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Proof that Government Lies Perpetuate Hell on Earth

Writer's picture: Mj CincottaMj Cincotta

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

Email sent on June 8, 2023

Hi Dad,

I should have brought a voice recorder, because Dr. Balraj Dhillon said:

"Mary Jeanne Cincotta is of sound mind at this present time. She poses no danger to herself or others."

I also obtained his last recorded notes of my visit with him in January of this year (2023) where I returned to him the slip he wrote for Xanax, that I didn't fill or use.

I cannot discern here if he included his written notes regarding the Tardive dyskinesia side effects I now have. But, we did come to an agreement that we agreed that I would be discontinuing with using prescribed medication.

His note states that as long as I do not have an emergency within 6 months time that requires me calling 911, he will consider my case terminated.

Note: He said if I don't have any emergency.

On May 26, 2023, "Monty" had an emergency because Tita was screaming at the top of her voice in my backyard to all of our neighbors that I needed to sleep and I am having a health emergency and I have to go to the hospital."

Looks like the loudest voices (the kind "Monty" preferred pronoun "They") could hear through the windows: WON.

"Monty" called 911.

I got the scoop from her this morning after she returned from the All Night Grad party.

Initially 3 cops showed up.

Only as I tried to make my way INTO my house, did officer CARROLL forcibly handcuff me and cause a cut to my head. He said he needed me to go to the ambulance because of the cut on my head. I said I had Neosporin and a bandaid inside. Then the 3 cops tried to haul me off, but they could not. And I refused to sit up to make it any easier for them. I laid on my back with my handcuffs behind me, laying on top of it and spoke to the lady cop as much as I could about the 1st Commandment. Though, I complained profusely about how much the handcuff on my right hand hurt, and asked the woman Officer Davis (who Angelina spoke with at the All Night Grad) to bring the officer with the key to stand in front of me, so I could talk to him. She couldn't. Then the other cars arrived.

In total, there were 4 cop cars outside my house. Followed by 1 ambulance and 1 fire truck.

Many cops were standing around, but Angelina said the cops were not the ones to lift me up, it was the Firemen and EMTs (Total=6) that hoisted me up into the air grabbing me by the back of my arms and threw me in the back of the ambulance in handcuffs.

I spent the rest of the day talking to EVERYONE, and especially Officer Carroll, I even asked him to visit Aunt Juliet and Ron Cimino at 326 Maryland Ave, NE, Washington, DC to tell them about everything I did that day.

When I got to read my TDO #1, you don't know WHO is accusing you, or WHO made the call.

I received the order AFTER I was given my hospital bed. AFTER my body was screened for bruises and given a 360 XRAY.

But Office Carroll, according to the TDO is only able to protect himself, not me. And he is the one wearing the camera.

Also, I submitted urine for a drug test so they could see what drugs I was on. I knew that I was not on ANY. They never sent that sample to the lab. It was still set on the counter in the ER room as I was taken to a new location.

Angelina gave the EMT access to the drugs that were prescribed to me in the safe. Apparently the combination of the drugs in my possession look rather damning for the doctors. But I was not taking those, so they were not in my system. Not that they had any interest in procuring that evidence on my behalf.

While in the ER, I was very thirsty. My feet were already cramping from the ambulance ride and I thought I was dehydrated. This woman who called herself a doctor said she wanted to get a blood test to determine if I was dehydrated. I told her you can tell if I'm dehydrated by the color of my pee. She was appalled that I was refuting her expert label on her badge I guess and I said, yeah, I told her that "if she thinks I need blood work to determine if I'm dehydrated then she is unqualified to be my doctor. NEXT!"

So the "kind" officer Carroll, at my urging filled a cup with the tap water from the sink in the ER room for me to drink. They did attempt to draw my blood, but none came out. (DUH!) I was dehydrated. According to the EMT, they are not allowed to give you water until you have a test done.

Officer Carroll continued to get me water until his shift ended. Eventually, after I was no longer dehydrated, the cuffs were removed. And I let the next officer in charge of me know whenever I needed to pee. My urine went from orange to yellow, so I was no longer dehydrated.

But I was peeing very frequently. And at some point during that time, I was given a sandwich to eat.

So the 2nd shift officer and the nurse asked me again to take the blood test. And I agreed.

The bloodwork showed I had a UTI.

They gave me 1 Antibiotic pill the ENTIRE time I was. in the hospital. However, I was sent home (1 week later) with the rest of the prescription.

Other than that single antibiotic pill for the UTI, the only other medication I endured was an injection of Haldol shot into my thigh while 4 officers held me down as I was handcuffed to the bed.

At my hearing, which due to the Memorial Day holiday was a 4 day stay, instead of a 72 hour stay, my lawyer visited me for 5 minutes the day before the trial. I asked if it would be recorded. She said to mention that at the beginning of the trial.

So I did. And as Jarrett and Angela testified against me, I had to be quiet and just make facial expressions of my reactions to their words. And when it appeared as though they had NO intention of letting me say anything, I showed the camera the bruises on the underside of my arms that are nearly impossible for you to see unless you have access to a mirror.

Which you don't have until you are admitted and get a hospital bed.

So my trial for TDO#1 was dismissed on Tuesday, May 30, 2023. At the very end of the trial, I quickly told Jarrett that he needed to come and pick me up. He was the one I assigned the release of my medical records to.

Upon requesting my nurse, Kuyik, that I needed the copy of my Court Order to be dismissed and my discharge papers to be procured, I was tired, as I had not slept for any length of time for over 1 week. So I fell asleep.

That evening, someone visited me and said that as I was tired and was sleeping that I could continue to rest and be released the next morning.

