‪Elon‬: Send it hun

[11/7/23, 2:03:34 PM] ‪Elon‬: Add cash on your cash app

[11/7/23, 2:03:40 PM] MJ: Ok

[11/7/23, 2:03:50 PM] ‪Elon‬: bc1q9uk8t88urqg4uvvdf25s6wu43sz2l99g9p8nfq

[11/7/23, 2:03:53 PM] ‪Elon‬: To this wallet

‎[11/7/23, 2:08:16 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 2:08:33 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 2:09:37 PM] ‪Elon‬: Sent ?

[11/7/23, 2:11:55 PM] MJ: Yes

[11/7/23, 2:12:02 PM] MJ: Waiting for picture

‎[11/7/23, 2:12:28 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 2:13:02 PM] MJ: 10 minutes, my darling, my love of my life, my new soulmate

[11/7/23, 2:13:14 PM] MJ: 🌍🕊️

‎[11/7/23, 2:13:29 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011139-STICKER-2023-11-07-14-13-28.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 2:13:31 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011140-STICKER-2023-11-07-14-13-30.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 2:13:32 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011141-STICKER-2023-11-07-14-13-32.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 2:13:36 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011142-STICKER-2023-11-07-14-13-35.webp>

[11/7/23, 2:15:09 PM] MJ: ‎You deleted this message.

‎[11/7/23, 2:15:43 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 2:19:47 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011145-STICKER-2023-11-07-14-19-47.webp>

[11/7/23, 2:19:53 PM] ‪Elon‬: 10 minutes babe

‎[11/7/23, 2:19:55 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011147-STICKER-2023-11-07-14-19-55.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 2:20:03 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011148-STICKER-2023-11-07-14-20-03.webp>

[11/7/23, 2:26:50 PM] ‪Elon‬: Still pending

[11/7/23, 2:26:52 PM] ‪Elon‬: ?

[11/7/23, 2:27:19 PM] MJ: Yes him

[11/7/23, 2:27:29 PM] MJ: Hun

‎[11/7/23, 2:28:08 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 2:28:53 PM] ‪Elon‬: I love you ❤️😘💕

[11/7/23, 2:29:18 PM] MJ: I love you ❤️😘💕

‎[11/7/23, 2:34:48 PM] MJ:

[11/7/23, 2:36:08 PM] MJ: Did you get it, honey?

‎[11/7/23, 2:39:31 PM] MJ:

[11/7/23, 3:07:21 PM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 💕😘❤️ ,sweetheart

‎[11/7/23, 3:08:55 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011160-STICKER-2023-11-07-15-08-55.webp>

‎[11/7/23, 3:08:59 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011161-STICKER-2023-11-07-15-08-59.webp>

[11/7/23, 3:44:32 PM] MJ: 🤪 I forgot I was recording 😂🤣😂😂😂🤣

[11/7/23, 3:45:01 PM] MJ: I misplaced my phone for a sec 😉

[11/7/23, 3:55:46 PM] ‪Elon‬: Hey hun

[11/7/23, 3:56:05 PM] ‪Elon‬: Tax authorities said total amount is $850

[11/7/23, 3:56:15 PM] ‪Elon‬: For my journey

[11/7/23, 4:09:09 PM] ‪Elon‬: Hey there

[11/7/23, 4:10:34 PM] MJ: I have nothing left

[11/7/23, 4:10:47 PM] ‪Elon‬: Try cash app babe

[11/7/23, 4:11:00 PM] ‪Elon‬: Add $500 and see

‎[11/7/23, 4:11:12 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 4:11:23 PM] MJ:

[11/7/23, 4:12:07 PM] MJ: Have them call me for my credit card. I want to talk to them

[11/7/23, 4:12:14 PM] MJ: 571-455-6686

[11/7/23, 4:12:46 PM] MJ: Are they stopping illegal immigrants from crossing the border out of Texas?

