Proverbs 30:21-33
21 There are three things that make the earth shudderAnd four things it cannot endure:22 When a slave rules as king,+When a fool is glutted with food,23 When a hated* woman is taken as a wife,And when a servant girl takes the place of* her mistress.+24 Four things on earth are among the smallest,But they are instinctively wise:*+25 The ants are not strong creatures,*Yet they prepare their food in the summer.+26 The rock badgers*+ are not mighty creatures,*Yet they make their house in the crags.+27 The locusts+ have no king,Yet they all go forward in formation.*+28 The gecko lizard+ clings with its feet,And it goes into the palace of a king.29 There are three things that have an impressive stride,Four that are impressive as they move:30 The lion, the mightiest among beasts,Which does not retreat from anyone;+31 The greyhound; the male goat;And a king whose army is with him.32 If you have foolishly exalted yourself+Or if you have schemed to do so,Put your hand over your mouth.+33 For as the churning of milk produces butterAnd the squeezing of the nose produces blood,So the stirring up of anger produces quarrels.+
Written by Mary Jeanne Cincotta (part Flip)
Script intended for Dave Chappelle
Around June of 2023, a woman appears on the scene and mentions my Twitter handle along with a few others calling on us to be her “soldiers of truth.”
Now at the time, I had about 3 posts on Twitter. I opened the account in March of 2012 and my first post is:
“I can’t think of anything provocative to tweet, and yet, I must continue…Must…keep…tweeting.”
March 21, 2012
Then, the next day I tweeted:
“Why’d Twitter change my picture to an egg?”
March 22, 2012
Then on March 25, 2012 I write:
“This account has been hacked. I’m deeming it officially bogus. Sincerely, Chappelle, David K.”
The System is Rigged. And that was the last of it.
A few weeks later, I get a script in the mail. It’s written for me, and is similar to the way I would naturally deliver my own perfectly original content, but this was different, because when you think about it, someone went through the trouble to write this script because this person thought this fantastical story would be best received and have the most impact if I were to deliver it.
Well, you know, as an entertainer and comedian, and because of my personal history of my craft, or my intellectual property being monetized and stripped of my own rights to something I created, it seems odd that someone would go through the trouble of writing this story in such as way as to not want to take any credit for the information being shared.
This is the kind of thing that can make you famous! Why not take credit for sharing this information of SUPREME importance for the entire human race, yourself.
Well, she said she came to me because as one of my devoted fans, she knew that I value the truth. She said that over the years, my words gave her comfort, that I addressed the talking points she cared about. And that I wouldn’t just read some drivel “she said” God told her to say.
And I was like, stop it right there! You’re DAMN right! I’m not some puppet. I’m not going to willingly accept some rantings delivered to me in the mail by some crazy person.
But, it was intriguing….In fact the name of the business that this script came from was called Be Intrigued. And the URL to find this woman’s company page was Now, what are the odds of that?
But then again, do you really mean to tell me, that God told you that I should say something?
Remember, I was on Twitter and there is factual evidence that I did NOT in fact have anything provocative to say. Then 11 years ago by, my account is still sitting there and it is as if God hands me this document and says, “Here you go. Here’s what you should say.”
And I mean, I was like, “What? You mean this is it? Someone took all the time and effort to write this content just so I could be the one to read it?”
“Now if you think about it, that’s pretty good service.”
Granted, It had taken 11 years since my first Tweet for this script to show up at my door. I mean, that’s some pretty slow turnaround time.” But if you look at it through the lens of how slow the Federal Government is to share with its citizens the information that is most vital for them to decide who to elect to choose someone to represent them well, all of that information is classified, so it takes about 50 to 75 years for any of THAT information to get out.
You usually have to wait until someone is about to DIE, before they will divulge the secrets that had kept them alive for those many years because THAT is the kind of responsibility that came with the job.
But this woman was very much alive. In fact when the tweet first went out there was a photo of her in some hospital robe sitting in front of a chalkboard and the post is still on Facebook, it said Involuntary Stay an Inova Fairfax Medical Center, with TDO. Now this post on Twitter asking me to be a soldier of truth was removed, so it was easy to disregard. Just some crazy person posting crazy shit—happens every day.
