Taking cues from your environment
And curious thought processes
They’ve ruined my attempts at growing cabbage for years.
They love eating it, they lay eggs in it and they provide for all of their (most unadorable) baby slugs, to decimate your chances of harvest.
I’ve learned where to plant the cabbage now. (Raised Containers above water reservoir.)

(Spring 2023 harvest)
But not how to unsee all the remaining slugs that sometimes appear in my field of view.
My husband and I bought marble pool deck pieces to redo a walkway. We put them on a palate near the work area outside.
Where it sat for months.
And might have sat for all summer…
But when I moved him out of the house, and packed a uHaul of all of his things, labeled and sorted, I just had yet to give him the HALF of all my food and groceries, down to the coffee and olive oil, (when I was rudely interrupted) after I loaded the 19 slabs of marble into the uHaul.
Guess how many slugs I found in that marble stack?
(Like The Count in Sesame Street) “HA-HA-HA!”
I texted my husband and told him to get ____ to pay for the Herndon Labor Crew outside the (then) infamous spot of gang rape murderers. (https://www.beintrigued.com/post/how-plumbers-can-help-with-generational-curses-1) The spot that I don’t believe is now…and tell me how many men it took to unload the uHaul.
I told him it was riding low. (Laugh emoji)
Because as we shared a common movie, and love of Marky Mark, I quoted The Italian Job:
And sent him the video for Low Rider.
Taking cues from the environment was an entertainment for the mind, perhaps.
Would the palette of marble have sat there for 9 months had I not made a move? Or
I wonder…did I do the work of 9 men just now?
Who knows, really? It was only an expenditure of energy that I did cheerily (or subconsciously vindictively) that produced the desired result.
My husband ALSO unloaded the whole thing, by himself. But this time he stuck that stack of marble out of sight.
But I still see slugs. Not only as a metaphor for time, but also if I’m taking too many breaks.
When I let a homeless chef sleep on my couch. He perhaps just vindictively placed slugs all around the house. Because I declined his advances? Perhaps.
Even left slug trails like on my CD player speaker and under the ottoman.
It made me think:
A) He’s telling me I need to clean the house better.
B) I needed to clean house (and get that ______ motherfucker out of here.)
C) Or that I was procrastinating about something and getting too distracted.
I don’t see slugs trying to get through my sliding door anymore.
But my husband just cleaned off my back patio of two bodies that were accidentally stepped on. Disgusting, but a good sign.
If Jehovah can have ultimate control over your environment to guide you to His Will when you ask Him to, whose to say he hasn’t programmed the slugs?
Isaiah 40:28-31
28 Do you not know? Have you not heard?
Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth, is a God for all eternity.+
He never tires out or grows weary.+
29 He gives power to the tired one
30 Boys will tire out and grow weary,
And young men will stumble and fall,
31 But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power.
They will soar on wings like eagles.+
They will run and not grow weary;
They will walk and not tire out.”+
I see eagles circling overhead when I take my breaks these days. Or, they are flying southwest.
(More details: https://www.beintrigued.com/post/copy-of-i-had-a-conversation-with-jehovah-s-creation-today)
I just went outside after adding to this blog and I couldn’t find a single slug to take a picture of for his blog!
Luke 12:32-34
32 “Have no fear, little flock,+ for your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom.+ 33 Sell your belongings and give gifts of mercy.*+ Make money pouches that do not wear out, a never-failing treasure in the heavens,+ where no thief gets near and no moth consumes. 34 For where your treasure is, there your hearts will be also.
(Laugh and smile emoji) I guess there’s a saying that also goes, “There’s no flies on me.”