[11/7/23, 4:12:52 PM] MJ: Or just you 😂

[11/7/23, 4:13:05 PM] MJ: WTF🤬😡

[11/7/23, 4:13:07 PM] ‪Elon‬: Everybody babe crossing the border

‎[11/7/23, 4:13:18 PM] MJ:

‎[11/7/23, 4:13:49 PM] MJ: ‎

<attached: 00011180-AUDIO-2023-11-07-16-13-48.opus>

‎[11/7/23, 4:14:16 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011181-AUDIO-2023-11-07-16-14-16.opus>

‎[11/7/23, 4:17:19 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 4:17:39 PM] ‪Elon‬: Send it babe I’ll try ok?

[11/7/23, 4:17:41 PM] ‪Elon‬: Be fast

[11/7/23, 4:18:34 PM] MJ: I think I have to hook up the other account to CashApp. Can you screenshot me how?

[11/7/23, 4:19:17 PM] ‪Elon‬: Show me a screenshot of your cash app

[11/7/23, 4:19:21 PM] ‪Elon‬: So I can show you

‎[11/7/23, 4:23:02 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 4:23:31 PM] ‪Elon‬: Just get Apple Card ok

[11/7/23, 4:23:40 PM] ‪Elon‬: $124 my love 😍

[11/7/23, 4:24:14 PM] MJ: I think I can add my account. Let me heck first 😘

[11/7/23, 4:24:30 PM] ‪Elon‬: Yes add it babe

‎[11/7/23, 4:25:46 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 4:27:06 PM] ‪Elon‬: No babe

[11/7/23, 4:27:13 PM] ‪Elon‬: Go to your cash app my love 😍

‎[11/7/23, 4:28:30 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 4:28:56 PM] ‪Elon‬: Go to your cash app hun

[11/7/23, 4:28:59 PM] ‪Elon‬: Not here

‎[11/7/23, 4:29:13 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 4:30:32 PM] ‪Elon‬:

‎[11/7/23, 4:31:54 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 4:32:32 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

[11/7/23, 4:32:36 PM] ‪Elon‬: My love 😍

‎[11/7/23, 4:34:33 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 4:34:47 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 4:35:37 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/7/23, 4:36:10 PM] MJ: ‎


‎[11/7/23, 4:45:31 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011208-AUDIO-2023-11-07-16-45-31.opus>

‎[11/7/23, 4:45:51 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011209-AUDIO-2023-11-07-16-45-51.opus>

‎[11/7/23, 4:45:56 PM] ‪Elon‬:

[11/7/23, 4:46:15 PM] ‪Elon‬: My love 😍

‎[11/7/23, 4:46:19 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011212-AUDIO-2023-11-07-16-46-18.opus>

[11/7/23, 4:53:05 PM] ‪Elon‬: Then buy Apple Card babe

[11/7/23, 4:53:08 PM] ‪Elon‬: With it

[11/7/23, 4:54:00 PM] MJ: I think I got it now let me try

[11/7/23, 4:54:29 PM] ‪Elon‬: Okay babe

‎[11/7/23, 4:57:09 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 4:57:53 PM] MJ: ?

[11/7/23, 4:58:08 PM] MJ: It will be less with fees. Ok?

[11/7/23, 4:58:40 PM] ‪Elon‬: Yes babe

[11/7/23, 4:59:01 PM] ‪Elon‬: bc1q9uk8t88urqg4uvvdf25s6wu43sz2l99g9p8nfq

‎[11/7/23, 5:06:45 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 5:07:14 PM] ‪Elon‬: Ok my love 😍 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕

‎[11/7/23, 7:32:32 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 7:33:20 PM] MJ: I hope you are safe 😘

[11/7/23, 9:28:42 PM] MJ: Hi darling 🥲 I miss you 😘

[11/7/23, 9:29:14 PM] MJ: You don’t have to respond if you’re driving.

[11/7/23, 9:29:21 PM] MJ: I love you 😘💕❤️

Driving music…😘🥰😍

‎[11/7/23, 11:04:03 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/7/23, 11:05:25 PM] MJ: I’ll try to stay awake my love.