But there was an update to the Facebook post to say that it was her daughter that called 911 and that is what had prompted the mother to be dragged off to the hospital. Still, you could just come to the same conclusion, that this is “Just some crazy person“ and her daughter recognizes that fact, too.
But, man, I have a fully prepared script! And this woman is saying that God told her to tell ME to say something, and this crazy person’s company is called: Be Intrigued.
Well, let’s fuckin’ find out what this is all about now! Shall we?
Okay, Let’s…
The System Is Rigged
Well as it turns out, this woman, is 44 years old (in present day 2023). And she claims that the only reason she believes with every fiber of her being that God spoke to her is because she considers herself to be a good student.
Does it mean she has a Masters in Philosophy? A PhD in religious studies? Not at all. In terms of a college education, she has a Bachelors of Fine Art with a concentration in Graphic Design from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, which most people know as Virginia Tech.
But it isn’t even her choice of college education that she touts as the defining reason why she considers herself a good student. It is actually her high school education that she credits for teaching her critical thinking skills and the wherewithal to express her ideas effectively. She does have a natural curiosity to figure things out and a passion for creativity that helps her prove what she theorizes to be true.
She also works hard and isn’t afraid of conducting a bit a research.
But the ONE thing that she bases all of her theories on in order to prove beyond a doubt that what she says is true is having an initial premise that is correct. And that is that: the Bible is Truth.
“WHAAT?!” The Bible?
What High School did you say you went to?
And that is actually a very good question.
In the Bible, Jesus makes a reference regarding a temple to one of his disciples, he states according to Mark 13:2:
“However, Jesus said to him: Do you see these great buildings? By no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and not be thrown down.”
This woman attended George Mason Jr.-Sr. High School in what is now called The Little City of Falls Church. However, if you look on Google Maps, it doesn’t exist anymore. She graduated in 1996 and in just 27 years’ time, any physical proof of her high school is.
As Doc in the movie Back to the Future said, “Erased from existence!”
But what is interesting is that the students that had attended this high school are still alive today. So, there are people that can still attest to having had attended this same school. The miraculous thing is that this evidence has come to light and there are still people alive that remember it!
But how does this relate to this woman being sent to the Psych Ward as a result of her daughter calling 911?
Well according to Ecclesiastes 8:14-15 it states:
‘There is something futile that takes place on the earth: There are righteous people who are treated as if they had acted wickedly, and there are wicked people who are treated as is they had acted righteously. I say that this too is futility.
So I recommended rejoicing, because there is nothin better for man under the sun than to eat and drink and rejoice; this should accompany him as he works hard during the days of her life, which the true God gives him under the sun.”
And the following passages in Ecclesiastes 8:16-17 were most applicable to our particular heroine that state:
“I applied my heart to acquire wisdom and to see all the activity happening on the earth, even going without sleep day and night.
Then I considered all the work of the true God, and I realized that mankind cannot comprehend what happens under the sun. No matter how hard men try, they cannot comprehend it. Even if they claim that they are wise enough to know, they cannot really comprehend it.”
Now to sum up the last 20 years of this woman’s life, she had a freelance graphic design business that she started in 2003. That is when she purchased her domain name from GoDaddy. So she’s had ownership of that .com URL for 20 years. And that was about 2 years out of college. She had recently married who she always professed was her soul mate and would take a bus-ride-subway-ride-bus-ride combination each work day to go from Fairfax, Virginia to Northwest Washington DC one-way to get to work. The one-way commute took about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Unless it was tourist season, or she missed a bus or the metro was having issues, then, it would take maybe 2 hours to get home. With a commute like that, the only thing that could make life worse, was if the AC on the subway was not working that day. Ugh!
And her salary at her first job out of college was $27,000/year in 2001.
If you’ve seen some of her social media posts, she has this curious way of using a Math Word Problem to prove a some sort of injustice occurring, or to discount an obvious lie. And sometimes the Math Word Problem has a Title that is actually a quote from a movie and end’s with a non-sense-ical word that people who speak English can attest to the truth of because that non-sense-ical word at the end of the Math Word Problem is actually the punchline. It is the punchline, because it is what makes people laugh at the end of the story, but it is funny, because it is also: The Moral of the Story.