Which was a lie, as I determine upon waking from my nap, that the Court Order to dismiss me expires after 24 hours. And on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 as I was frantically switching over all my medical release paperwork over to you and Tommy because my HUSBAND didn’t know he was supposed to pick me up yesterday. The Fairfax County police served me with a second TDO, this time my psychiatrist was enlisting the recommendation of The Sharon Bulova Center’s Community Services Board to evaluate me to coincide with Dr. Jawad Chaudhry’s claim that I am not of sound mind and body and in fact, needed to be committed, or detained for 30 days and forced to take medicine.

It was as if my court appointed attorney Deborah Kramer never released my court order to the nurse before I fell asleep. When I called her the next morning she was in hearings all day and didn’t even know that I was slapped with a second TDO.

After my evaluation with the Community Services Board’s Scott Carter on Wednesday. I planned to write my testimony where I would dismiss my court appointed attorney and choose to defend myself. Tommy has the notebook with a portion of my prepared defense.

After sitting through the prosecution’s witness testimony given by my psychiatrist, Jawad Chaudhry, during my second trial on Friday, June 2, 2023 along with some other testimony by a twit called Bibi Ortiz.

I knew that I would not be made privy to Scott Carter’s evaluation. I had purposely called the Sharon Bulova Center’s telephone number and requested the phone number of Scott Carter, LPC and the person I spoke with said she could not divulge this information. So I did not know in advance what his evaluation of me had concluded. I only know that a piece of artwork I composed during my Group Therapy art class, which was supposed to be a card, and in my case a cue card that I would write to myself would, in the opinion of one Dr. Chaudhry, get me committed.

I had only the chance to ask one question of Twit Bibi Ortiz, and that was if she knew that there was an expiration date for my court order. She did not know.

As TDO#1 was entirely written in legal-ease and I have no access to the internet to know what these laws actually state, I did note that TDO#2 did in fact mention this 24 hour expiration.

The Virginia Code on both TDO#1 and TDO#2 mentioned Virginia Code (section) 37.2–804.2

On the vague TDO#1 entitled Explanation of Temporary Detention Procedures this line states: “Any health care provider disclosing records pursuant to Virginia Code (section) 37.2–804.2 will be immune from civil liability for any harm resulting from the disclosure, including any liability under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (42 U.S.C. (section) 1320d et seq.) as amended, unless the person of provider disclosing such records intended the harm or acted in bad faith.

On TDO#2 entitled Temporary Detention Order—Magistrate this line states:

TO ANY HEALTH CARE PROVIDER as defined in Virginia Code (section) 32.1–127.1:03, or other provider who has provided or is currently providing services to or is currently evaluating the respondent: Virginia Code (section) 37.2–804.2 requires you to disclose certain information upon request. (See Page Two, AUTHORIZATION FOR DISCLOSURE AND USE OF HEALTH INFORMATION.)

At the beginning of the trial I stated that I would like to invite my fellow persecuted humans beings to bear witness testimony on my behalf under the condition that if I was in fact declared innocent and would be released, that ALL of those I invited to be a witness to my testimony would ALSO share the same verdict and that all of them would be released under my care and would receive a temporary refuge at my house until they made further plans to restart their lives despite this very unfair and ILLEGAL seizure of their God-given right to FREE WILL.

Well, Bibi didn’t know that the court order had an expiration date.

And as I was about to begin reading from my composition book which I spent the ENTIRETY of Thursday, June 1, 2023 preparing.

The judge BODNER declared, once again, “CASE DISMISSED.”

I am VERY interested to know if you or Tommy will ever receive the medical records I released to both of you. Or any of the recorded Zoom Trials I requested of my court appointed attorney Deborah Kramer.

My “opposite of” Kuyik nurse was never able to procure the letter you had requested the Hospital write for me regarding me not being a a danger to myself or others.

But as there was entire conference room filled with all the people I needed to sign the letter you requested I prepared 2 copies ready for (al least) Dr Chaudhry’s signature. He was also accompanied most frequently by a gentleman named Dr. Samuel Schiavone who seemed rather amused.

I will post all of these now certifiable works of art on this blog post.

Be Intrigued Original and Authenticated Works of Art

(1)The original “Certificate Declaring that Bearing False Witness #8, From God’s Original 10 Commandments is Okay on Earth”

Proof that The Devil is the Ruler of the World, and the present system of things.

Dated: Memorial Day Weekend, 2023

Colored pencil on draft paper.

Valued at $33 Trillion

(2)The authenticated copy of this certificate evidencing the interior of the personalized card, the son of the Magistrate, Aaron Ward, gave to me (on the back) along with my reasoning that:

“We do better work for our job than we do our family because the pay is better. But when I say I designed my life so that I could be with my kids and work from home, I actually made less time for myself.”

–Proof that Hell is Right Here on Earth

And that I in effect am currently working 50 hours/week and cannot physically make the desired salary I thought was possible for me this year with the number of clients I manage = $65,000

Dated: Memorial Day Weekend, 2023

Hospital safety pen on paper

Valued at $2 BILLION

MJ Cincotta’s “US Federal Government Department of Defense Contracts” including fines for breach of contract (presented to and unsigned by accuser, Dr. Chaudhry)

Dated: June 2, 2023

(3) Version 1: Dated June 2, 2023, on letterhead provided by IFMC.

Hospital safety pen on IBM Letterhead

Artwork valued at $500 BILLION

(4) Version 2: Undated but authenticated by the artist herself regarding calling Mary Jeanne Cincotta in any way shape or form “mentally ill” when in fact she is delivering unto accuser the Wrath of God.

Hospital safety pen on IBM Letterhead

Artwork valued at $500 BILLION

(Prices are sarcastic, of course)

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