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  • Writer's pictureMj Cincotta

The Success of Worldwide Child Trafficking via U.S. Customs and Border Patrol

How to Catch a Smuggler of the World's "Most Expensive" Commodity

Do you know where your children are?
Containers of the World's "Most Expensive" Commodity


I was falling asleep one night when I believe Jehovah called me to write something. As I was typing, I fell asleep. And when I woke up, again, it looked like I was sleep typing. But in between the lines of gibberish were the words NEXUS and what looked to say affidavit. Now of course I believed it was a real message from God, because I was asleep. But now I know if could’ve easily been a government whistleblower giving me a clue. Sometimes my text as I’m writing gets edited or lines get deleted. Once time someone even wrote “psych” as I was typing. (Cute)

This time a google search turned up this document on NEXUS, (pink because my printer likes to pretend it’s out of ink every time I print a valuable document.) It was just a random text file them....

I don’t want to expose anyone that I met from Fairfax Hospital, but child/human trafficking may be the United States BIGGEST industry, run by the elitists that love to laugh about parents trying to years to find out what happened to their children.

The fucking public school sorts our children, don’t they?

And pedos all sit back and watch it happen. Because they keep information from us poor, mixed breed types so that they can steal our children from us.

Our Sunday dinner, where hard-working Republicans are scoffed at and told to “finish our plates,” “shut the fuck up,” and “take our medicine” religion and politics are NOT welcome discussions. I might just start delivering unto them the wrath of God, and they can’t fucking stand to admit that THEY are the shit I accidentally step in when irresponsible dog owners don’t pick up after their “children.”

There was a funny story they like to relate about my husband, who liked to check out all of the bathrooms at the different restaurants around the world that they’d like to frequent. One evening out, the whole restaurant could hear him singing a song that brought much joy to all who heard.

My marriage is a story of falling in love with a man who was (I conjecture) told to murder his natural-born father because his aunt married a man of mixed race.

In snooping around for his birth certificate there was only this stupid wooden piece of artwork the cunt commissioned and hung in her bathroom. Imagine a piece of art to falsify a live birth! They don't make birth certificates like THAT anymore! Here's what happened to his passport:

I'll post the kind of "care" my mother-in-law provided said husband. See for yourself! He might as well be a dog whose owner is at work all day, or a great ape:

But my kids are mixed race! It's a nature vs nurture story. I converted a man raised to be a Democrat racist serial killer, and out of more immediate fear when he'd rather divorce me if I refused to take medication—fell in love with an Anti-Christ!

I know what those shit-for-brains made him do. They think they can convince my “clever” child to follow in his footsteps.

This is what I wrested away from my 5'10" husband yesterday, as he was collecting pair of large knives (that didn't know existed) under our bed.

And, my son has always been generous with his friends with his money, but also had a pretty insatiable appetite for newer and more expensive bikes:

My son has been practicing archery for years, BTW.

I wonder how much someone will pay for my daughter?

Fucking Ronald McDonald characters—not to be harsh to a corporation whose French Fries are probably the best in the biz that the poor can afford, but metaphorically speaking, I've always been afraid of clowns. Kind of like my mom told me to be afraid of a man with a van full of cute puppies, or in-laws that take your kids away from you because "they can show them a 'better' life" than their poor immigrant mother who agonized over not spending every minute with her kids when they were awake.

The three Pittsburgh/Washington DC/Wisconsin witches took down their Facebook post after MY comment:

It was only because "Elon Musk" told me I needed to clean which led me to going over the whole house in search of missing evidence.

Long story short, my husband had the wherewithal, but not the will:

Turns out, this low-paid graphic designer was more loving and generous to a man who hated her than his low-life parents:

I found these, that may have belonged to previous victims:

Here's what being subjected to vaccination experimentation can get you from child sex traffickers (not to mention: asthma, lifelong depression, scoliosis—that is 3+ years of wearing a brace—an arachnoid cyst that impairs vision in your left eye—that is, 5 years of wearing an eye patch when you're a toddler—fallen ankles, knocked-knees....hmmmm am I missing anything? Oh yeah—being forced to watch NYC musicals!


And if you're a girl, a constant supply of cheap cuddly stuffed animals:

I guess when PETA or dog lovers, or animal activists got so mad about too many puppies being born to just be slaughtered, the lures for children with nothing got a lot fuckin' cheaper!

These are the stuffed animals my super-sleuth daughter requested:

Oh, and for my son, if you've purchased any of my reconstructed LEGO sets of Facebook marketplace, Juliet Cimino and Ronald Cimino most likely paid a fortune for those!