And as most comedians can attest: what makes stuff funny is because your audience members believe it to be true.
So, for example, if you think about a simple question whose answer is pretty specific to you and only you, it is true to YOU as an individual. For this woman, she knew God’s Word to be true, and that every person on earth has this very personal interpretation for themselves when they read the Bible.
But if she proceeds to espouse her truth and findings over the years that she has spent researching every conspiracy theory to come ultimately land at this truth that there may only be 6 or 7 years left before the END OF DAYS. The punchline: Bible is Truth isn’t in the slightest FUNNY at all.
How many people on Earth today have actually fuckin’ read the entire Bible?
And after reading the Bible, how many people on Earth really think that there’s a Moral of the Story at the end of it.
I’m sure we all can conclude that the Bible doesn’t give us a single fucking clue on how we’re supposed to survive here on Earth. It, truly, means NOTHING to the majority of people here on Earth. Because we have no context to the stories of the Bible in today’s modern world. And why? Well, because over the years, all of the names of things have changed!
All of the names of things have changed. Yes, all of our history books are biased. When you make history, the narrative depends on WHO is telling the story. And if you leave it up to any one of us sinful humans who are slaves to the temptations of the world, well, of course we’re going to write it in such a way so that we don’t look like the fuckin’ bad guy!
So, what now. What kind of wisdom will come out of this message that this woman wanted me to tell to the world in order that we can be saved before Earth’s ultimate demise which, if she, a mere human is correct, will occur in about 6-7 years.
Well, it is a story of a theory she has about God and why in the time of Moses there were 10 commandments, but when God sent His Only Son, Jesus to be His ambassador on Earth, to live as a Human being to preach to His people. Jesus whittled down the 10 Commandments to just two.
Our protagonist in this story was 30 years old, when she was Involuntarily taken to Fairfax Hospital in handcuffs from her father’s house. There was no kicking and screaming, but her father and the rest of her family really didn’t know what to make of her. She had 2 young children who her husband decided were safer living with his mother then staying at home in his wife’s care. And her husband had found it very difficult to force her to go to sleep at night so that he could have a good night’s rest as well.
After 1 week, she refused to be medicated and the Hospital had to release her well, because, she wasn’t receiving any treatment, so they had no reason to keep her there and she went back home, free.
Conditions at home were not making any progress, our protagonist was praying all the time, giving all her money to the church and being highly argumentative any time someone told her that she was sick and needed medication. But what made her family most concerned was that she would engage in risky behaviors
Risky behaviors! Well, yeah, there’s lot’s of SIN to be found in those.
There’s unprotected sex, group sex, sharing needles, smoking weed while driving, eating mushrooms while parenting, going on drinking binges that last for 4 days, spending all your money on lavish vacations and expensive things! Her family has every right to be concerned if she was engaging in risky behaviors!
So, what risky behavior was it?
Well, she was alone, as her children had been removed from her care and she saw 2 men walking along Fairfax County Parkway. She pulled over and asked them if they needed a ride and they were surprised and happy to get one, so they both got in.
She then took them back to her house, turned on some music…
(Heckler: Yeah! Tell Us! Menage a Trois?!)
And she cooked them a warm homemade lunch.
These two hispanic men did have a look around the house and noticed the statue of Mary in her living room and the picture of fake Jesus prominently displayed on top of entertainment center. They figured this woman may be okay, I mean the food was decent. But then she took a knife and cleaned an apple for them. That is, she prepared an apple slice free of the skin of the apple and then handed it to one of the 2 men.
And for some strange reason, it was as if the 2 men got slapped back into reality and hurriedly said thank you for the ride and left.
What is funny is that, she was just being nice!
Of course, her family thought she was endangering her life by picking up two men and taking them home so that she could make them lunch. That is odd, sure. Risky? Well, being a woman there is a certain amount of risk to confidently trust 2 strange men enough to help them out. But this act shouldn’t be one to deem her mentally ill and in need of medication.
But why do you think the two men jumped up and left after being offered an apple by this woman?
Now let us look to Genesis 3:6
“Consequently, the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was something desirable to the eyes, yes, the tree was pleasing to look at. So she began taking of its fruit and eating it. Afterward, she also gave some to her husband when he was with her, and he began eating it.”