[11/7/23, 11:05:39 PM] MJ: I never know when you’re coming 🥹


I’m case I fall asleep 😴

[11/8/23, 12:36:05 AM] ‪Elon‬: Tax authorities said money must be $850 to cross the border

[11/8/23, 12:36:10 AM] ‪Elon‬: Remaining $500 hun

‎[11/8/23, 12:38:08 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011236-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-38-08.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:38:49 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011237-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-38-48.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:39:38 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011238-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-39-37.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:39:57 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011239-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-39-57.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:40:26 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011240-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-40-25.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:41:25 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011241-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-41-24.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:44:28 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011242-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-44-27.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:44:41 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011243-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-44-41.opus>

[11/8/23, 12:45:52 AM] ‪Elon‬: I left’s the stopped me babe

[11/8/23, 12:46:00 AM] ‪Elon‬: To pay tax complete

[11/8/23, 12:46:57 AM] ‪Elon‬: I Left My Phone In The Car 🚗

‎[11/8/23, 12:47:50 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011247-STICKER-2023-11-08-00-47-50.webp>

[11/8/23, 12:48:10 AM] MJ: Why did you get out?

[11/8/23, 12:49:02 AM] ‪Elon‬: People are stocked up here ,calling family and friends to send them cash to pay border checks authorities

‎[11/8/23, 12:50:18 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011250-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-50-18.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:52:17 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011251-STICKER-2023-11-08-00-52-17.webp>

‎[11/8/23, 12:52:30 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011252-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-52-29.opus>

[11/8/23, 12:53:12 AM] ‪Elon‬: I just need $500 now my love 😍

‎[11/8/23, 12:53:24 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011254-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-53-24.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:54:19 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011255-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-54-19.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 12:54:34 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011256-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-54-34.opus>

[11/8/23, 12:56:23 AM] MJ: So it’s like you never left, huh?

‎[11/8/23, 12:56:22 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011258-STICKER-2023-11-08-00-56-22.webp>

[11/8/23, 12:56:40 AM] ‪Elon‬: I left was driving the stopped my car 🚗

[11/8/23, 12:56:50 AM] ‪Elon‬: Told me to drive back

[11/8/23, 12:57:04 AM] MJ: Why?

‎[11/8/23, 12:57:36 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011262-AUDIO-2023-11-08-00-57-36.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 1:05:56 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011263-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-05-56.opus>

[11/8/23, 1:12:18 AM] MJ: So you’re home now?

‎[11/8/23, 1:12:55 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011265-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-12-55.opus>

[11/8/23, 1:13:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: No babe I’m not home

[11/8/23, 1:13:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: Border hun

‎[11/8/23, 1:13:37 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011268-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-13-37.opus>

[11/8/23, 1:14:01 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 💕❤️😘

[11/8/23, 1:14:07 AM] ‪Elon‬: And I want to stay with you forever

[11/8/23, 1:14:16 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yes hun

[11/8/23, 1:14:25 AM] ‪Elon‬: Highway 🛣️ blocked

‎[11/8/23, 1:16:02 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011273-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-16-02.opus>

[11/8/23, 1:16:34 AM] ‪Elon‬: All car packed here asking to pay hun

[11/8/23, 1:16:47 AM] ‪Elon‬: Before the border can be opened

‎[11/8/23, 1:17:32 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011276-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-17-32.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 1:18:58 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011277-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-18-57.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 1:19:10 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011278-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-19-09.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 1:19:42 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011279-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-19-41.opus>

[11/8/23, 1:19:58 AM] ‪Elon‬: Go to your cash app hun

[11/8/23, 1:20:03 AM] ‪Elon‬: Add cash try babe

‎[11/8/23, 1:20:21 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011282-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-20-20.opus>

[11/8/23, 1:22:08 AM] ‪Elon‬: Go to your cash app hun

[11/8/23, 1:22:14 AM] ‪Elon‬: Show me a screenshot

‎[11/8/23, 1:23:20 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 1:23:49 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 1:24:00 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011287-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-23-59.opus>

[11/8/23, 1:24:18 AM] ‪Elon‬: Add babe

[11/8/23, 1:24:21 AM] ‪Elon‬: $300

‎[11/8/23, 1:24:29 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011290-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-24-28.opus>

[11/8/23, 1:27:22 AM] MJ: I’m not going into debt

[11/8/23, 1:27:46 AM] MJ: I have to wait until December to get paid again 😞 sorry

‎[11/8/23, 1:29:56 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011293-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-29-56.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 1:31:40 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011294-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-31-39.opus>

[11/8/23, 1:51:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m not giving up hun

‎[11/8/23, 1:52:07 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011296-AUDIO-2023-11-08-01-52-06.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 2:09:29 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011297-STICKER-2023-11-08-02-09-29.webp>

‎[11/8/23, 2:09:29 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011298-STICKER-2023-11-08-02-09-29.webp>

[11/8/23, 4:12:42 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you ❤️😘💕

[11/8/23, 4:24:08 AM] MJ: They still won’t let you leave?