Here's where they live if you'd like to look for my missing ceramics, paintings or sketches: 326 Maryland Ave, NE, Washington, DC 20002.

Hey, Dave Johnson! "Hood ornament" here. Guess what? You're fucking adopted, too!

Hey Auntie! And thanks for all the fuckin' fake shit! Like my life wasn't cluttered up enough by all your "fucking generosity." $40 + tax, the fucking story of my life:

Or they could be at my mother-in-laws address, since when I first set up my business in Virginia, you needed an alternate one (for your slave-master) Ahem, "registered agent" : 8915 Kenilworth Dr. Burke, VA 22015.

But if they are all hiding out at the "Vaccinated-members only club" in Plum, PA, then the address is: 220 Kaelin Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15239.

When I worked for Bobo Rogers of Chesapeake Digital Solutions, he had old relations with an organization called Community Business Partnership (CBP). Yeah, they wanted me to host a free webinar (free for me and free for poor child care providers) on how to make their websites. One thing I found odd is that they wanted to ensure that the daycare centers did NOT display their location. That little detail seemed a pretty important one to leave out. But not if their prized commodity are the children they are selling into sex slavery for sick pedophiles.

Now my mother-in-law is the biggest cunt of them all. See this old bag? It really gets around.

This is the kind of ideology the LEFT subscribes to:

Oh yeah, and CBP, folks was going to be incorporated into / was already being funded by George Mason University. After “cleaning” the house for Elon Musk, I did find some interesting connections between my husband and George Mason University, too. I wish the CIA had actually done real crime solving work, so that they could go over and apprehend REAL bad guys. But anyway, the fucking ring is RUN by the United States Government. And just like the comparison over which fucking box is the best to actually keep (they fucking call it “recycle”) to store your memorabilia for years. It’s the one that was designed for our world’s most important and most expensive resource, people.

Now they’re out in the open with this shit. The website is

They're being shipped by air, land and sea. Here’s their trade page on exporting a motor vehicle:

Exporting a Motor Vehicle

Interpretation and Application of 19 CFR Part 192.


Section 192.1 Definitions

The following are general definitions for the purposes of CFR 192.2:

• Certified. "Certified" when used with reference to copy means a document issued by an authorized government authority that includes on it a signed statement by the authority that the copy is an authentic copy of the original.

• Copy. "Copy" refers to a duplicate or photocopy of an original document. When there is any writing on the backside of an original document, a "complete copy" means that both sides of the document are copied.

• Export. "Export" refers to the transportation of merchandise out of the U.S. for the purpose of being entered into the commerce of a foreign country.

• Self-Propelled Vehicle. "Self-propelled" vehicle includes any automobile, truck, tractor, bus, motorcycle, motor home, self-propelled agricultural machinery, self-propelled construction equipment, self-propelled special use equipment, and any other self-propelled vehicle used or designed for running on land but not rail.

• Ultimate Purchaser. "Ultimate Purchaser" means the first person, other than a dealer purchasing in his capacity as a dealer, who in good faith purchases a self-propelled vehicle for purposes other than resale.

• Used. "Used" refers to any self-propelled vehicle the equitable or legal title to which has been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser.

Documentary Status

It is the responsibility of the reviewing inspector to ensure that an original certificate of title is presented as provided for in 19 CFR 192.2 (b). The certificate of title is the core requirement in the Customs export process, regardless of the vehicle's economic value, physical condition, or operating order.


Structure of the Regulations

Procedurally, all exporters or their agents who present a document to Customs are to begin at 19 CFR 192.2 (b) (1) and then progress through each subsection until the exporter arrives at the section and subsection(s) that apply to the vehicle that has been presented to Customs for export. This procedure ensures that no requirement is misinterpreted, misapplied, or circumvented by either the exporter or the reviewing Customs officer.


Section 192.2 Requirements for Exportation

An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection and a person is not required to respond to this information unless it displays a current valid OMB control number and an expiration date. The control number for this collection is 1651-0054. The estimated average time to complete this application is 10 minutes. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate you can write to U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Regulations and Rulings, 799 90 K Street, NW., Washington DC 20229.

a Basic requirements. A person attempting to export a used self-propelled vehicle shall present to Customs, at the port of exportation, both the vehicle and the required documentation describing the vehicle to include the VIN or, if the vehicle does not have a VIN, the product identification number (PIN). Exportation of a vehicle will be permitted only upon compliance with these requirements, unless the vehicle was entered into the United States under an in-bond procedure, a carnet, a Temporary Importation Bond, or under a personal exemption for non-residents who entered the vehicle for a 1-year period.