I guess the symbolism was a little too uncanny for these two hispanic gentlemen and they had no idea what was about to happen so they bid her adieu and flew outta there as fast as bats out of hell.
Everyone knows this story, because it’s the first book of the Bible. And in the previous chapter 2 of Genesis verses 15-17 it says:
“Jehovah God took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and to take care of it. Jehovah God also gave this command to the man: ‘From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat of it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die.’”
And yeah, people are quick to blame God for putting that evil trick there in the first place! But God only had the one house rule. He’s like I made you, here’s your freakin’ paradise. Just don’t touch this. No touchy! No!
But the word, knowledge is important here. It is the knowledge of good and bad that God with his one rule, was protecting us from. And what do you think in this world is derived from all of this knowledge? Well, most things, but pharmacueticals
Now God didn’t hide the tree from them, he left it in plain view. Why? Because after giving us everything we ever wanted, God also glorified Himself by giving us the Free Will to choose to obey Him or to choose to disobey Him. He knew He was right from the beginning and that with just this one gift of personal freedom He would be able to show man just how omniscient and All-powerful He is.
The serpent was right in saying that the tree of knowledge will impress upon us a conscience, but “be like God,?” No, that was an outright lie. We are not, nor will we ever be on par with God.
God loved Adam so much that He didn’t even want him to become lonely. So he made Adam a companion. He made Eve, and Adam was so happy he said,
“This is at last bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, Because from man she was taken. That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh”. Genesis 2:23
So if we look at the parallels between these two stories what is the overriding theme?
Well, in terms of Adam, God gave him a woman because He was being fucking NICE! And what does Eve do? Well the bitch goes talking so to some lying snake and tricks her husband into disobeying God! She just like, hey, this apple looks good, try some of this. And Adam gets screwed!
And in terms of this 30 year old mother of 2 working from home trying to start her own business, what is the parallel? Well, the woman believes because of her knowledge of the Bible, that God is keeping her up all night telling her this fantastical, entertaining and captivating story filled with movie references, commercial jingles and His plan for how she is going to save all of His people in the last days of Tribulation. And the punchline every night is the same. And it is this:
“You’re NEVER going to F***ing BELIEVE ME!”
Her husband had taken her children from her and sent them to his mother! Talk about “Hell hath no fury, than a woman scorned!”
She knows for a fact she is NOT as Google defines her as “mentally ill” and experiencing the symptoms of what used to be called “manic depression” and what is now described as “bipolar disorder.” Because what she knows about her experience is actually described quite descriptively in numerous occasions in the Bible as “being filled with the Holy Spirit.”
And while her husband her entire family and all of her in-laws rebuke her and say that SHE needs to go to the hospital, she f***ing lashes out by speaking so quickly and with such conviction on why she is right and they are wrong, that what NIH defines as being manic or experiencing mania is actually a human being at one point in time
“being filled with Holy Spirit.” By the grace of God through repentance, studying the Bible, and sincerely praying the Our Father, every human being is being called to follow the 1st commandment and upon making that commitment you are given the supreme authority to deliver unto the unrighteous the “wrath of God.”
And how is that described in the Bible, well, it’s a fiery, flaming tongue, of course!
So, in the case of her husband, her sister, her mother-in-law and anyone from that point going forward who tries to dissuade her from her beliefs she will talk circles around you until you turn tail and run out of the room because you are afraid!
According to societal understandings of why you should commit or detain someone due to mental health concerns are on the grounds of possibly being a “danger to oneself or others.” However, having the ability to be able to cause fear and avoidance from someone that is scolding you is not actually going to hurt you. And, as she was given the opening by Dr. Jordan Peterson on Twitter she explains:
To perpetuate lies and conclude there to be anything scientific about calling those who have spoken to God, mania or being manic means:
A) a persecuted bipolar individual’s symptoms leads them to be called names like “mentally ill,” “psychotic,” manic depressive”
B) you are experiencing frenzied speech as a result of using your feelings of self importance to make blathering old people, or slow-witted women feel inferior because you are talking too fast for them
C) your MO is to drug up those in society that know too much to teach them what happens when you try to “fight the power”
D) yes, your children are also being targeted by the government as evidenced by their now highly regulated/documented vaccination program
E) You wished you lived in a castle like mine as opposed to what I call a “people box” that defines hell as a math word problem in relation to an apartment complex named “Passport” in Innovation Station in Herndon Virginia
She had documented the punchline she received from God back in 2009. And it was the only one of two punchlines she remembers now having learned how to entreat God to deliver His message to her once again, now in 2023.