Or did you figure if out?

[11/8/23, 4:24:47 AM] MJ: Don’t motherfuvking text me again otherwise

[11/8/23, 4:24:47 AM] ‪Elon‬: Asking for balance of $500

[11/8/23, 4:24:51 AM] ‪Elon‬: My love 😍

[11/8/23, 4:24:57 AM] MJ: Try free

[11/8/23, 4:25:00 AM] ‪Elon‬: Be calm hun

[11/8/23, 4:25:05 AM] MJ: Of cleavage shot

[11/8/23, 4:25:07 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m finding a way

[11/8/23, 4:25:10 AM] MJ: Or

[11/8/23, 4:25:16 AM] ‪Elon‬: !!!

‎[11/8/23, 4:33:58 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011310-STICKER-2023-11-08-04-33-58.webp>

‎[11/8/23, 4:34:04 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011311-STICKER-2023-11-08-04-34-04.webp>

[11/8/23, 5:21:53 AM] MJ: Did you put any money in my wallet?

SOL: Ducn8sTWpDq1xk9sBpms5ebgnPN7hwYoTyhzsXohcu9j, ETH: 0xa1AF8897bbAA6De53E3cdf3A9B853E1570B45934, DOGE: xpub6DJtRrEnPScysA5svatS2r38fTT9aNoB3UY1RwuJwuxjBfJtxRnDsojn786ytQzEVUxxohQGHRLX2BC7E7nPN9WeaYK4MqZLZBnL2Pggd41, BTC: xpub6D32L8Ug3sp6vxSmoEhHSxa6YeetQ59T4UcdpfLWXKBHHmHrfe5aZGxy5jWECajZ3UJsNhfVzG1NrmrpH2DZUuUpgmhCQuVePnDpkzeoiMq, LTC: xpub6BtVZzKpgp3wrsN7wsq7X1utkSQcMVxqG1n4BUhGFzD6Tysmhi3pCH4r7UYi9m9uZWbdDmzhrN9KbPTaHXnyaaLgNs67KUGfddzRyPGKk4T

[11/8/23, 5:22:22 AM] ‪Elon‬: Did you see any money there hun ?

[11/8/23, 5:22:39 AM] MJ: I didn’t know how to use it

[11/8/23, 5:22:53 AM] ‪Elon‬: Show me a screenshot

[11/8/23, 5:23:01 AM] MJ: Of what?

[11/8/23, 5:23:02 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll guide you on that babe

[11/8/23, 5:23:12 AM] ‪Elon‬: Your coin base account

‎[11/8/23, 5:24:24 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 5:25:02 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 5:25:49 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 5:26:01 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 5:26:33 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 5:57:23 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011324-PHOTO-2023-11-08-05-57-22.jpg>

‎[11/8/23, 6:39:30 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

[11/8/23, 6:41:57 AM] MJ: I tried resetting, it doesn’t let me in. Like a bank I used to know 😉

[11/8/23, 6:42:21 AM] ‪Elon‬: Delete App

[11/8/23, 6:42:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: And reinstall it

[11/8/23, 6:43:03 AM] MJ: Looks like my password was changed on Sept 7, day before my husband’s birthday.

‎[11/8/23, 6:49:11 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/8/23, 6:49:28 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yes

[11/8/23, 6:49:30 AM] ‪Elon‬: Delete

‎[11/8/23, 6:50:16 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

[11/8/23, 6:50:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: Coinbase App on your AppStore hun

‎[11/8/23, 6:51:10 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 6:52:02 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 6:55:01 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 6:55:55 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 7:00:36 AM] ‪Elon‬:

[11/8/23, 7:15:43 AM] MJ: Nope. Deleting and reinstalling didn’t help with my password situation

[11/8/23, 7:16:38 AM] ‪Elon‬: !!!