b Documentation required

1 For U.S.-titled vehicles

i Vehicles issued an original certificate of title. For used, self-propelled vehicles issued, by any jurisdiction in the United States, a Certificate of Title or a Salvage Title that remains in force, the owner must provide to Customs the original Certificate of Title or a Certified Copy of the Certificate of Title and two complete copies of the original Certificate of Title or the Certified Copy of the original.

ii Where title evidences third-party ownership/claims. If the used, self-propelled vehicle is leased or a recorded lien exists in the U.S., in addition to complying with paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, the provisional owner must provide to Customs a separate writing from the third-party-in interest which expressly provides that the subject vehicle may be exported. This writing must be on the third-party's letterhead paper and contain a complete description of the vehicle including the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), the name of the owner or lienholder of the leased vehicle, and the telephone numbers at which that owner or lienholder may be contacted and must bear an original signature of the third-party and state the date it was signed.

iii Where U.S. Government Employees are involved. If the used self-propelled vehicle is owned by a U. S. Government Employee and is being exported in conjunction with that employee's reassignment abroad pursuant to official travel orders, then, in lieu of complying with paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, the employee may be required to establish that he has complied with the sponsoring agency's internal travel department procedures for vehicle export.

2 For foreign-titled vehicles. For used, self-propelled vehicles that are registered or titled abroad, the owner must provide to Customs the original document that provides satisfactory proof of ownership (with an English translation of the text if the original language is not in English), and two complete copies of that document (and translation, if necessary).

3 For untitled vehicles

i Newly manufactured vehicles, issued a Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO). For newly manufactured, self-propelled vehicles that are purchased from a U.S. manufacturer, distributor, or dealer that become used (see section 4.1) and are issued an MSO, but not issued a certificate of title by any jurisdiction of the United States, the owner must provide to Customs at the time and place specified in this section, an original MSO and two complete copies of the original MSO.

ii Newly manufactured vehicles not issued an MSO. For newly-manufactured, self-propelled vehicles purchased from a U.S. manufacturer, distributor, or dealer that become used (see section 4.1) and not issued an MSO or a Certificate of Title by any jurisdiction of the United States, THE OWNER MUST ESTABLISH THAT THE JURISDICTION FROM WHERE THE VEHICLE COMES DOES NOT HAVE ANY OWNERSHIP DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS REGARDING SUCH VEHICLES and provide to Customs, at the time and place specified in this section, an original document that proves ownership, such as a dealer's invoice, and two complete copies of such original documentation.

iii Vehicles issued a junk or scrap certificate. For vehicles for which a junk or scrap certificate, issued by any jurisdiction of the U. S., remains in force, the owner must provide to Customs the original certificate or a certified copy of the original document and two complete copies of the original document or certified copy of the original.

iv Vehicles issued a title or certificate that is not in force or are otherwise not registered. For vehicles that were issued, by any jurisdiction of the U.S., a title or certificate that is no longer in force, or that are not required to be titled or registered, and for which an MSO was not issued, THE OWNER MUST ESTABLISH THAT THE JURISDICTION FROM WHERE THE VEHICLE COMES DOES NOT HAVE ANY OWNERSHIP DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS REGARDING SUCH VEHICLES and provide to Customs the original document that shows the basis for ownership or right of possession, such as a bill of sale, and two complete copies of that original document. Further, the owner must certify in writing to Customs that the procurement of the vehicle was a bona fide transaction, and that the vehicle presented for export is not stolen.

c When presented

1 Exportation by vessel or aircraft. For those vehicles exported by vessel or aircraft, the required documentation and the vehicle must be presented to Customs at least 72 hours prior to export.

2 Exportation at land border crossing points. For those vehicles exported by rail, highway, or under their own power.

i The required documentation must be submitted to Customs at least 72 hours prior to export; and

ii The vehicle must be presented to Customs at the time of exportation.

d Where presented. Port Directors will establish locations at which exporters must present the required documentation and the vehicles for inspection. Port Directors will publicize these locations, including their hours of operation.

e Authentication of documentation. Customs will determine the authenticity of the documents submitted. Once determined, Customs will mark the original documents. In most cases the original document(s) will be returned to the exporter. In those cases where the original title document was presented to and retained by Customs and cannot be found prior to the vehicle's export, the exporter's authenticated copy of the original documentation serves as evidence of compliance with the reporting requirements.

The general Importing and Exporting page:

Basic Importing and Exporting

Both CBP and the importing/exporting community have a shared responsibility to maximize compliance with laws and regulations. In carrying out this task, CBP encourages importers/exporters to become familiar with applicable laws and regulations and work together with the CBP Office of Trade to protect American consumers from harmful and counterfeit imports by ensuring the goods that enter the U.S. marketplace are genuine, safe, and lawfully sourced.