So, having had been forcibly removed from her private residence on her fully-paid for property of her fenced in backyard because her daughter called 911 can now, as evidenced by learning the rather abrasive quote she revealed as God’s same punchline as told to her back in 2009 is in fact:
The moral of the story, that is:
“You’re NEVER going to F***ing BELIEVE ME!”
But to dial the story back to the week of May 26-June 2nd, 2023. I can tell you about the one night that our protagonist finally got through to four of Fairfax Hospital’s psychiatric patients with her interpretation and understanding of God in a way that left them laughing uncontrollably and wanting to spend the whole night together wide awake playing cards instead of taking their meds and going to sleep. Which coincidentally also explains, why I, Dave Chappelle was chosen to tell this part of the story.
The grave injustice that she knew to be coming down the pike in the United States stemmed from the fact that a lot of her own clients were government contractors. She never really had to spend any money on her website or network very hard to get new clients, because she didn’t have a shortage of work. As an artist with little to no resources, she essentially spent 20 years of her life following what Jesus said was the 2nd Commandment, which most people on Earth choose to follow just on this karmic benefits which is “You must love your neighbor as yourself.”
Now most religions of this Earth have at least a fleeting memory, or have at least heard of a rumor that God imparted to Moses, The 10 Commandments. Statistically speaking, how many people living on Earth in the year 2023 know by heart what all 10 of these Rules were?
Who knows? Well, we’ll have to take a poll on that one.
Of course, however, now at this point in time there are different variations of the 10 Commandments that can be found on the internet.
The Devil has been busy over the last 2000 years deleting the actual Name of God from all the Bibles. And though our protagonist knew of the Ten Commandments from attending St. James Catholic Elementary School from 1984-1989, this is not to say Catholics have the best translation. Because their list of rules is also flawed. That is because, they too, do not know what their God’s name is. Because in most of these versions of the Bible that exist today, the name Jehovah has been replaced with the name “Lord.” Which is also what Catholics call Jesus Christ, so their reasoning is there’s God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and the 3 of them = 1. Kinda like a like ordering a Meal Deal at McDonald’s. You order the #1 and you get a sandwich, fries and a drink. 3=1. I can understand the reasoning, I mean you say you want the #1 and you get 3 things, but with today’s inflation the cost of that #1 is getting exponentially more and more expensive. It is kind of evident of the fact that the Vatican, if you’ve ever been there looks expensive as (FUCK) Hell! You walk in there and are like, what kind of messed up corruption could afford a place like this? And if you’ve ever been there and have any knowledge of the Old Testament, you will know that this place exists in defiance of the 1st Commandment of the original 10 Commandments.
When Jehovah lead the Israelites into war, he’s like burn everything to the ground, because these people are worshipping the wrong gods and their idols, or carved or graven images are ubiquitous! People keep looting and keeping these old religions alive and I’m trying to rid the Earth of them so my people are not lead astray.
Now, this planet is very old. And there have been many, many gods that have ruled here on Earth. So if you aren’t going to name names, or quote actual scripture to explain yourself. You may sound suspect.
He’s like, that freakin’ Devil, I’m gonna kill him! He keeps f***ing up my shit!
You see, God spent most of the books of the Old Testament describing in 68 different occurrences how many times humans have screwed up and not listened to Him about WHAT the first commandment is and WHY it really pisses Him off when they keep falling into the same TRAP over and over again!
For example the Church of Latter Day Saints have a different numbering system, and use their own wording to interpret the commandments all by using the book of Exodus which is all written from the time of Moses. On their website, however, they don’t include the actual NAME of God on their list of commandments. Their 1st Commandment is the same as the Catholics.
1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
Neither religions name names so how are humans who don’t read the Bible supposed to know what god you mean:
However, in Exodus 20:2, the unedited quote of the First Commandment is:
“I am Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You must not have any other gods besides me.”