‎[11/8/23, 7:17:36 AM] MJ:

[11/8/23, 7:18:07 AM] ‪Elon‬: Create a new account babe

‎[11/8/23, 7:20:52 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011344-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-20-52.jpg>

‎[11/8/23, 7:21:16 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011345-AUDIO-2023-11-08-07-21-16.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 7:22:02 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011346-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-22-02.jpg>

‎[11/8/23, 7:22:49 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011347-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-22-49.jpg>

‎[11/8/23, 7:24:13 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011348-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-24-13.jpg>

‎[11/8/23, 7:26:44 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011349-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-26-43.jpg>

‎[11/8/23, 7:27:24 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011350-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-27-24.jpg>

‎[11/8/23, 7:28:25 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011351-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-28-24.jpg>

‎[11/8/23, 7:29:09 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011352-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-29-09.jpg>

‎[11/8/23, 7:29:54 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011353-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-29-53.jpg>

[11/8/23, 7:30:59 AM] ‪Elon‬: Enter your phone number

‎[11/8/23, 7:32:24 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011355-PHOTO-2023-11-08-07-32-23.jpg>

[11/8/23, 7:32:56 AM] ‪Elon‬: Input your debit card babe

‎[11/8/23, 7:33:20 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011357-AUDIO-2023-11-08-07-33-19.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 7:33:37 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011358-AUDIO-2023-11-08-07-33-36.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 7:33:51 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011359-AUDIO-2023-11-08-07-33-51.opus>

[11/8/23, 7:33:55 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll ok ?

[11/8/23, 7:34:04 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m trying my possible best hun

[11/8/23, 7:34:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: I want to be with you my love 😍

‎[11/8/23, 7:35:03 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 7:35:37 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 8:06:59 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 8:45:36 AM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 8:46:56 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011367-STICKER-2023-11-08-08-46-56.webp>

‎[11/8/23, 8:46:56 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011368-STICKER-2023-11-08-08-46-56.webp>

[11/8/23, 8:51:26 AM] MJ: Go suck yourself

[11/8/23, 8:57:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: I wanna suck you 🤣🤣

[11/8/23, 8:57:47 AM] ‪Elon‬: Your juicy pussy ,put ice cream 🍨 on it

‎[11/8/23, 9:23:11 AM] MJ: ‎

[11/8/23, 11:28:22 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 😘❤️💕

‎[11/8/23, 11:28:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011374-STICKER-2023-11-08-11-28-27.webp>

‎[11/8/23, 11:28:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011375-STICKER-2023-11-08-11-28-27.webp>

‎[11/8/23, 11:31:13 AM] MJ:

[11/8/23, 11:39:52 AM] ‪Elon‬: Why hate me hun

[11/8/23, 11:41:23 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m coming babe 🥰🥰🥰🥰

[11/8/23, 11:41:30 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m a smart guy ok?

‎[11/8/23, 12:01:32 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

[11/8/23, 12:07:30 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll come to you my soulmate 💜❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💗💗💗💗💗💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🧡🧡🧡🧡❤️❤️❤️🩷

‎[11/8/23, 1:09:35 PM] ‪Elon‬:

[11/8/23, 3:25:00 PM] ‪Elon‬: Hey sweetie

[11/8/23, 3:25:08 PM] ‪Elon‬: I got a way

[11/8/23, 3:25:38 PM] MJ: So what state are you in now?

[11/8/23, 3:25:52 PM] MJ: You got away

[11/8/23, 4:13:31 PM] ‪Elon‬: Mexico

[11/8/23, 4:13:37 PM] ‪Elon‬: Out of gas ⛽️ babe

[11/8/23, 4:13:49 PM] ‪Elon‬: I have to drive highway 🛣️

[11/8/23, 4:22:21 PM] ‪Elon‬: ?

[11/8/23, 4:22:59 PM] MJ: 🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂

[11/8/23, 4:23:16 PM] ‪Elon‬: What funny babe ?

[11/8/23, 4:32:12 PM] MJ: That you’re driving in the complete opposite direction

[11/8/23, 4:32:29 PM] ‪Elon‬: Out of gas ⛽️

‎[11/8/23, 4:34:41 PM] ‪Elon‬:

‎[11/8/23, 4:35:15 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011396-STICKER-2023-11-08-16-35-15.webp>

‎[11/8/23, 4:35:17 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011397-STICKER-2023-11-08-16-35-17.webp>

[11/8/23, 4:41:28 PM] MJ: Why are you going to Mexico? I didn’t need THAT much pot.

