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Own Your House? | Usurping Real Estate Using Liens

Writer's picture: Mj CincottaMj Cincotta

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

Truth revealed in Real Estate License Certification Exam Are you listed as a grantor on your deed? See what may be the latest money-making scheme on liens on your home. You may need a real estate attorney AND a Will.

If you have former bank members listed as the trustees of your property when you receive your deed from the bank, be sure to have a Real Estate Attorney redraft your deed after your loan has been paid off. Most legal documents have expiration dates and, according to mine, Mr Anthony E. Barrett III's commission runs out on January 31, 2024 for mine. So that is the due date for the completion of this task.

Ezekiel 45:9

9 “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘You have gone far enough, chieftains of Israel!’

“‘Put an end to your violence and oppression, and do what is just and righteous.+ Stop seizing the property of my people,’+ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.

If you have paid off your house, but have names of bankers designated as the trustees of your property on your deed, then you'll need a lawyer to die in order to leave said property to your kin.

You may be able to file the process yourself in certain states, but I believe you want a piece of paper that lists YOU as the Trustee so there’s is NO confusion over grantor, grantees and tenants.

If bankers are named as your trustees on your deed, then there may be confusion after you die that may lead the property to go into probate once your Will comes to light.

After visiting Fairfax County's Circuit Court building, the clerk told me: "the house is yours if you're alive, but when you die your deed will have to be updated by a real estate attorney beforehand to name yourself as a trustee in order to leave the property to your children, etc..."

I received the deed to my house at the courthouse back in June of 2023. I'm still listed as the Grantor after they stapled it to my letter from the bank saying it was paid off. But you need a new piece of paper that is dated from the county/state you are living in that may have to be notarized listing YOU as the trustee.

Now a Will alone won't enable you to leave your house to your children. It appears you need a real estate lawyer to make YOU a trustee before you die AND a WILL, otherwise the people (the bank) named as Trustees on your Deed ultimately have the final say. So remember, you'll need a lawyer AND a Will in order to die these days and leave your house to your kids.

When a Will and a Deed Conflict:

Must be why I had so many spam calls for death insurance.

I believe this latest scam attacks people, I would conjecture the elderly, who have paid off their home but may not yet have gone through the process of naming themselves as trustees on their home's deed. I was trying to find the YouTube short of the video I saw of someone bearing witness to congress about the banking tax lien scandals goin on. But after a search, the targeted ad popped up ("well, look what we have here") and took screen captures:

So the banks are screwing you while you pay interest on your loan, if you're still paying for your home, and then the state along with the banks screw your children after you die after your home is paid off by stealing the inheritance of your beneficiaries.

I would advise all homeowners to pay off their house and get named as a trustee on your home deed. Speed up the process by paying (1) extra principal payment (mortgage payment to principal) for the year. Or take a penalty on your Roth IRA and clear the loan for early retirement.

June 15 Tweet

As I unstapled my previous deeds and made photocopies at the Library (I got a TSA warning on the credit card reader LOL!) I discovered Slavery still exists in Virginia.

Evidence regarding original notarized State of Virginia County of Fairfax certification on September 29, 2005 by Notary Public Curtis Wayne Morgan.

I thought I might get my real estate license to pursue an idea of persuading rich billionaires to give up one of their many mansions toward philantropy to allow the now homeless populations to live as God intended, off the land, in a commune of living by the work of our hands.

Video I created in 2020 during Coronavirus:

I bought the course and found the wording of the content to amen itself to usurping people's houses if not named as a trustee of their deeds. And that the test was quite biased.

So my home, apparently is only personal property—a chattel. Though by their study course is movable. I'M movable, but I you cannot move my land. (Unless your record number on your land report doesn't even look like a real code like mine does....)

My Fairfax Land Records Cover Sheet

My Tax Map Number looks like it's missing stuff. I dunno, like numbers or letters....?!

Check out the test question options which read something like "Which of the following is a physical characteristic of land description:"

I chose area preference. The "correct" answer according to this test was indestructibility.

Indestructibility, huh? What, they've never heard of sinkholes? They go over ACTS OF GOD, which real estate agents or brokers have no control over (of course), nor can they be responsible for. But a devalued property due to its lack of natural resources below the soil?

In a cartoon quiz they illustrate that they can drain the oil or gas right out from under your house without you even know it, they just need to ask a neighbor of yours to sell out if you don't first...

And then we can move onto air rights. Yes, there's planes flying in the sky, but only the government has the right to use it. Can you believe you have to PURCHASE the right to the air above your house? That's a lot of square footage, I wonder who can afford it?

The real estate Unit 2 test question on the government regulations that made evident to me that you do not own the air above your house already, but in their Key Point Review it states: "Real estate includes the land as well as all things permanently attached or annexed to the land, both by nature and by humans."

Here's the test question I got wrong. Real estate SHOULD include annual crops.

The ploy is that there have been so many more government regulations added tot he licensing of real estate agents that you won't have time to complete the 50 some quiz on the new real estate laws passed, nor the 31 Unit Tests to take the exam in 60 hours, much less READ the 31 Units in that time.

There's so much government regulatory bulls@#! in the course that there are two chapters on Transfer of Title. The first is Chapter 6, so of course, we need to look at the Chapter 28 version which no one would ever get to read because this source vs deadline to ingest is like the Obamacare Bill back in 2009.

It includes these words in the Key Point Review:

"Title to property can be established through adverse possession (similar to an easement by prescription). It is necessary to show actual, hostile, exclusive, visible, and continuous possession of the property for 15 years."

Hmmm, sounds like what they are doing to me....

How many others are being saddled with so many medical expenses, and legal woes that they go broke, turn into slaves for their time spent working, or become homeless.

Can I get a #MeToo from the crowd?

Here's a back and forth between me and Elon Musk on a quiz question that I got wrong on Unit 1 (above) because it differed with my political beliefs. Here was the question:

Demographics, according to the test creators, means RACE and "Fair Housing."

Or from Unit 18:

"The federal Fair Housing Act is Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, and prohibits discrimination in housing based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. The Fair Housing Act does not prohibit discrimination based solely on a person's citizenship status. Illegal activities include steering, blockbusting, and redlining."

The term "Fair Housing" should relate to what the market can afford, not which neighborhoods the federal, state or county governments would like to vacate for higher paying renters.

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