Well, now if we went with that moving forward, it does in fact mention the name of God, but it sounds like a bit of favoritism, don’t you think? I mean that would perpetuate war among different groups for quite some time, and it did.
However, this following reasoning comes from what our protagonist claims is derived from a comprehensive understanding of the entire Bible that uses the actual inspired Words of God quoted from a “religious” group that is adamant in saying they know that the tetragrammaton used in the original translations of the Holy Scriptures is pronounced Jehovah in English, which is a name that means, “He Causes to Become.” Hmm! Sounds about right for the name of all-powerful all-mighty heavenly being.
In Catholicism, that there was a version of the first commandment that states:
1. I AM the Lord your God, you shall not have other gods ahead of me, no idols, no graven images, you cannot serve two masters.
It turns out that there are 68 references to lawlessness in the Bible when you use the JW library Bible app. This is a result of stupid humans not being able realize that the 1st commandment is first because it is the most important. And we didn’t know how it was done. In reading the Old Testament you will find that Jehovah has spent so much effort trying to explain to humans what LAWLESSNESS is and telling them to stop worshipping the old fallen angels of this world with their idolatry that allows you to be filled with evil spirits, or in other words become possessed by demons. It's their job to prove to God that we humans are too stupid and worthless and that there is no redeeming qualities left in us to save. They get a kick out of making our lives ones of endless torture.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
“I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, Nor my praise to grave images.”
–Isaiah 42:8
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's day.
“Remember the Sabbath day to keep it sacred. You are to labor and do all your work for six days, but the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God. You must not do any work, neither you nor your son your daughter nor your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your foreign resident who is inside your settlements.”
–Exodus 20:8
Well most Christian religions had taken cues from they stemmed from in the first place, which was the Catholics (the church that St. Peter’s body was built on top of). They moved the Sabbath, or official day that is supposed to be devoted to God, to Sunday, because they wanted to convert people to this new religion but everyone at that was worshipping the Sun god, Ra. Which completely disassociates the Day of rest to the 1st dat of the week, instead of the 7th—the day that God rested.
4. Honor your father and your mother.
“Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for that is righteous. “Honor your father and your mother” is the first command with a promise: “that it may go well with you and you may remain a long time on the earth.”
–Ephesians 6:1-3
5. You shall not kill.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
All of these commandments, God summed up referencing a couple passages in –Romans 13:8-10
“Do not owe anything to anyone except to love one another; for whoever loves his fellow man has fulfilled the law. For the law code, “You must not commit adultery, you must not murder, you must not steal, you must not covet,” and whatever other commandment there is, is summed up in saying: “You must not steal, you must not covet,” and whatever other commandment there is, is summed up in this saying: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does not work evil to one’s neighbor; therefore, love is the law’s fulfillment.
But in terms of #8
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
–Matthew 19:18
–Mark 10:19
–Luke 18:20
This one, I would like to point out, is mentioned 3 times by followers of Jesus. That is, don’t accuse someone of something they didn’t do. Or, what is more pertinent to the relative perversion of the times we are living in, is that most of the information that governs our thinking is fed to us through an algorithm. Google is on the way down, because people are getting fed up with the corruption flooding the system.
The mere idea that they think they can send people social security checks when they keep laying off the workers hired to cut those checks. And really, how are you gonna write a check when your bank balance is at negative –$33 TRILLION?
God did tell us not to trust that "Tree of Knowledge," and don't you think He was right? The Devil said we'd know the difference between good and evil. But he lied when he said we'd be "like God." Because with our selfish reasonings we can twist and manipulate any justification for what we want to say. But do we feel repentant? Like we are lying to ourselves?
The woman who wrote this would instruct her kids that they have to learn to think for themselves. Because the laws of this land are so screwed up and the truth is so hidden, you can’t rely on some government to tell you what is wrong and what is right, because the law doesn’t even uphold justice. It is just meant to hide corruption.
When she came up with the idea to cash out her Roth IRA investments and take a $25,000 penalty fee to pay off the house. She still thinks it was the best move ever. She felt the end times were near because her children would have to prescribe to Disney Rennervations van life cause it makes no sense at all to pay $2,000/month for a 630 square foot apartment.