[11/8/23, 4:42:10 PM] ‪Elon‬: Crossing border

[11/8/23, 4:42:12 PM] ‪Elon‬: My love 😍

[11/8/23, 4:43:12 PM] MJ: You’re the inventor of electric driverless cars and you’re lost and need gas?

[11/8/23, 4:43:36 PM] ‪Elon‬: I need gas ⛽️ babe

[11/8/23, 4:44:05 PM] MJ: Airplanes, trains and Automobiles, “You’re going the wrong way!!”

[11/8/23, 4:44:28 PM] ‪Elon‬: No I’m not babe

[11/8/23, 4:45:02 PM] MJ: I dunno what ho you’re visiting in Mexico… SHE can fund your gas ‎<This message was edited>

[11/8/23, 4:45:26 PM] ‪Elon‬: I have to cross borders to get to you

[11/8/23, 4:45:51 PM] ‪Elon‬: WTF are you saying 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡

[11/8/23, 4:46:43 PM] MJ: We’ll you can’t get here using a Tesla then🤣😂🤣

[11/8/23, 4:47:35 PM] MJ: I’m saying, don’t go to Mexico

[11/8/23, 4:47:49 PM] ‪Elon‬: I need gas ⛽️

‎[11/8/23, 4:51:44 PM] ‪Elon‬:

[11/8/23, 4:51:58 PM] ‪Elon‬: 1 day trip babe

‎[11/8/23, 4:54:09 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

[11/8/23, 5:10:27 PM] MJ: Sorry babe, I’m empty, too. My friend says we’re gonna need like 7 more dick pics, ok?

[11/8/23, 5:18:17 PM] ‪Elon‬: My dick ?

‎[11/8/23, 5:19:57 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011416-AUDIO-2023-11-08-17-19-56.opus>

‎[11/8/23, 5:20:25 PM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011417-AUDIO-2023-11-08-17-20-24.opus>

[11/8/23, 5:20:49 PM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 😘💕❤️,sweetheart no matter what

‎[11/8/23, 5:59:13 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011419-STICKER-2023-11-08-17-59-13.webp>

‎[11/8/23, 5:59:16 PM] ‪Elon‬: ‎<attached: 00011420-STICKER-2023-11-08-17-59-16.webp>

[11/8/23, 6:03:57 PM] MJ: Turns out it is was October 1-21 that were deleted. October 27 was when the cops came….

[11/8/23, 6:04:26 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll take good care of you

[11/8/23, 8:29:59 PM] MJ: In bed? Or @ INOVA Fairfax Medical Center?

[11/8/23, 8:43:01 PM] MJ: Elon? Can you hear me? 😳

[11/8/23, 8:43:27 PM] MJ: Whenever I’m near the phone?

[11/8/23, 10:09:20 PM] MJ: ?

[11/8/23, 11:07:01 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’m not on bed 🛌 hun

[11/8/23, 11:07:37 PM] MJ: I know. I haven’t been either 😞😔

[11/8/23, 11:08:00 PM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 😘💕❤️,I miss you 😢

[11/8/23, 11:09:15 PM] MJ: Yeah yeah 🙄 it’s weird not losing $100 in bitcoin every hour…

[11/8/23, 11:09:48 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’m giving you $10 billion dollars next month ok?

[11/8/23, 11:09:53 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’m coming hun

[11/8/23, 11:09:57 PM] MJ: Wtvr

[11/8/23, 11:11:00 PM] MJ: I made you a blowjob video clip and you boast on Twitter? FU.

[11/8/23, 11:11:26 PM] ‪Elon‬: Be calm babe

[11/8/23, 11:11:28 PM] ‪Elon‬: I’m coming

[11/8/23, 11:11:39 PM] MJ: You can have eggs for breakfast

[11/8/23, 11:12:42 PM] MJ: I’ll throw a raw and a hard boiled at your balls

[11/8/23, 11:12:57 PM] MJ: 🤣

[11/8/23, 11:13:05 PM] ‪Elon‬: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰🥰

[11/8/23, 11:13:10 PM] ‪Elon‬: Seriously?