The information on this page promotes the understanding of this responsibility, as there may be specific requirements related to a particular commodity, such as those set by Partner Government Agencies (PGA).

Here's some screen captures of what US Customs Border Patrol, or fucking Community Business Partnership has become:

get kids for sex
How child trafficking is done

how to catch a motherfucker
patience is a virtue

a pedophiles dream
how to target the kid of your choice

getting into the sex trade database
verifying your identity

kids for sex
a business so lucrative it is worldwide

selling kids for sex is legal now
Make Easy Money

"you humans really do LOVE your money"
Get help with your new business

Revelation 16:21 "Then great hailstones, each about the weight of a talent, fell from heaven on the people, and the people blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great."
supporting government institutions

selling children into sex trafficking

2 Timothy 3
Still think 9-11 conspiracy theorists were wrong?

Acts 3:19
how to catch a motherfucker

separating the wheat from the chaff
Mark 1:15 and saying: "The appointed time has been fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God has drawn near. Repent, and have faith in the good news."

God gave you Free Will to choose to do what is right for His glory
Revelation 2: 5 "Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first. If you do not, I will come to you, and I will remove your lampshade from its place, unless you repent."

child trafficking
Revelation 3: 3 "Therefore, continue mindful of how you have received and how you heard, and go on keeping it, and repent. Certainly unless you wake up, I will come as a thief, and you will not know at all at what hour I will come upon you."

the Bible is Truth
Revelation 9:21 "And they did not repent of their murders nor of their spiritualistic practices nor of their sexual immorality nor of their thefts."

Ephesians 5:5 "For you know this, recognizing it for yourselves, that no sexually immoral person or unclean person or greedy person, which means being an idolator, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of the Christ and of God."
Ephesians 5: 3 "Let sexual immorality and every sort of uncleanness or greediness not even be mentioned among you, just as is proper for holy people; neither shameful conduct nor foolish talking nor obscene jesting—things that are no befitting—but rather the giving of thanks."

Ephesians 5:13 "For the things that are being exposed are made evident by the light, for everything that is being made evident is light."
Ephesians 5:15 "So keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, making the best use of your time, because the days are wicked."

So, the moral of the story is:

When we all take a cue from Jesus, and put our life on the line for someone else, we become as Jehovah truly intended—capable of so much more than we could possibly realize. Jesus hung out with tax collectors and sinners. Most likely to prove that we are all capable of forgiveness and doing the right thing. But Michael Jackson wrote a song about how repentance of the heart works:

Repent, and Grow a Fucking Soul, you sick motherfucking child molesters!

Michael Jackson lost his childhood because his family put him to work EARLY. Everyone can come to Jehovah for fucking forgiveness. Even the degenerate souls that think experiencing the luxuries of life mean that "you've made it" or "have been a success" in life. We ALL die.

But who will help the young and defenseless?

And for the motherfuckers that "just can't help themselves," Michael Jackson made another inspiring song for how YOU TOO can be redeemed by Jehovah. He wrote a song about it. Y'all like to hear it, here it goes:

If you don't get the metaphor, here's a clue:

Hmmmm, how does one go with the other?

I conjecture that Picasso had a micropenis, because he preferred a certain hole over the other.

Get over it! One of my new friends treated me to lunch at El Rinconcito del Sabor and I asked him to order something for me that he thought was good. He suggested the fried fish—and it was fucking delicious!

From my experiences in investigative reporting, there's a lot of lonely souls floating around the world, but they can't find any acceptable woman to date. The men I've had the pleasure of having a conversation with since leaving the hospital have all complained that women are either:

1) Only after their money, or

2) Are too drunk to consider dating

(But men have got to remember that if you find a good girl, and then get her pregnant....of course, from that period onwards, she WILL be after your money!)

Did you not remember that I said child care centers are selling kids into the sex slavery business?!!!?

When I gave a pregnant woman and her daughter a ride home from the courthouse, the young girl was the translator and I asked her in my rudimentary Spanish, "Como se dice 'nice' mujer en espanol?....Simpatica?"

The young girl and the mother conferred and the mother responded, "buena" or "bien."

Oh! A "good" girl? That's a fuckin' shame!

So, there's a shortage of "good" girls—that's why men are suffering and tend to be very lonely.

Unproven, however, worth investigating is my husband's place of employment which starts corporations for the shipping industry (lots of lawyers there I gather):

Or you could investigate this box we've had around for years, whose markings I found curious:

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