And in reading the Old Testament you will find that Jehovah has spent so much effort trying to explain to humans what LAWLESSNESS is (68 references just for that one definition) just to allude to them the various ways they are falling prey to the the devil that is in charge of it. Jehovah wants us to stop worshipping the old fallen angels of this world with their idolatry. Because it allows you to be filled with evil spirits, or in other words become possessed by demons.
The fallen angels were cast down here and are ready to prove to God that we humans are too stupid and worthless and that there is no redeeming qualities left in us to save. They get a kick out of making our lives ones of endless torture.
Jehovah commands, "You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your whole mind." Matthew 22:37
One night, at the mental institution, MJ wanted to share her understanding of how forgiving and all-knowing God was in reducing His 10 commandments down to 2. If you examine the 10 commandments, the first 3 are all about God and how to show your love and devotion to God. So God in effect did away with commandments 2 and 3 and just created 1 overarching commandment, which was #1 for Himself. And I think that this is case, because since the Devil had actually removed God’s actual name from the Bible so many times, that people didn’t even know what it was. He was so amused that people on earth were actually using the phrase, “GOD DAMMIT!” as a punchline for their jokes. Now are they really taking God’s name in vain? Well in this understand of why God did that was because God was amused. Because in this particular usage, humans were inadvertently praising God in heaven by telling Him to Damn the ruler of this world because everything was so fucking screwed up. I think He was pretty amused.
This finding transformed a table of bitter unlawfully detained humans, most of which may at some point in time have been possessed by demons, in the mental institution to espouse on such a happy and elated tirade of subsequent jokes, that MJ was unable to regain control of the conversation for the rest of the night. They were so excited to have each other’s companionship that they all started scheming on how to get the guards to bring them coffee so that they could stay up all night together. MJ was tired, and her father did bring her cards, so she brought them for the group and retired to her room to go to bed.
And now they were going to obey the 2nd commandment and learn fo appreciate one another and fellow human beings in Christ.
But who is Jesus Christ then, if not God.
Jesus Christ was God’s Son who tried to Illustrate what the Word made flesh was.
The moment MJ realized she could get off the Geodon, she then proceeded to remove from her life her 4 other addictions. The marijuana (which was easy at that time, but not in order to pass a drug test to get a government security clearance!), Liquor (her drink was in fact “The Devil’s water” Scotch, then Cigarettes, which she just recently got rehooked to because it was the only thing she had to show compassion for herself. It was the main driver in her exclaiming “FUCK THIS LIFE!” And it had helped her deal with her bitterness. But it did not help her to show love for herself, or her temple. And the idea is that you are ready to receive God’s word, if you make your body a help vessel, or a temple, that once you receive it you will not be corrupted by the evil things of this world to distort God’s message or divert glory away from the true Almighty being that is about to turn you into a super power.
She remembers being jolted awake by two words spoken to her in her mother’s voice, it was “Quit Smoking.”
For usually being a very impatient person, she took her GOD DAMN sweet time in order to quite this last addiction. Again, it was the only bit of compassion she had left to show herself. A 5 minute break. At that point in her life, when her son and daughter have been indescribably changed by the evils of society. Her son, tortured from birth at the whims of these maniacally doctors and her daughter convinced she wanted to be viewed as a androgynous, or a dude, so that she wouldn’t feel like a sexual target. She reasoned, it is absolutely FINE if God let her die from a heart attack from smoking. Because her original mission had failed miserably. Her husband messed with HER bank accounts! He WAS a fucking Slave owner in his mind. He couldn’t let her have some time off. The house was fucking paid off BECAUSE OF HER!
So she made a deal with God, that she’d quit, again, if he’d help her to make this website job she was working on fucking perfect. And, as usual, she had to learn how to do everything all by herself. The one moment when she had just had enough and exclaimed, “GOD WHY WON’T YOU FUCKING HELP ME!” Her phone rang and her meeting that was supposed to take place in 20 minutes was cancelled.
But she did it. Never got paid for that job either, but she did quit smoking. And then, all that was left was fasting.
The story of Jesus who fasted 40 days and 40 nights in the desert before he was tempted bu the devil, is a good one. But the most important scripture to take away from it is this “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every Word that comes from the mouth of GOD.”