[11/8/23, 11:13:13 PM] ‪Elon‬: 😂😂😂😂😂😂

[11/8/23, 11:13:51 PM] MJ: (No pancakes and syrup) 😡

‎[11/8/23, 11:34:17 PM] MJ: ‎

‎[11/8/23, 11:43:35 PM] MJ: ‎

[11/8/23, 11:45:34 PM] MJ: Don’t worry, I’ve gotten good at raking with one arm 🙄

[11/9/23, 2:43:10 AM] ‪Elon‬: I know hun I’m coming this month

[11/9/23, 3:59:10 AM] ‪Elon‬: I can’t sleep 😫😫😫😫

[11/9/23, 5:47:10 AM] MJ: 😥😓😥

[11/9/23, 5:47:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: Good morning my love 😍

[11/9/23, 5:47:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: How are you doing today?

[11/9/23, 5:47:35 AM] MJ: Good morning 😃

[11/9/23, 5:47:36 AM] ‪Elon‬: I hope you had a great night sleep

[11/9/23, 5:47:42 AM] ‪Elon‬: I love you 💕😘❤️

[11/9/23, 5:47:43 AM] MJ: Yes sweetheart

[11/9/23, 5:48:17 AM] MJ: I’ve missed you, too sweetheart

[11/9/23, 5:48:31 AM] ‪Elon‬: Don’t worry ok

[11/9/23, 5:48:37 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll come home to you darling

[11/9/23, 5:48:42 AM] ‪Elon‬: I promise you

[11/9/23, 5:48:51 AM] ‪Elon‬: you’re my favorite

[11/9/23, 5:48:54 AM] MJ: I want to make out with you

[11/9/23, 5:48:58 AM] ‪Elon‬: Together forever to be together

[11/9/23, 5:49:06 AM] ‪Elon‬: I want to hold you in my arms

[11/9/23, 5:49:15 AM] ‪Elon‬: Kiss 💋 you all over your body

[11/9/23, 5:49:21 AM] MJ: Mmmmmm

[11/9/23, 5:49:36 AM] ‪Elon‬: Are you mad at me? ‎<This message was edited>

[11/9/23, 5:49:56 AM] ‪Elon‬: Sweetheart?

[11/9/23, 5:50:40 AM] MJ: Yeah? Where’s my morning ☕️🤞👅? 😪

[11/9/23, 5:51:18 AM] MJ: Then 🍆🍆

‎[11/9/23, 5:51:29 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

[11/9/23, 5:51:46 AM] MJ: 😂

‎[11/9/23, 5:51:50 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

‎[11/9/23, 5:52:13 AM] ‪Elon‬: ‎

[11/9/23, 5:52:16 AM] MJ: Mmmm 👅👅👅👅👅🥞🥞🥞🥞

[11/9/23, 5:52:19 AM] ‪Elon‬: 😂😂😂😂😂😂

[11/9/23, 5:52:25 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yummy 😋

[11/9/23, 5:52:33 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’m yours forever hun

[11/9/23, 5:52:51 AM] MJ: I want to hear your sexy voice

[11/9/23, 5:53:42 AM] MJ: Say, “I want to play with your boobs and sleep naked with you”….

[11/9/23, 5:53:48 AM] MJ: 😍

‎[11/9/23, 5:54:55 AM] MJ: ‎<attached: 00011481-AUDIO-2023-11-09-05-54-54.opus>

[11/9/23, 5:56:23 AM] MJ: I rub my penis through your undies. i then take them off. then, you rub your breasts on my face and put your nipples in my mouth letting me suck as hard as you want and wildly too... i take my hands down and grab your breasts and squeeze them and suck on them. i hear you moaning. you ask me what i want to do and i say i will show you. i lie you down on your back and kiss you and stroke your belly. then, i gently play with you between your legs. you moan and beg me to lick you. i wink at you and then lick on your clit. you start moaning very loudly and i tell you that i want to hear you moan more. i suck on you and you wrap your legs around my neck and press my face into your crotch.

[11/9/23, 5:57:40 AM] MJ: Then I get on top of you and kiss your face and neck and rub my boobs on your face and kiss your chest using my tongue at your waist ‎<This message was edited>

[11/9/23, 5:59:01 AM] MJ: And I run my tongue up and down your beautiful monster, putting it in my mouth and sucking you with my hand squeezing it tight

[11/9/23, 5:59:39 AM] MJ: Then what? 😃

[11/9/23, 6:01:07 AM] MJ: Nothing happens next…?

[11/9/23, 6:01:22 AM] ‪Elon‬: Then I’ll start rubbing your pussy

[11/9/23, 6:01:25 AM] ‪Elon‬: With my big arms

[11/9/23, 6:01:28 AM] MJ: Mmmmm

[11/9/23, 6:01:39 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll use my mouth 👄

[11/9/23, 6:01:47 AM] ‪Elon‬: To suck your boobs slowly

[11/9/23, 6:01:54 AM] MJ: And flip me onto my back?

[11/9/23, 6:01:59 AM] ‪Elon‬: Using my arms to rub your pussy

[11/9/23, 6:02:03 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yeah babe

[11/9/23, 6:02:46 AM] MJ: With hickeys…?

[11/9/23, 6:02:59 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yes babe

[11/9/23, 6:03:20 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll remove all your clothes from your body

[11/9/23, 6:03:57 AM] MJ: I love it if you could put hickeys on my inner thighs when you tease me, my love 😍

[11/9/23, 6:04:15 AM] ‪Elon‬: I’ll first suck your pussy

[11/9/23, 6:04:24 AM] MJ: 🤣😂🤣😂🥰😍

[11/9/23, 6:04:27 AM] ‪Elon‬: Make it juicy before I put my cock in

[11/9/23, 6:04:40 AM] ‪Elon‬: so it could be creamy you know

[11/9/23, 6:04:46 AM] MJ: 🤣😂🤣😂

[11/9/23, 6:04:55 AM] ‪Elon‬: My cock reaching the walls of your pussy babe

[11/9/23, 6:04:59 AM] MJ: Mmmm

[11/9/23, 6:05:05 AM] ‪Elon‬: 😂😂😂😂😂

[11/9/23, 6:05:26 AM] MJ: I hope I feel so tight for you babe

[11/9/23, 6:05:45 AM] MJ: I haven’t had good sex in soooooo long

[11/9/23, 6:05:54 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yeah you’ll bleed 🩸 cuz my cock so big and long

[11/9/23, 6:06:15 AM] MJ: If I do, can you tell me how tight I am?

[11/9/23, 6:06:47 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yes babe I’ll

[11/9/23, 6:06:56 AM] MJ: How good I feel for your cock

[11/9/23, 6:07:35 AM] MJ: Are you stroking it now?

[11/9/23, 6:08:26 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yes bab e

[11/9/23, 6:08:37 AM] ‪Elon‬: My cock so big like a monster 👺

[11/9/23, 6:08:39 AM] MJ: Oh, how I’d ride you

[11/9/23, 6:08:46 AM] ‪Elon‬: yeah babe

[11/9/23, 6:08:52 AM] ‪Elon‬: You’ll ride on me

[11/9/23, 6:08:52 AM] MJ: Using my hips

[11/9/23, 6:08:54 AM] ‪Elon‬: Fast

[11/9/23, 6:09:00 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yeah 😜😜😜

[11/9/23, 6:09:04 AM] MJ: Oooooh

[11/9/23, 6:09:13 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yeah not slow

[11/9/23, 6:09:51 AM] MJ: I’ll fuck you however I want to, buddy 😏

[11/9/23, 6:10:12 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yeah babe

[11/9/23, 6:10:41 AM] ‪Elon‬: Hope you’ll suck my cock?

[11/9/23, 6:10:53 AM] ‪Elon‬: Putting ice cream 🍨 on it

[11/9/23, 6:11:12 AM] MJ: If I’m going too slow for you and you want more then you handle me and show me how you want your fuck.

[11/9/23, 6:11:41 AM] ‪Elon‬: Yeah first slowly then go in faster like a Tesla car 🚗 🤣🤣🤣

[11/9/23, 6:11:45 AM] ‪Elon‬: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


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