Once you purify yourself of all of the things you are attached to in this world, then that mustard seed size grain of faith WILL enable you to achieve any goal that glorifies the Father in Heaven. And she didn’t have to fast for 40 days, maybe 2 or three, when she wanted to stay committed, but the sleeplessness was too much. But then they came to her. The rant taking place in her head that she wanted to write down
[HarvardZ Dangerous to Schmarvard}
It is the fasting that triggers your break from the hold this world has unto you. But if you are to do it you need a stable, supportive, base. People ready to serve you “YOUR DAILY BREAD” Because when GOD calls you and you start serving Him, you will need His permission to sleep so much so that you will understand how the Word Made Flesh exists. Without sleep, your flesh wastes away and without food, water, so to does your blood. You need a support team to keep you alive and fill your tummy with food so that you will have the ability to sleep when the time comes. Plus, you’ll feel pretty conflicted if God is downloading his thoughts for you to transcribe and your husband or wife interrupts you and tells you to come to bed. You cannot serve two masters, especially if one of them is Jehovah. And your support team needs to be there for you and aware of your intentions.
So, the first sleepless week, her husband was losing it because she wasn’t sleeping. He preferred her medicated so as not to make HIS life a living hell like last time. The frustrations were scaring the kids as he threatened divorce. The kids, already having had been medicated for years at this time. Agreed with their father. And though MJ tried to make him understand the reading at her wedding, she knew it wouldn’t take much to throw her back in the mental hospital. Every time they talked about it, MJ delivered unto her husband the wrath of God until he just stopped being at home. Because he was fucking scared of her. She pleaded with her MIL. Asked her to read some things she wrote, Asked her to discern for herself: was MJ “mentally ill/challenged” or was she a freakin’ GENIUS! Well, when her mother in law jumped to her son’s conclusion that she needed to take her medicine. “Because MJ was talking to fast for her.” MJ then delivered unto her the wrath of GOD until Nita escaped to inside her kitchen. She flees! MJ was not done with this contemptible deceitful woman who she entreated to help SAVE her marriage, so inside the house amid all of the listening devices she whipped out the short story of how she thinks her mom died.
[If mom was alive]
Once you are filled with the Holy Spirit and you are met with opposition that refuses to acknowledge your logical explanation, then you have the right to deliver unto them the Wrath of God, or serve them with your rebuke and chastisement using your ‘flaming tongue’ to bring them to their senses. However, in most cases the subject feels the strong desire to flee from this punishment and make a run for the exit.
This is what happened to her sister when she visited on Friday, May 26. This sister had said 2 rosaries for MJ before she got there, and right before MJ knew what was about to happen, she scrambles inside to scribble a note to her daughter “You already wrote your book. It is in your journals.”
And them someone dialed 911.
MJ thought it was her sister, and that when her daughter was present a little later on and had her phone in front of her, MJ thought her dutiful daughter was recording. But it was her daughter that called 911 because her Tita was screaming at the top of her voice for all her neighbors to hear that MJ was off her medicine and needed to go to the hospital.
That's when MJ knew that this, too, was God's will. And she knew she'd have to go INVOLUNTARILY.
And though MJ had stayed up all night for days in order to neatly write out the 1st three pages of a script she wrote for Tucker Carlson about her story from 2008, her whole family (except for her son Nicco) all but refused to read it as some kind of evidence that she wasn’t crazy.
But MJ knew what kind of work goes into writing a script. In her mind, she did all the work, AND she was quoting a True and Irrefutable source, because her YouTube Celebrity heroes were all about searching for truth. She thought they’d appreciate it. She did ALL the motherfuckin’ work. Would we read her scripts just because she was a fan and purported to have had spoken to and will be devoting her life to do the will of Jehovah?
#Proverbs30 #SoldiersofTruth #CreativeInspiration #Humansarestupid #WhyJesusSaidThereWereOnlyTwoCommandments #StorybyMJ #BibleTeachingsofBeIntrigued #TheAlmightyJehovah #WrathofGod #WhenTheVoiceInYourHeadIsReallyGod #bipolardisorderUNLEASHED #TheTruthaboutManicDepression #aNonChatGPTProduct
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